The Sacred Mountain Rila
Introduction The Mystery of the Sacred Mountain Rila - the Oldest Spiritual University on Earth The Mythological Summit Mussala The Sacred Mountain Rila and the Initiation of the World Teacher Beinsa Douno The Vision of Christ The Last Golden Age The Orpheus Mysteries Zoroaster’s Nirvana Plato’s Legends The First Christian Communities The Testament of St. Ivan Rilski The Steiner Celestial Library The Inspiring Vision of the New Eve Conclusion – The New Activation of the Sacred Mountain
The Inspiring Vision of the New Eve (The Seven Lakes – August 1972)
In August 1972, in the Summer camp, I was a witness to an extraordinary spiritual event. One of the sisters in the Brotherhood, the clairvoyant Sister Stoika from Topolitza, had an inspiring mystical vision of the New Eve being sent into the world by the Master Beinsa Douno. She shared her vision with the "youth group" in the camp and we were deeply impressed and uplifted.
We gathered in her relatively small tent to hear the story. We were about 12-15 people and filled the tent completely. During our gathering there was torrential rain outside and we had the feeling that the Heavens were open and this created a special metaphysical space for us to hear important spiritual secrets.
Sister Stoika started her sharing with great excitement and emotion. Her words were very vivid and depicted an amazing picture for us. In her dream (being a clairvoyant many of her dreams were real spiritual events) she saw the big rock under the picturesque hill Salonite, above the Lake of Contemplation. Then on the rock she saw a cave formation and she felt an inclination to enter into it. When she approached the cave, she understood that it was a cave in the astral world. She was invited by Light Beings to visit the cave and to see its treasures. So she did and under the guidance of the Light Beings she began to move from “room” to “room” of this cave. Each subsequent “room” was wider, bigger and more picturesque than the previous and filled her with greater joy and wonder.
The Rocks above the Lake of Contemplation
Soon Sister Stoika realised that she was passing from an astral cave into an astral palace. (Here it is appropriate to remind the reader about the Initiation which Lahiri Mahasaya received in the Himalayas from his beloved Guru Babaji. For this purpose the Divine Guru created, with the power of his enlightened consciousness, a wonderful astral palace where the initiation took place (for more detail see Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi, Chapter 34, Materializing a Palace in the Himalayas). In a similar way Sister Stoika was led into an astral palace on Rila to witness an important spiritual event.
According to Sister Stoika, the beauty and the spiritual wonders of the “rooms” in the astral palace were indescribable, but she became “speechless” when she entered into the main Hall of the palace. The tiles on the floor were pure as crystal and were shining with all colours of the rainbow (here we could remember the vision of St. John of the Heavenly Jerusalem, with streets of pure gold, transparent as glass – Revelation 21:21). The walls had “living spiritual frescoes” and in the centre of the Hall she saw the beloved Master Beinsa Douno speaking to a most beautiful young woman in shining white clothes. The Master put a garland of flowers on her head and said: “These are the last preparations. Now you are ready to go into the world and to bring Divine Love, Wisdom and Truth to all people on Earth.” Then he blessed her and the vision dissolved in astral light.
Meanwhile, in joy and inspiration Sister Stoika realised that this young women was the New Eve, whom the Master Beinsa Douno was sending into the world to fulfil the prophecy: Now the New Eve will save the world.
After the sharing of Sister Stoika we become very emotional and uplifted. With enthusiasm and inspiration we sang songs by the Master, said prayer-formulas and dispersed in peace and deep reflection to our tents. For us the vision of Sister Stoika was a great spiritual event and we wanted to appreciate it and to remain in its vibrations.
The New Eve (a collective personification of the Divine Feminine Principle) was one of the key ideas in the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno. The Master often said that the New Eve is the one who will save the world. The deep esoteric meaning of his prophecy of the coming New Eve is that the transformed Feminine energies will raise the vibrations on all levels of human life on Earth. In the past the archetypal feminine energies were associated with the life-supporting material earthly consciousness, as opposed to the celestial states of consciousness, and with the Moon-light reflecting the Sun-light. Symbolically, this is why Eve was the one who gave Adam the apple from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which signified the descent into the world of polarities and the material earthly state of consciousness.
