The Dawn of the New World Religion


The Third Covenant 

The New Gospel

 The Third Testament

The New

The new creative impulse from God also ignites the event of the Second Coming.  If the New Covenant characterises the Divine creative impulse from the perspective of the First Person of the Trinity, God the Father, the Second Person of the Trinity, God the Son, manifests this creative impulse as the New Gospel of Christ-Maitreya.

The New Gospel is the fulfillment of the promises of Christ and all the other Divine Masters to come back to Earth and take the faithful to Heaven so that they may live where the Masters are.  In their Second Coming the Masters will call the faithful from within and will invite them to embark on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path - the Path of our exodus from the earthly, material consciousness to higher levels of Being.  The collective exodus of humankind, led by the Divine Masters, is one of the most exciting and inspiring aspects of the New Gospel.

When we start our ascent to the higher spiritual worlds, we will become able to recognise and to merge with the celestial bodies of the Divine Masters.  This is actually the metaphysical aspect of the Second Coming which, on the one hand, is the Second Coming of the Masters manifesting themselves in the various levels of Creation (see Part One, p. 32) and, on the other hand, is our rising up to higher states of consciousness enabling us to recognise, appreciate and glorify them.

The  return of  humankind to  the higher spiritual worlds and the joyful meeting with the Divine Masters are in fact an acceptance of the invitation from Heaven to participate in the Divine  Wedding  between  the  Cosmic  Christ  and   His  Bride,  the New  Jerusalem.  Participation  in  the  Divine  Wedding  means witnessing the apocalyptic  process of the creation of the New Heaven  and  the  New Earth and collaboration and co-creation with God and the Divine Masters for the establishment of this reality here on Earth.

By ascending to the higher levels of Being, by merging with the Divine Masters in their celestial bodies, by active participation in the great feast of the Divine Wedding, we will be baptised with the Cross of Immortal Life and will become righteous citizens of the New Jerusalem.  The New Gospel of Christ-Maitreya proclaims the new baptising with the cosmic-spiritual Cross of Immortal Life and blesses us with the mark of the Living God on our foreheads.  In other words, it opens our consciousness to 'the New Jerusalem coming out from God, and the new name of Christ' - i.e., Christ-Maitreya (see Step Four, p. 84). Thus, the New Gospel introduces us to the great Enlightenment of Christ-Maitreya about the wholeness of the Kingdom of God with its many mansions.

Of course, the new baptising comes not to replace earthly religions and existing ceremonies of baptism in the various traditions; rather it comes as a new open state of consciousness, an illumination and an initiation into the mysteries of the Second Coming and the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The new baptising is actually an inner light which introduces us to the totality of the Kingdom of God and makes us citizens of the New Jerusalem.  The New Gospel and the new baptising will not replace existing religions, but will rejuvenate and reinforce them, and will open up the spiritual traditions for the new era in the life of humankind - the Epoch of Aquarius.

Essentially, the New World Religion will be an organic integration of all spiritual paths and traditions.  Each one of the existing spiritual traditions reveals a particular, unique aspect of the reality of the Kingdom of God, and only all of them together form the totality of this celestial Kingdom.  As we saw in Step Five (p. 100), after the Advent of the Second Coming every tradition has to reflect the wholeness of the Kingdom of God through its own methods and spiritual practices.  For instance, Christians, through their spiritual practices, will have to appreciate and experience not only the mysteries of the Christian world, but the spiritual worlds revealed by the other religions as well; Muslims, through their own faith and practices, will have to experience the spiritual worlds revealed by the other traditions, and so forth.

In the present state of the spiritual life of humankind, religions tolerate each other but they pursue their own spiritual aims and values.  Followers of  the  existing religions are  generally not open to or interested in experiencing the spiritual worlds of the other traditions.  In the near future, however, with the dawn of the New World Religion, this situation will change decisively; the spiritual traditions  will  not only tolerate and appreciate all others,  but they will expand their goals and aims in order to achieve the essential spiritual experience of the others through their own unique spiritual practices.

Obviously, the process of opening the spiritual traditions and integrating them with the others - while keeping and developing further their own unique practices - will not be an easy one.  We can expect that this integration will occur first on an esoteric level.  It is the esoteric streams within the spiritual traditions that are essentially the 'subjects' for integration and for forming the wholeness of the New World Religion.  This is because the esoteric streams lead to the reality of the spiritual Universe where all initiations and revelations are simply different aspects of the same mystery of God.  In the epoch  of  the Second Coming, the esoteric streams within the various religions have to be open and willing to reflect each other (similar to  the way in which Ramakrishna, through his Yoga practice, experienced the initiations of the Buddhist, Muslim and Christian traditions) in order to create the wholeness of the New World Religion.  When this wholeness is formed through the esoteric  streams within each tradition, then the exoteric spiritual structures of each one of them will be rejuvenated, transformed and reinforced, forming the new integrative celestial 'church' on Earth.

