Templeton Nomination


Leon Moscona – The Avatar of Synthesis
J. Crowley



Leon Moscona is an Avatar of Synthesis. He brings a new fruit from the Tree of Life, which is the Initiation of the Holy Spirit. Blessed by the Holy Spirit he reveals the essence of the Testament of Truth and the new stage in the unfolding of the Messianic Plan for our epoch. He prepares the people to meet the Second Coming (or the Coming) of the Divine Masters and to participate in the Divine Wedding in Heaven. Through the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem he describes the Kingdom of God with "many mansions", which are the spiritual worlds of the various religions. This is the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, where humankind will start the New Cycle of Existence. Leon Moscona also presents the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path to the Kingdom of God and shows how to bring this celestial reality on Earth. In fact, with all its new spiritual substance the work of Leon Moscona introduces a new religious paradigm and develops a new integral mythology for the spiritual life of humankind. Leon Moscona's contribution to the spiritual development of humankind is of great importance.

As an Avatar of Synthesis for our time, Leon Moscona was blessed to have many visions from the highest spiritual world. These visions revealed the spiritual essence of our epoch, the initiation of the Holy Spirit, the reality of the New Jerusalem, the mystery of the Second Coming, the essence of the Divine Wedding in Heaven and the beginning of the New Cycle of existence of humankind in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

Leon Moscona's contributions to the spiritual life of humankind are not only entirely original but they open an enormous field for further spiritual discoveries and creativity. Actually he developed the General Theory of Religion, which is the key to mutual understanding between the representatives of all world religions. Leon Moscona initiated a planetary Movement for the realisation of the Testament of Truth in our turbulent times.  He founded a Mystery School of the Spirit, which for the first time introduces the New Initiation of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, with its three main apocalyptic aspects – the metaphysical, metahistorical and metacultural – which are so important for the life of contemporary humankind. As an Initiate, Leon Moscona gathered the spiritual treasures from the outgoing Hindu-European Cycle and revealed the Reality of the New Heaven and New Earth where the New Cycle of Existence of humankind will unfold.

Below follows a short description of some of these visions, evidence of the originality of Leon Moscona's contributions and their crucial importance for contemporary humankind. His contributions include: 

1. The Vision of the New Jerusalem
2. The Spiritual Essence of our Epoch
    a) Introducing the New Spiritual Paradigm
    b) Initiating the Movement for the Realisation of the Testament of Truth
    c) Gathering the Spiritual Council of Humankind
3. The Initiation of the Holy Spirit
    a)  Following the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path
    b)  Experiencing the New Pentecost
    c)  Meeting the Second Coming
    d)  Appreciation of the Divine Feminine
    e)  Participation in the Divine Wedding in Heaven
4. Description of the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth
5.  Conclusion


1. The New Jerusalem
(Developing the General Theory of Religion)

Leon Moscona reveals that the New Jerusalem (in the great visions of St. John from the Book of Revelation, the Prophet Isaiah (60: 1) and the Prophet Ezekiel (48: 30-35) could be interpreted as a colossal metaphysical Zodiac-Mandala. The Zodiac aspect symbolises the whole historical cycle of the Hindu-European civilisation from the last Golden Age to the coming New Cycle of Existence of humankind in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The Mandala aspect of the New Jerusalem (with its twelve gates) symbolises the Kingdom of God with many mansions, i.e. the spiritual worlds of the world religions and the Divine Masters, Founders of the religions, appearing from the various gates: 

Zodiac -Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem

"All elements of the Zodiac-Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem - the centre, the circumference, the horizontal and vertical axes, the outer, inner and inmost circles (in pink, blue and white), the day-night cycle, the four cosmic season, the twelve gates of initiations, the Temples of initiations, etc. - have a deep mythological significance and symbolise the three-fold structure of Creation, the different phases in the involution and the evolution of the human being and the different historical epochs in human civilisation as well. From this point of view the vision of the Heavenly Jerusalem is like a colossal cosmic-spiritual Zodiac."  (The Second Coming p.42)

Leon Moscona's vision of the Heavenly Jerusalem is "a typological picture of the whole metahistorical cycle of humankind's life on Earth since the Fall – the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise – to their return back to the Father's house.  It includes all historical epochs through which humankind has passed during the process of involution (from the Garden of Paradise to the material world) and evolution (from the dark 'material' consciousness evolving to cosmic-spiritual consciousness). In this picture all initiations in human history, such as those of Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Orpheus, Pythagorus, Plato, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Bodhidharma, the Master Beinsa Douno and many others can be inscribed." (The Second Coming p 41- 42)

From the other perspective Leon Moscona interprets the Heavenly Jerusalem as a majestic Mandala in which the Divine Masters of humankind (Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad and others) radiate from the Divine Origin of Being, the Centre of the Mandala.

