The Dawn of the New World Religion
The New Gospel
The Third Testament
As mentioned previously, the new creative impulse from the Living God can be seen through the prism of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. From this perspective, the essence of God the Holy Spirit initiates the Third Testament. The Third Testament which God now makes with humankind through the Second Coming of the Divine Masters and the manifestation of the Divine Mother is the Testament for the new Epoch of Aquarius - the Epoch of the Holy Spirit. From a cultural-historical point of view, the Old Testament, which reveals the essence of God the Father through the principle of monotheism, is connected with the Epoch of Aries. The New Testament, manifesting the mystery of God the Son, is the Teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ for the Epoch of Pisces. The Third Testament will reveal the mystery of God the Holy Spirit and will be given by the Divine Masters in their Second Coming and by the Divine Mother for the Epoch of Aquarius.
The essence of the Third Testament is the rebirth of humankind as God's people on Earth and the transformation of the whole Earth into a Garden of Paradise. The Third Testament is the fulfillment of the promises of all Divine Masters; it is the manifestation of the Divine Will which changes humankind and the whole world. The Old Testament brought the Divine Wisdom about God the Father; the New Testament manifested the Divine Love through God the Son: the Third Testament will proclaim and realise the Divine Truth. It is not by chance that Bodhisattva Amoghasiddhi who will manifest himself as Maitreya-Buddha (see Part One, p. 25), rules the karmic forces in the Universe. So, in the New Epoch, the Third Testament will reveal the Divine Truth (Will) which transforms karma into dharma and brings celestial freedom: 'Know the truth and the truth will set you free'! This Testament is a Testament for the sons and daughters of God who live under 'celestial government' ruled by the Divine Laws of Love, Wisdom and Truth.
The coming Testament for the new Epoch of Aquarius is a Teaching for human life in the reality of the Kingdom of God and its establishment on Earth. In His First Coming Jesus Christ brought the Good News about the Kingdom of God and blessed the nations of the world with the Cross of Resurrection. He compared the Kingdom of God to a precious pearl (Matthew 13:45-46) and to a mustard seed which a man grows in his field (Matthew 13: 31). Now, in His Second Coming, Christ will introduce us to the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and as we enter into this Kingdom of God, the precious pearl will become like spiritual Himalayas with magnificent summits of initiation: the mustard seed will sprout and mature into the Universal Tree which stretches through the whole vertical structure of Creation. The Third Testament will guide us in these spiritual Himalayas and will help us to grow the Universal Tree within ourselves. To fulfill this purpose, the Third Testament will provide us with a comprehensive Teaching for life in the reality of the Kingdom of God.
The Teaching of the Third Testament will be an integrative one, covering all aspects of human life in the new reality. In the Third Testament theologians will find a vast treasury of sacred words, philosophers - a profound philosophy, scientists - a living science, poets - perfect poetry and musicians - inspired music from the celestial spheres. This Teaching for the Epoch of Aquarius will bring light and knowledge to all domains of human culture and will help to open up the closed structures of human life on Earth in order to embrace the wholeness of Life in the Universe. It will be a living spring of creativity and collaboration with God.
It is very important to understand the essence of the Teaching of the Third Testament which changes the intellectual, ideological framework of the world religions into an integral Teaching about life in the Kingdom of God. In the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth the conceptions and ideologies of the existing world religions will become a living experience - we will move from intellectual reflections and occasional communions with God through the Divine Masters to a complete life in the reality of the Kingdom of God. We can compare this shift in the life of humankind with the opposite shift which occurred in the time of Plato. One of the greatest initiates and philosophers of his time, Plato translated the mythological reality of the ancient Greek mysteries into the language of philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, gnoceology and so on. In other words, he took the living practice of the mysteries, and while keeping something of their essence, presented them transformed into intellectual conceptions. It is not surprising then, that he compared the life of human beings to life at the bottom of a cave where the dazzling light of the higher world of Divine ideas comes through only as shadows.
Now humankind will move in the opposite direction: from the abstract reality of philosophy, ideology, religion, ethics, aesthetics, etc., back to the reality of living mysteries, a movement which will be initiated by the new creative impulse of God. So, if Plato translated the Greek mythology into the language of philosophy and ideology, now humankind will move from the reality of contemporary philosophy, ideology and religion to the new living mythology of the Second Coming which integrates the mysteries of all spiritual traditions. Thus, humankind will ascend from the 'bottom of the cave' to the transcendental world of Divine ideas. This is the metaphysical essence of the Third Testament.
