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The Circle Dance Paneurhythmy -
a Gateway to the Garden of Paradise








The Spiritual Legacy of the Master Peter Deunov

The Celestial Constituents of the Paneurhythmy

The Paneurhythmy – A New Type of Yoga for the Epoch of Aquarius

Meeting the Dawn of the New Era







Meeting the Dawn of the New Era


The message coded in the Paneurhythmy contains the impulse for returning to the Father's house and experiencing the whole Earth as a Paradise.  If, by dancing the Paneurhythmy, we reach a higher state of consciousness where the whole of Creation is like a sea of Love, Light and Life and if we contact the living energy of Nature, the Earth, the Sun, feeling the unity of life throughout the whole Universe, then we will experience a great metaphysical transformation: our eyes will be opened and we will live on Earth as in a Garden of Paradise.


These are very sacred, intimate cosmic-spiritual feelings, so we have  to  perform  the Paneurhythmy as  a  sacred  dance,  a dance-mystery of transfiguration, a holy act of returning to the Kingdom of God.  The spiritual depths of the Paneurhythmy permit this spiritual action of transfiguration but in order to achieve this goal we have to enter into the esoteric dimensions of the spiritual Music, living Light, sacred Words, psychic movements and the Pentagram.  Then the Paneurhythmy will be for us a heavenly dance on sacred Earth leading to the Kingdom of God.


The purpose of the epoch of Aquarius is to develop humankind's collective cosmic consciousness.  The Paneurhythmy created by the Master Peter Deunov serves perfectly for the fulfillment of this main task.  The simplicity of the movements and the esoteric depths of its celestial constituents make the Paneurhythmy one of the most efficient and adequate practices for the cosmic-spiritual rebirth of humankind.  The participants can be of any age, spiritual background, social and cultural status, etc.  The Paneurhythmy can be danced by groups of small numbers up to a thousand or more people.


The Paneurhythmy is an outdoor dance.  Its aim is the organic interchange of living energies between human beings and Nature, the Earth, the Sun, the Elements, the whole environment, activated by  the new metaphysical vibrations of the coming cosmic-spiritual Spring.  This is why the most suitable venues for the Paneurhythmy are mountains, sacred sites, meadows, gardens, lawns, and other appropriate open spaces.

As a rule the Paneurhythmy is danced only in the morning-time - between sunrise and noon.  By dancing the Paneurhythmy in the morning we experience the vibrations of the coming new solar culture.  In this culture the main social events will take place in the morning, in harmony with the rejuvenating and transfigurative power of the ascending Sun.  The new solar culture will replace the existing moon culture where the informal social gatherings take place mainly in the evening, influenced by the 'metaphysical' vibrations of the Moon.

The different formats which the Paneurhythmy can take range from a single one or two hour session, through one or two day workshops, and periodic Paneurhythmy sessions, to a large variety of extended spiritual gatherings - Summer encampments, Paneurhythmy Teachers School, and others.  From this point of view, the Paneurhythmy gatherings can develop into the most appropriate and adequate spiritual school introducing the participants to the new epoch of Aquarius. Moreover, the Paneurhythmy  as  one  of  the  main  spiritual practices of the Nine-Fold  Rainbow Path can be orchestrated in a great variety of formats  appropriate to  the one-year spiritual school on each one of the Steps.

The spiritual aims and purposes of the Paneurhythmy can have two main focuses:


a)  friendly, joyful, exoteric meetings where the Paneurhythmy is performed according to the established spiritual tradition existing since the time of the Master;


b)  friendly, joyful, esoteric meetings where the Paneurhythmy is performed within the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path of Christ-Maitreya and has the special flavour of one or another Step on the Path.  In this case the Paneurhythmy dance will blossom in a wide spectrum of genres, such as: dance-exodus (Step One) sacred dance-meditation (Step Two), dance-ascent (Step Three), dance-initiation (Step Four), dance-mystery (Step Five), dance-holy communion (Step Six), dance-transfiguration of the Earth (Step Seven), dance-social action (Step Eight), dance-celebration (Step Nine).



Of course, the exoteric and esoteric genres of the Paneurhythmy can co-exist together and can form a beautiful bouquet of spiritual aims and purposes.   As mentioned  above,  the Paneurhythmy is a very democratic and welcoming spiritual practice, completely open for all participants with their own aims and values.  The Paneurhythmy follows the natural stream of Divine Life which integrates all earthly differentiations into a celestial unity and gives each one of the participants what they need.  This is why the Paneurhythmy is so adequate to the main purposes of the epoch of Aquarius, creating the collective cosmic-spiritual consciousness of the participants in the community.


The Paneurhythmy is most effective when performed as part of the way of life suggested by the Master Peter Deunov.  This way of life requires love, friendship, simplicity, purity and a harmonious relationship with Nature and the Earth.  Therefore, when we follow this way of life and dance the Paneurhythmy as a new type of spiritual practice for the epoch of Aquarius, we are experiencing the dawn of the new era.

At the beginning we quoted the inspired vision of St. John from The Revelation and suggested that the new song sung in Heaven is the Message for the coming new epoch of Aquarius:


The 144,000 people stood before the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders; they were singing a new song, which only they could learn.   (Revelation 14: 3)

Now we can summarise that the Paneurhythmy is one of the most  perfect channels of  this new Divine song.   It announces  the Good News about the coming cosmic-spiritual Spring in the life of humankind and enacts the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.  Thus, the Paneurhythmy becomes a blessed Divine dance which helps us to establish the Kingdom of God down on Earth.  So, let us dance!




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