The New Gospel, however, will not establish a new church on Earth.  Facilitating the integration of the various spiritual traditions, the New Gospel itself will initiate and encourage a wholesome style of life in Light, Love, Peace, Joy, mutual respect, understanding and friendship.  When we practice all the human virtues and live in Divine Peace, Love and Light, then the Lord God Almighty is always with us and we experience the whole of Creation as a Divine Temple.  Then we no longer need special spiritual institutions to remind us about God and the spiritual essence of Life.  This is the simple, but ultimate meaning of the words:  'I did not see a temple in the city because its temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb'.  (Revelation 21: 22)

So,  the  New  Gospel  will not introduce a new church, but a new  style  of  life, and  this  life  is  the journey of  human beings on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path. In essence the Divine Rainbow Path  is the Path of the Initiate (Adept, Saint, Prophet).  For the first  time  in  the  spiritual  history,  the Path of the  Initiate  will be given to humankind as a whole and it will determine the evolution of the human race in the future.

The most essential and organic aspect of the Path of the Initiate is  the  mystery  of  co-creation  with  God.   Adam  and  Eve  were beloved children of God but not co-creators with Him.  The New Adam and the New Eve, that is the new human race, will be sons and daughters of God who will co-create with Him in order to bring the celestial reality down on Earth.  They will live in all levels of the Universe as in a new celestial home.  Maturing from little children of God, as Adam and Eve were, they will become youthful cosmic-spiritual beings full of power, love, joy, wisdom and truth, participating in the celestial work of their Divine Father-Mother.  Thus, the New Gospel will integrate the mystery of the First Coming of Christ, who revealed the prototype of the New Adam, with the mystery of the Divine Feminine and the New Eve now active in the world, and through this integration it will form the new human race which will ascend to a higher, angelic, cycle of evolution.

The Gospels of Christ-Maitreya and the Divine Mother are the Gospel of the new human race living in the reality of the Kingdom of God. It is not a preparation, nor an anticipation, nor an expectancy,  nor a  mere hope  -  it  proclaims the new style of life in the Kingdom of God which is regulated by the universal principles and cosmic-spiritual laws.  In other words, the New Gospel proclaims the Good News that the glorious return of humankind to the Kingdom of God is happening, that all the Divine Masters are with us, and that God Himself inspires our daily life.  The contemplation of this glorious return to the Kingdom of God brings great joy, love and gratitude.  The image of the Prodigal Son is the key image of the First Coming - the image of the individual human being's return to the Father's house.  Now, as a consequence of the Second Coming, humankind as a whole will return to the Father's house with great honour, glory, love and wisdom as it follows the Path of the Divine Rainbow.  The proclamation of this glorious return of humankind is an essential aspect of the New Gospel.

The New Gospel will change the emphasis in the spiritual practices of humankind.  For instance, now in the daily life of the faithful of all spiritual traditions, passionate prayers for forgiveness of sins, for the coming of the Masters and for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth play a very important role.  When the Second Coming of the Masters occurs, and when through the  Nine-Fold Rainbow Path  we enter into  the reality of the  Kingdom of God, then we will change the emphasis and the content of our prayers.  We will not be sinners or imperfect human beings, but sons  and  daughters of  God who have made their glorious return to the Father's house.  In this  house, our prayers will be joined with those of the Twenty-four Elders, the four Living Creatures and the myriads of Light Beings surrounding the Throne of God; they will be prayers of praise, gratitude and glorification of God (see Revelation, Chapter Four, Worship in Heaven).  Our prayers will be for constant union with God and the Divine Masters, for blessings for the fulfillment of our Divine mediatorship between God and all kingdoms of life on Earth.  They will be prayers for receiving our celestial daily bread in the form of inspiration, Divine impulses for action and Divine ideas which will enable us to co-create with God and the Masters.  Thus, the New Gospel will dramatically change our self-consciousness from that of guilty sinners to that of victorious and glorious sons and daughters of God.

Moreover, our daily life itself will become a Divine prayer - a life in the sacred, all-reviving presence of God.  In the Yoga tradition, the Hindu Masters distinguish two types of samadhi -  sabikalpa samadhi and nirbikalpa samadhi:

In sabikalpa samadhi the devotee has attained realization of his oneness with Spirit but cannot maintain his cosmic consciousness except in the immobile trance state.  By continuous meditation he reaches the superior state of nirbikalpa samadhi, in which he may move freely in the world without any loss of God-perception. Paramahansa Yogananda

Generally, the most ardent prayers and practices of the faithful in the various traditions lead to the first stage of samadhi.   The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path in its wholeness, crowned by the New Gospel, leads to the second stage - nirbikalpa samadhi.  At this stage there is no longer any need for a temple, or even prayers, to evoke the presence of God.  In this state prayer dissolves into daily life lived in spiritual wholeness and is performed mainly as an organic part of the living process of co-creation with God.

Finally, it is important to emphasise that the Gospel of the New World Religion integrates the main spiritual aims and values of the Gospel of Christ-Maitreya (described in Step Five) and those of the Gospel of the Divine Mother (described in Step Six).  The New Gospel is a Gospel of the sons and daughters of God who live in the Kingdom of their celestial Father-Mother in constant perception of the Ultimate Truth.



Selected – The Circle Dance Paneurhythmy -a Gateway to the Garden of Paradise                                     



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