The Sacred Mountain Rila

The Mystery of the Sacred Mountain
Rila - the Oldest Spiritual University on Earth
The Mythological Summit Mussala
The Sacred Mountain Rila and the
Initiation of the World Teacher Beinsa Douno
The Vision of Christ
The Last Golden Age
The Orpheus Mysteries
Zoroaster’s Nirvana
Plato’s Legends
The First Christian Communities
The Testament of St. Ivan Rilski
The Steiner Celestial Library
The Inspiring Vision of the New Eve
Conclusion – The New Activation of the Sacred Mountain

The Steiner Celestial Library
(Mussala Valley)

In the past Mussala was much higher and on top there was
an area measuring 400 sq. m. The first cultures on Mussala
still exist in the libraries of the invisible world.
The Summit Mussala never sank under water while Bulgaria
did rise and sink a few times.

The Master Beinsa Douno 

 In the period 1974–1981 I read with great enthusiasm a number of books by Rudolf Steiner (including his interpretations of the Gospels, The Book of Revelation, The Fifth Gospel, Genesis, Karmic Relationships, The Festivals and Their Meaning, The Philosophy of Freedom, The Mission of the Archangel Michael and others). On the one hand my interest was motivated by my mystical connection with Zoroaster and Zoroaster’s real connection with Jesus. On the other hand, following my ‘climbing’ in the Spiritual Himalayas, I was fascinated by the enormous richness of Steiner's visions of the spiritual mysteries in the life of humankind. Actually, in this period of my spiritual journey, Rudolf Steiner helped me to understand and appreciate the Christ Mysteries in all their prophetic importance, power and glory. Reading his books, I was able to deepen my substantial culturological and metaphysical knowledge from the past with new spiritual mysteries. This is why it was not unexpected for me to have a mystical vision about the inspiring work of Rudolf Steiner. This happened in the area around the summit Musala.  

Mussala is the highest summit not only in the Rila Mountain Range, but also in the Balkan Peninsula itself (approximately 10 metres higher than Mount Olympus in Greece). The first Summer camps of the Universal Brotherhood, led by the Master Beinsa Douno, were at the foot of Mussala, because of its sacredness (Mussala means "close to God"). Later on the Summer camps were moved to the Seven Lakes area, but the Master, with some brothers and sisters, used to come to visit this sacred area practically every year.  

Mussala Valley

Because of some restrictions imposed by the communist government in the period after 1975, the Summer camp of the youth group in the Brotherhood moved to the area around Mussala (at the foot of a very picturesque rock called The Sphinx). On one very good sunny day we were journeying in this area enjoying the sacredness, the majesty and the beauty of the Mussala range of summits.

At some stage, as usual in my mystical visions, the mountain started vibrating ethereally and the metaphysics of the area changed. I found myself in a most wonderful spiritual space in the causal world. The archetypal thought-forms of a University campus, with many buildings with special architecture, appeared forming a gigantic library with many rooms, with bookshelves, full of books. The books had their own shape, aura and contents. Each one of them contained Divine knowledge about the evolution of Creation and humankind. Little by little this University campus, with thousands of light-books crystallised within me as the Steiner celestial Library. Perhaps this Library was taken from the Akashic Chronicles in the Mind of God where all the Wisdom is stored.

After a few moments I realised that I was making contact with the cosmic consciousness of Rudolf Steiner himself and was able to merge with him spiritually. Then I started picking up different books and to my surprise they revealed an important new spiritual wisdom for me. This wisdom was not in the form of cultural or even metaphysical knowledge, but rather in the form of living light, with its own aura and vibrations. Of course, I happily spend some time in the Steiner celestial Library, reading the etheric books and enjoying the mystical contact with him. In essence, I was making contact with the Higher Self of Rudolf Steiner and with the Divine source from which he was bringing his great wisdom.

After this inspiring mystical contact with Rudolf Steiner many spiritual events happened in my life and now I could say that I have met the Second Coming of Christ as Rudolf Steiner described in The Gospel of Matthew  (Bulgarian Edition page 228-233). Rudolf Steiner said "in accordance with the inner nature of the Christ event, the one who, at the beginning of our calendar, lived as Jesus Christ in a physical body, now even before the end of our century will appear before people, but this time in etheric clothes as he appeared before Paul at the gate of Damascus" (ibid page 228). On the other hand Rudolf Steiner spoke about the forming of the new community of the Essenes and the possible reincarnation of Joshua Ben Pandira. This time Joshua Ben Pandira would be inspired (in his predictions about the coming of Christ) by the Bodhisattva who in the future will become Maitreya-Buddha. This Bodhisattva will reveal "under which form Christ will appear in our epoch" (ibid page 229).

After my initial mystical contact with Christ I had many visions of Christ (perfectly in line with Rudolf Steiner's prediction about His Second Coming). For instance, I had the blessing to link with the Bodhisattva Amoghasiddhi, the one who is to become Maitreya-Buddha. Integrating the knowledge about the Second Coming of Christ by Rudolf Steiner, the Zoroaster mysteries in my life, the Teaching and the Cause of the World Teacher Beinsa Douno, the influence of the Bodhisattva Amoghasiddhi (and some other mystical connections and revelations), I can state now that I not only met the Second Coming of Christ in ethereal form, but for me He is the unfolding new Divine Reality. Therefore, I warmly invite the followers of Rudolf Steiner (and of course all people on Earth) to experience his vision of the Second Coming of Christ, to meet Second Coming of Christ together and to co-create with Him in great joy, mystery and sacredness.

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