"The Divine Masters appear at the Twelve Gates, showing the Path to the Kingdom of God to the followers of their spiritual traditions. Similar to the Buddhist Mandala, each Divine Master has his own place in the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem.  He appears with specific cosmological characteristics such as element, colour, symbol of initiation and others which represent his particular initiation.  Each Divine Master is also accompanied by a Personification of the Divine Feminine and many disciples, who play an important role in his mission. By meditating and merging with them one can receive their initiations and enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem through their respective gates." (The Second Coming, p. 77)

The visions of the Heavenly Jerusalem as a cosmic-spiritual Zodiac and as a Mandala are two aspects of one and the same revelation.  The vision of the cosmic-spiritual Zodiac emphasises the 'objective aspect' of the Heavenly Jerusalem - that is the archetypal structure of the different characteristics of the Universe disclosed by the world religions.  The vision of the Mandala emphasises the 'subjective aspect' of the Holy City - the personifications of the Divine Masters appearing at each Universal gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem as the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Naturally, as two sides of the same revelation, in accordance with the orientation, one could easily alternate between the 'objective' and the 'subjective' aspect in the celestial Zodiac – Mandala. (see The Second Coming, p.78)

In order to describe the Heavenly Jerusalem as the majestic Zodiac-Mandala and the essence of the initiations, especially at the four cardinal points (including the outer, the inner and the inmost circles of the Mandala), Leon Moscona had to develop a special metaphysical language. In comparison with the language of the Buddhist Mandala (describing the position on the Mandala, the unique posture, feminine counterpart, element, colour, symbols of the Dhyani Buddhas, etc.) he introduced many more spiritual characteristics and concepts such as: cosmic phase, universal principle, mission, view of earthly life, type of transcendence, spiritual practice, model of the universe, structure of creation, spiritual transformation of the human being, symbol of initiation, sublime state of consciousness, ultimate reality. Then, with the help of all these spiritual characteristics and concepts, he models and draws comparisons between the spiritual worlds revealed by Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, Beinsa Douno and other Divine Masters. According to Leon Moscona each spiritual world is a mansion in the 'Father's house' and could be presented symbolically as a Temple. 

The potential of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem for metaphysical study, spiritual reflection and meditation is enormous: "The  Mandala of the  Heavenly Jerusalem is like a map of the Holy City.  So, through reflection and meditation on all its constituents, we will gradually recreate in our consciousness the whole Divine City, shining   with eternal  Truth and wondrous  Beauty.   Thus,  we  will  become  immortal  citizens of the Heavenly Jerusalem who live in the presence of the Lord God Almighty." (The Second Coming, p.245)

In general,  "the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem introduces three key aspects of the spiritual life of humankind: a) the metaphysical aspect – describing the structure of the Temple at each of the 12 Gates – the three-fold structure of the Universe and the three perfect bodies of the Founder of the religion; b) the metahistorical aspect – showing the place of each religion in the evolution of humankind and its role in the Messianic plan; c) the metacultural aspect – revealing the wholeness of the Kingdom of God with many mansions (i.e. the spiritual worlds of the religions), the completion of the Hindu-European Cycle of human evolution and opening the New Cycle of Existence in the Kingdom of God. (The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, pp. 39 – 45)

As a whole, the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem is like the "General Theory of Religion", where each religion is a special case and has its unique place, role and significance in the whole picture. One could imagine the enormous amount of metaphysical ideas, archetypes and spiritual structures related to the various initiations and their interconnection within the system of co-ordinates of the Mandala. The Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem is the new integrative mythology in the spiritual life of humankind. Thus Leon Moscona finds a new integrative way of revealing the eternal Testament of Truth - the ultimate Truth about God, Creation and the Human Being made in the image and likeness of God. The Testament of Truth is at the foundation of every world religion but it is a special task to compare the metaphysical aspects of the main world religions and to show the metahistorical diversity in their original unity. Leon Moscona convincingly  shows the unity in diversity and the diversity in unity of the spiritual history of humankind: all world religions glorify the One God, "Who was, Who is and Who is to come" and each religion does this differently.

To the best of my knowledge, such a comprehensive integrative picture of the New Jerusalem comes for the first time in human history. It is hard to overestimate the importance of this vision for the spiritual life of contemporary humankind. This integrative vision, showing the metaphysical unity of the world religions and their place in the Messianic Plan offers a powerful foundation for mutual respect, understanding and acceptance between the representatives of all spiritual traditions. It also serves as a basis for the comparison and typology of the world religions.  Through the Mandala the so-called "clash of civilizations" will be replaced by the recognition of the Divine Unity of all religions. Moreover, when it is appreciated and activated in full, the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem could lead to a living experience of the wholeness of the Kingdom of God with many mansions. This is the way for humankind to ascend to a new level of evolution.