Now, in the cosmic-spiritual Spring, the whole earthly life has to be transformed, spiritualised and illuminated. The keys to this process lie in the archetype of the feminine energy, which has to be activated in order to penetrate, with the vibrations of the Holy Spirit, into the smallest details of our daily life on Earth. The characteristics of the feminine archetype, such as giving and sustaining life on Earth, mother care and unconditional love, help and support, beauty and tenderness, organic relationship with Nature and the Earth, implementation of the spiritual ideas in the material world and others, are the main qualities which will help contemporary humankind to ascend to the higher levels of Being. In the epoch of the cosmic-spiritual Spring the spiritual blossoming of the human soul becomes the most essential and crucial process. This is why the Master predicted that the archetypal feminine energies, manifested by the New Eve, will save the world.
So, by meditating on the New Eve we could contemplate the great renewal of earthly life through the Divine Feminine and the return of humankind to the Garden of Paradise. Therefore, if Eve from the Bible instigated the Fall, now the New Eve will initiate the return of humankind to the Kingdom of God. In a sense, we could consider the New Eve as the ideal disciple, the spiritual daughter of the Master Beinsa Douno, who will implement his Teaching in life.
No wonder that all people who were present at the sharing of Sister Stoika were deeply impressed by her vision and felt that they were witnessing an important metaphysical event. Having deep appreciation for the Divine Feminine from my mystical connection with Ramakrishna (who devotedly worshipped the Divine Mother), from Daniil Andreev who glorified the Divine Feminine in the image of Zventa Sventana, a whole New Gospel of the Divine Feminine began to emerge for me, in which She manifests as a most caring Mother, a beloved Bride, a precious Daughter and a great spiritual Sister.
In essence the New Eve is the model of the ideal disciple of the Master Beinsa Douno who will implement the ideas of the Teaching of the Master in life. She is the inspiring example for everyone who follows the Path of the Disciple and she brings the initiation of the perfect disciple who has realised The Sacred Command of the Master which finishes the Testament of the Colour Rays of Light:
The Sacred Command of the Master
Love the perfect way of truth and life.
Place good as the foundation of your home,
Righteousness as the measure of your life,
Love as its adornment, Wisdom as the wall
of defence and Truth as the light of your path
Only then will you come to know Me,
And I shall reveal Myself to you.
From a meditative mystical perspective we could imagine the New Eve with three perfect bodies as is the case with the Divine Masters – with an enlightened ethereal body, a celestial transfigured body and a cosmic-spiritual body. Because she is the ideal spiritual prototype, the New Eve will appear in prayers, meditations and visions as an inspiring image of the Divine Feminine. In a similar way as many people have contact and visions of the Holy Mother and She in her power, beauty and Divinity is absolutely real, so the New Eve will appear ethereally with incredible beauty, youth, vitality as a perfect Divine Being sent by the Lord and the Master Beinsa Douno into the world.
As her perfect celestial body is concerned, she is an incarnated angel, a personification of the World Soul. The New Eve is a personification of the most elevated pure and perfect human virtues. She is a New Being who receives the Fruit of the Spirit at the end of the Testament of the Colour Rays of Light (see chapter The Fruit of the Spirit)
The cosmic-spiritual body of the New Eve is a perfect manifestation of Divine Love, Wisdom and Truth. She is the true Disciple of the Master. What the people here on Earth are trying to achieve spiritually, she upholds on a cosmic level.
In the spirit of the new creative act of God and the blessings of the Cosmic Christ and the Divine Mother, we have to undergo rebirth in the Living Light of the Divine Rainbow through the cosmic- spiritual body of the Holy Mother. As new-born sons and daughters of Light the New Eve will help us to live and develop as spiritual beings. This means that we have to grow, as children grow up, in the Teaching and the Cause of the Master Beinsa Douno, in his living Light, in the mysteries of the new Humankind, the sixth race of light. The New Eve will be a model for the implementation of the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno in every aspect of our lives. We will receive the initiation of the New Eve, the perfect Disciple of the Master who penetrated into the deep mysteries of his Teaching and Cause. This initiation will teach us how to live and how to implement the enormous richness of spiritual ideas which the Master Beinsa Douno left for the New Human Race.