Temple House for the New Reality

An Appeal

 The Vision  

 The Testament of Truth

 The Fruits of the Tree of Life  

 Life for the Whole

The Testament of Truth

The spiritual goals of the Temple House are connected with the realisation of the Testament of Truth in our time. The Testament of Truth reveals the eternal Divine Truth about God, Creation and the human being made in the image and likeness of God! Every world religion presents the Testament of Truth in accordance with its epoch as part of the Messianic Plan for the return of humankind to the Kingdom of God with many mansions. The Kingdom of God is the Divine Wholeness of the entire three-fold structure of the Universe, consisting of the earthly, the celestial and the highest Divine worlds; the many mansions are the models of this Divine Wholeness from the perspective of the various world religions. In the fulfilling of the Testament of Truth now, in our time, some of the main spiritual goals of the Temple House will be: 

Embarking on the Nine-fold Rainbow Path

The Nine-fold Rainbow Path, revealed by Leon Moscona, leads to the highest Divine world and helps us to bring this celestial reality on Earth. The Steps of the Rainbow Path correlate to the three-fold structure of the Universe and of the human being as a micro-model of Creation. Each Step on the Path embraces a vast realm of spiritual work and requires a great variety of methods, techniques and spiritual practices. In its entirety the Path of the Divine Rainbow is a precise and well-articulated path given specially for our epoch.

By embarking on this Rainbow Path, we will be able to develop spiritually, to live in peace and harmony with our neighbours and all human beings, to take care of the Earth, Nature and the environment. Initially, we could start the Path from any spiritual tradition but as the journey goes on, especially after the third Step, we have to embrace the main aspects of the other paths as an organic part of our continuing spiritual ascent. The cherished aim of appreciating all spiritual traditions gives a special fragrance to the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path and opens new dimensions of mystical experience. The ultimate goal of the Rainbow Path, however, is to meet the Second Coming (or the New Coming) of the Divine Masters, to link with the Divine Mother and Her Personifications, to receive the Initiation of the Holy Spirit and to enter into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

Meeting the Second Coming

Based on his Enlightenment, Leon Moscona will be able to  guide the people in the Temple House to meet the Second Coming (or the New Coming) of the Divine Masters. They will appear in their celestial bodies on the etheric level and the people will link with them in deep prayer, contemplation and meditation. We could imagine inspiring activities in the Temple House where the metaphysics of the space changes and participants are able to contemplate the transcendent light of one or another Divine Master.

Following the Gospel of the Divine Mother

In our time the appreciation of the Divine Feminine is of crucial importance. In order to survive and undergo our spiritual rebirth, we have to follow a whole new Gospel from the Divine Mother. The New Gospel of the Divine Mother is to help us to bring the Kingdom of God down on Earth and to build life on all levels of Being as a Divine Temple. The work in the Temple House will promote harmonious and organic balance between all polarities in human life on Earth, especially between the universal masculine and feminine principles. This balance produces the most appropriate Middle Way for our time (corresponding to the well-known Middle Way in Buddhism). It helps to alleviate the contradictions and tensions between the Feminist movement and the existing patriarchal religions. The solution to this problem is participation in the Divine Wedding and the activities in the Temple House offer this participation.

Receiving the Initiation of the Holy Spirit

The Initiation of the Holy Spirit reveals the reality of the Kingdom of God with many mansions. As mentioned above, the Kingdom of God is the Divine Wholeness of the three-fold structure of the Universe, consisting of the earthly, the celestial and the highest Divine worlds; the many mansions are the representations of this Divine Wholeness from the perspective of the various world religions. Through the work in the Temple House we could gather the fruits from the outgoing Indo- European cycle of evolution and could bring them into the New Cycle of existence in the coming reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. 

Entering into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth

In order to enter into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth Leon Moscona, with the participants in the Temple House, will activate the main archetypes in the last chapters of the Apocalypse of St. John (such as the Divine Wedding, the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, the New Jerusalem, the Tree of Life and others) which characterise the coming New Reality in the life of humankind. When we activate them as vast dynamic fields for inspiring spiritual work, we transform the Apocalypse of St. John from a book, "sealed with seven seals", into a plan and "scenario" for the Divine action. Thus we will enter into the New Reality where the new cycle of existence of humankind will begin.

Activation of the Axis Mundi in Creation

As a result of all the spiritual activities in the Temple House the Axis Mundi of Creation will be activated. The Axis Mundi, known in all world religions, is the metaphysical Pillar of Light which springs from the Divine Origin of Being, upholds the Universe, flows through its vertical structure and nourishes all worlds with creative Divine energy. Now it is crucially important to link all three worlds in Creation (the earthly, the celestial and the Divine) into one Divine Wholeness and to develop ourselves as micro models of Creation (with ennobled personality in the physical world, an open soul in the celestial world and an awakened Divine Self in the highest Divine world). Symbolically speaking this means to appreciate Creation and the human being (as its micro model) as a Tree of Life, the roots of which are in the physical universe, the trunk is in the celestial world and the crown – in the highest Divine world. Then our life will truly become Life for the Whole in the Wholeness of Life.



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