Film Project: The Divine Blessings of the Apocalypse
The Vision of Christ and Exodus
The New Jerusalem Civilisation
Sofia as the New Jerusalem
The Divine Wedding
The Thousand Years Kingdom of Christ
The Blessings of the Cosmic Christ
The Day of Resurrection and Judgement
The Reality of the New Heaven and New Earth
Life in the Kingdom of God
Scene Nine: The Reality of the New Heaven and New Earth
Scene Nine will actualise the main archetypes from the last two chapters of the Apocalypse. They include the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, the Heavenly Jerusalem with its twelve gates, the River of the water of life coming from the Throne of Godand of the Lamb and the Tree of Life which bears fruit twelve times a year. The activation of these archetypes is the fulfilment of the Messianic Plan for the salvation of humankind and transforming it into God’s People who will live on a sacred Earth.
The action in this Scene will develop on the Salons. This is a very picturesque hill from where one could see a majestic panorama. (The camera shows the Giant, Mussala, the Lake of Contemplation, the Prayer Summit, Kabul, Ostretz, Vitosha, Stara Planina and so on). From a spiritual point of view if the Fourth Lake (the Inner Twin) is the mystical entrance to Shambala, then the Salons are a projection of the Heavenly Jerusalem on Earth.
In essence the spiritual action on the Salons has to realise the ascent to the top of the Sacred Mountain and entry into the Highest Divine World. Each world religion calls the Sacred Mountain differently but the meaning is one and the same: it is the spiritual centre of the Universe, a sublime state of consciousness in which one could contemplate the genesis and wholeness of Creation. It is interesting to note that even by its appearance – a wonderful meadow surrounded by picturesque rocks and entrances between them – the Salons could give an impression of the Heavenly Jerusalem with its gates.
In chapter 21 of his Revelation St. John inspiringly described the Holy City: I did not see a Temple in the city, because its temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb. The city has no need of the sun or the moon to shine on it because the glory of God shines on it and the Lamb is its lamp. The peoples of the world will walk by its light and the kings of the earth will bring their wealth into it. The gates of the city will stand open all day; they will never be closed, because there will be no night there. (Revelation 21: 22-25). The gates to the city are the paths of the world religions, which lead to the centre of the Holy City, the Primal Cause and the Absolute Origin of Being.
By its content the spiritual action on the Salons will be an extended Mandala meditation led by Leon Moscona, which could include spiritual verses, mantras, key formulas and appropriate music from the world religions. Through them we will try to make contact with the Divine Masters and the Manifestations of the Divine Feminine in order to enter through the gates of their spiritual traditions and finally to merge with them. Moreover, in these high states of consciousness we could be blessed to meet the New Coming of the Divine Masters (in a similar way as St. John met the Second Coming of Christ as a result of which came the Book of Revelation itself). Then we could participate in the Divine Wedding, from which comes the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The action itself on the Salons is envisaged as a mystical "real life happening". As in every Scene, here also, the participants will have a very important role in its development by sharing their spiritual experiences and personal contributions to the action.
The Mandala meditation, following the metaphysics of the Heavenly Jerusalem, is described in great detail in the book The Second Coming (pages 302-308). In it we could also include appropriate spiritual music from the various traditions. For instance, if in the picture, consecrated to the Divine Wedding, we used the famous chorus Alleluia from Handel's Messiah, now we could conclude with the final chorus from his oratorio Worthy is the Lamb and Amen.
On the deepest level the successful result of our Mandala meditation will be connected with the fulfilment of the Messianic Plan. With great excitement and awe we will await the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, to descend on us. Then we will experience a majestic New Pentecost, revealing the initiations of the world religions, meeting the New Coming of the Divine Masters and participating in the Divine Wedding.
For example, in accordance with the mysteries of the Old Testament, the Salons have to become for us like Mount Sinai, where like Moses, we could link with the Living God and receive the lost Stone Tablets of the covenant (Deuteronomy 9: 9-11). The Kabbalistic tradition reveals that they came from the world of the Tree of Life and the blessings of the Messiah. Because the people weren’t worthy of them, Moses angrily broke these Stone Tablets and went again on the Mount Sinai to receive the Second Tablets (coming from the world of the Tree of Good and Evil), which we well know as the Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 10:1-5).
In accordance with the mysteries of the New Testament, the Salons have to become the high mountain to which St. John was taken by the Spirit in order to make contact with the Cosmic Christ and to receive The Book of Revelation. As we mentioned in Scene One, St. John mystically met the Second Coming of Christ and entered into the Reality of the New Heaven and New Earth which Christ had prepared for us. Through deep prayer and meditation we also have to ascend to the high mountain (the high state of consciousness) in order to meet the Cosmic Christ and to merge with him.
From the Islamic tradition we know that Imam Mahdi, who has been in occultation, will appear again in order to guide all faithful to the Highest Divine World – the Garden of Truth. If on the Salons we are able to link with Imam Mahdi and appreciate him as the Axis Mundi, he will then lead us on a glorious Divine journey to the reality of the Ultimate Truth, similar to the legendary night journey of Muhammad.
In the spiritual world of Buddhism the people expect the coming of Maitreya Buddha who will reveal the new cosmic order. In essence, the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, which we will activate, is a model of the Kingdom of God where there are many mansions. It is surely the prototype of the new majestic Mandala, which Maitreya Buddha will reveal through his Enlightenment.
When through the Mandala meditation we enter into the Hindu tradition, our cherished spiritual goal will be to link with the Lord Krishna, with the Divine guru Ramakrishna (who predicted his New Coming in the XX century) and with the great Divine guru Babaji, leading his legendary group in the Himalayas. They will reveal to us the Absolute Origin of Being, the mysteries of Brahma and the mysteries of the Divine Mother who will be worshipped (as Ramakrishna did) in the New Golden Age of humankind.
Of course, one of the most emotional spiritual tasks on the Salons will be to link with the new appearance of the World Teacher Beinsa Douno. He will initiate us into the esoteric depths of the Paneurhythmy, the Testament of the Colour Rays of Light, the Pentagram and will bless us with entry into his great celestial school. The Master Beinsa Douno himself blessed the Salons as a special sacred place for a link between Heaven and Earth.
So, by meeting the New Coming of the Divine Masters and participating in the Divine Wedding we will be able to enter into the Reality of the New Heaven and New Earth and we will receive the Third Testament. This Testament is the realisation of the Messianic Plan and a blessing from the Lord God Almighty for the beginning of the New Cycle of Existence of humankind as God’s People on sacred Earth.
In the new reality humankind will embrace the whole vertical structure of the Universe and its spiritual history in order to include in it the spiritual treasures from the out going Hindu-European Cycle of evolution. Thus finally human beings will receive access to the fruits of the Tree of Life: The angel also showed methe river of the water of life sparkling like a crystal, and coming from the Throne of God and of the Lamb and flowing down the middle of the city’s street. On each side of the river was the Tree of Life which bears fruit twelve times a year, once each month; and its leaves are for the healing of the nations. (Revelation 22:1-2)
The Tree of Life reveals the essence of God, Creation and the Human Being made in the image and likeness of God, while the fruits which it gives every month are the initiations of the world religions in accordance with the metaphysics of the Heavenly Jerusalem.
This last Scene could become the spiritual culmination of the film and the realisation of the envisaged goal – activating the archetypes in the Apocalypse as a plan and scenario for action. Thus we could enter into the reality of the New Heaven and New Earth and open a New Book of Life in which the enlightened humankind will write its glorious deeds. Naturally, this is an enormous task, which will be fulfilled in the future. It is well known however, that even the longest journey starts with the first step! So, be it! Amen!