Web Site History


Our Web Site follows the stages in the development of the Teaching and the Cause of the Earthly Avatar of Synthesis. The first variant of the Web Site The Second Coming Integral Mission was launched on the 20th of November 2000.  It came as a result of the publication of the book The Second Coming by Leon Moscona (in 1995 in Ireland) and its translation and publication in Bulgaria (1998). The Second Coming Integral Mission remains the core of the current Web Site and is found in: the Holy City, the Messianic Plan, the Second Coming, the Divine Feminine, the Rainbow Path, the Mission, the Book and Site Map. Later additions to this variant included the sections Ireland, Bulgaria/България (now Archive), The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, The Divine Action, Join Us and the occasional renovation of Update. The Second Coming Integral Mission web site was developed by professionals and we are very thankful for their inspiring work   

After publishing the booklet The Testament of Truth - Manifesto (2007) the Teaching and the Cause of the Earthly Avatar of Synthesis entered into a new stage. The purpose of The Testament of Truth – Manifesto was to provide a basis for initiating a Movement for the realization of the Testament of Truth in our time. Following this impulse we developed the current image of the Web Site called The Testament of Truth. The Home page of the previous variant was redesigned and the whole Web Site was transformed into a Database. This allowed us to edit the existing material and to easily add new sections and new materials. In 2009 we added the sections Projects, България (Bulgaria), The New Reality and refreshed Update, Links, Contact Us and News.  The transformation of the Web Site from HTML form into a Database was done by professionals and again we are very thankful to them. The inclusion of the new sections and the new material was done by us and this could explain some imperfections in the Web Site. The positive aspect of this, however, is the possibility to include a lot of new material and to make the Web Site a dynamic instrument for the unfoldment of the Movement.

With the new possibilities we intend to develop a third variant of the Web Site – The Avatar of Synthesis. A prototype of this variant could be found in the section Projects, Extended Web Site. The purpose of this variant is to balance the information about the Message The Testament of Truth and the Messenger – The Earthly Avatar of Synthesis, in order to achieve the wholeness of the Second Coming Integral Mission.  The present difficult situation in the world requires spiritual actions and this is why we would like to develop this variant as soon as possible.  In this regard we will be more than grateful for any help in the design of the Web Site and its translation in different languages.  

September 2009. Section Bulgaria/България Spiritual Programme - Autumn 2009, Rila Assembly Diary - July 2009

August 2009. Work underway on the prototype of the third variant of the Web Site – Avatar of Synthesis. In the Section Projects – adding Extended Web Site with Bulgaria, The Earthly Avatar of Synthesis.

June 2009. News updated, Update refreshed.

April 2009. New Section: Projects – The Sacred Mountain Rila, Film Revelation, Temple House. 

October 2008. Transforming the Second Coming Integral Mission Web Site from HTML form into The Testament of Truth as a Database Site.

June 2006. New section The Divine Action including The New Spiritual Paradigm (an Open Letter), The Movement 'The Testament of Truth' (an Announcement) and The Spiritual Council of Humankind (an Appeal)

 September 2005. Adding The Testament of Truth, Manifesto: The Blessing, The Testament, The Realisation, The Fruits, The Call. 

 February 2005. Renewing Update: Newsletter, Prayer and Meditation, Selected, Programme of Events, What's New, Web Site History.

This update includes new material in: 

Newsletter: A special mystical event took place on July 15, 2002 which brought a new stage in the work of the Mission. We share it now with our web site visitors as a call to all awakening souls.

Prayer and Meditation: We offer a prayer-meditation-vow based on the sacred Command of the Master Beinsa Douno from The Testament of the Colour Rays of Light. 

Selected: An article about the Sacred Dance Paneurhythmy from the book The Second Coming by Leon Moscona. The Paneurhythmy, created by the Master Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov), is the gateway to the reality of the Kingdom of God. It is like an earthly reflection of the new song sung by the 144,000 initiates in Heaven. 

Programme of Events: An account of the Winter Spiritual Celebrations 2004-2005 which were an activation of the whole Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem.

September 2002. Completing the Update Section: Newsletter, Prayers and Meditation, Selected, Frequently asked Questions, Programme of Events, Information, What's New, Web Site History. 

July 2002. Extending the Home Page with the addition of an Ireland Page, a Bulgaria Page and a Join Us form. 

February 2001. Adding Programmes of Activities organised by the Second Coming Integral Mission, Section - The Mission, Annual Schedule. 

20 November 2000. Launch of the web site on the Internet

You can reach us at the following addresses:
Telephone: 00 359 2 8465493
e-mail: novonebe@mail.orbitel.bg
Telephone: 00 353 1 8333640
e-mail: lmmission@eircom.net

Home |Avatar of Synthesis | the Holy City | the Messianic Plan

the Second Coming | the Divine Feminine |the Rainbow Path

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