With the ascent of human consciousness to the reality of the new living mythology, the two main streams of time - the historical, as a chain of actual events, and the mythological, as an expectancy of the return to the Kingdom of God, will merge. The myths and legends about the Second Coming will become occuring spiritual events, while the sacred books and prophecies will provide plans and scenarios for action (as we saw, for example, with The Book of Revelation). In the light of the Third Testament, the mythologies in all spiritual traditions will be activated and will introduce us to an immense field for spiritual work.
Now in the physical world human beings have to work very constructively through the socio-cultural structures in all areas of life in order to survive and maintain materially. When humanity enters into the reality of the Kingdom of God, just as it now works in the material world, it will work very constructively in the spiritual world as well. There the tasks are enormous indeed: to transform our lives, to embark on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path, to heal, purify and illuminate the Earth, to transform the earthly culture into a celestial culture, to participate in the Divine services in Heaven, and so forth. Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ said: 'The harvest is rich but the workers are few'. In the coming new Epoch of the Holy Spirit how much more true this statement could be!
Through the Third Testament humankind as a whole will be given an enormous Divine task: to transform itself, and to transform the Earth into a Garden of Paradise. Within this task each person will find his or her place and will receive virtually endless possibilities for personal fulfillment and self-realisation. Figuratively speaking, the Third Testament of God will create the most appropriate 'spiritual job' for every single human being on Earth. The constructive work on the material and spiritual levels will be organically integrated and both together will form the reality of life on Earth for human- kind. The Third Testament will open the Book of the New Apocalypse, that is the Book of the Living, which will record the transfiguration, co-creation, and Divine mediatorship of humankind. Century after century humankind will write in it the glorious pages of the creation of the new reality here on Earth.
The contemporary religions, which are now a special form of worship of God, will become an organic part of the daily life of humankind in the Kingdom of God. From this point of view, the New World Religion will not be a religion at all in the contemporary meaning of the word. It will introduce a new, celestial style of life in Divine Love, Peace, Joy, Wisdom and Truth, establishing the reality of the Kingdom of God down on Earth. Thus, the New World Religion comes not to replace the existing religions, but to fulfill their cherished spiritual goals.
The new creative Divine act which initiates the Third Testament will change the whole perception of the world. As a result of the Second Coming and the entry into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, the metaphysics of the world will be different. Naturally, our physical world will be the same but the understanding of this world will change. This change is similar to the Buddhist Enlightenment after which the physical world remains the same but the enlightened see it in a completely different way.
The Testament of the New World Religion is a Testament of humankind's resurrection and its immortal life in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. By bringing to completion the metahistorical cycle of humanity's spiritual life on Earth, initiated by the First Coming of the Masters, the New World Religion will resurrect all the 'righteous spiritual deeds' of the faithful from the various traditions throughout the centuries. In principle, we cannot complete this metahistorical cycle without contemplating the whole historical evolution of the spiritual traditions which build the various Temples in the Heavenly Jerusalem. So, when the Temples in the Holy City are revealed in their wholeness by the Second Coming of the Masters, then, by contemplating them in one single act of illumination, we are actually resurrecting the spiritual life of humankind throughout all its history on Earth.
In the new cycle of humankind's evolution in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, we will experience an organic integration of the historical past, the creative present, and the envisaged future. The past life of humankind on Earth will appear as the resurrected creativity in the history of the spiritual traditions. The present will be experienced as constructive spiritual work for establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth. The future will spring from God's blessing for co-creation with the Divine Masters. As in any creative work, we will envisage the projects and then work towards their realisation, thus making the potential future an inspiring, creative present, flowing towards the future. The organic, dynamic integration of the past, present and future of the spiritual life of humankind is one of the main archetypal ideas for Immortal Life in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The immortal life of humankind in the Kingdom of God is the essence of the Third Testament coming from the Living God.
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Beloved Readers,
purpose of this book is to introduce some of the foundational ideas
about the event of the Second Coming, the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path, and
the emerging New World Religion. These
ideas have been presented and discussed in a very preliminary manner.
They however refer to the main archetypal structures of human life in
the Kingdom of God established on Earth. When
these ideas are developed and implemented in full, they will institute
the magnificent Temple of Life in the reality of the New Heaven and the
New Earth. There, all of humankind will be welcome to enter and to live in the presence of our Divine Father-Mother forever.
Blessed are those who become Divine Priests and Priestesses in this New Temple!
Blessed are those who enter into the Temple and participate in the celestial services there!
Blessed are those who see the Temple and receive a Divine impulse to enter into it!
So be it! Amen!
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