A detailed description of the Heavenly Jerusalem as a majestic metaphysical Zodiac-Mandala is given in the book The Second Coming by Leon Moscona. Some of the main ideas are included also in the web site.

2. The Spiritual Essence of our Epoch 
(Initiating a Movement for the Realisation of the Testament of Truth)

As an Initiate, blessed by the Holy Spirit, Leon Moscona (in his books The Second Coming, The Testament of Truth – Manifesto and in more than 250 lectures, seminars and workshops), reveals the spiritual essence of our time as the fulfilment of all main myths and prophecies found in the world religions such as the End of Time, the Day of Judgement, the Second Coming, the Divine Wedding in Heaven and the Return of humankind to the Kingdom of God with many mansions.

In accordance with the metaphysics of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, if we depict the whole Hindu-European cycle of human evolution on a twelve hour clock, Leon Moscona shows that now humankind is approaching the End of Time, the 12th hour of this historical epoch. For him "the End of Time (or the End of the World) is a metaphoric term for the end of the life of humankind in its restricted, earthly consciousness and its rising with a new cosmic-spiritual consciousness into the higher celestial realms.  This is the end of the great metahistorical Hindu-European cycle of human involution on Earth after the Fall and the beginning of a completely new historical cycle of evolution in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth." (The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, p.23)

Now, according to Leon Moscona, the End of Time is approaching because for the first time in its history humankind is becoming one gigantic socio-cultural organism living on a relatively small planet. Obviously humankind has to undergo a spiritual rebirth in order to survive. Otherwise it faces a chain of devastating wars, ecological disasters and, ultimately, self-destruction. (The Second Coming, p.26-27)

It is difficult to imagine a more crucial and responsible time than this twelfth hour at the end of the Hindu-European cycle. This is the culmination of the evolution of humankind from this enormous period of time, which will result either in spiritual resurrection (and ascending to the new cycle of evolution) or spiritual catastrophe and starting the evolutionary process all over again. This culmination was envisaged by all the Divine Masters, Saints, Initiates, Prophets and that is why we have a very rich mythology of the End of Time, the Day of Judgement, the Second Coming, the return to the Kingdom of God and the New Reality. Metaphorically speaking, in accordance with its choice, humankind as a whole will enter either into a 'black hole' of collapse or into a 'white hole of light' (a new spiritual Big Bang), giving birth to a new humankind, living in a New Heaven and a New Earth. At this crucial moment in human evolution the Battle between the Light and the Dark forces reaches its culmination. (The Second Coming, p.26-27)

Understanding and revealing in great detail this apocalyptic picture, Leon Moscona works tirelessly for humankind's spiritual rebirth. As could be seen from his Curriculum Vitae, he is building bridges between the Eastern-European and Western-European spiritual cultures, between Europe and the U.S.A., between the spiritual cultures of the East and the West, etc. To his credit is spreading (with great personal risk) the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno for the first time in communist Russia. He introduced the Paneurhythmy and the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem for the first time in many spiritual centres in the West, including the U.S.A. The very concept of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem integrates all spiritual traditions in the East and the West. As a Divine worker he tirelessly builds spiritual bridges between the representatives of many different traditions in order to reach the "critical mass" for the spiritual rebirth of humankind. The work of Leon Moscona is on a planetary scale and it is compatible with the Divine task for successful spiritual rebirth of humankind.

As a representative of the Forces of Light, current activities of Leon Moscona include:

a) Introducing a New Spiritual Paradigm

"The New Spiritual Paradigm has three main aspects, all of which originate from the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem – metaphysical, metahistorical and metacultural.  The metaphysical aspect is connected with the spiritual journey on the Path of the Divine Rainbow from the earthly world to the Highest Divine World, to the Kingdom of God with many mansions. The metahistorical aspect is the experience of all the spiritual treasures of the world religions and meeting the New Coming of the Divine Masters. The metacultural aspect is participation in the Divine Wedding in Heaven and co-creation with God in the New Cycle of Existence. (The New Spiritual Paradigm, p.6)

(Some of the main features of the New Spiritual Paradigm are described in his book The Second Coming. A summary of them is published in the web site: www.testamentoftruth.org

b) Initiating a Movement for the realisation of the Testament of Truth with the 'awakening souls from the four corners of the Earth'

"The realisation of the Testament of Truth in our time is connected with the fulfilment of the prophecies of the End of Time, the Judgement, the Second Coming, the Divine Wedding in Heaven and humankind’s return to the Kingdom of God. Almost all world religions predict that the time for the fulfilment of these prophecies is our present epoch.  This will happen as a result of a great Divine Action, which has been in preparation for hundreds and thousands of years and which has begun to unfold already. As an Initiate of this Action, Leon Moscona is setting in motion a Movement for the realisation of the Testament of Truth in our time - a Movement for social renovation, cultural renaissance, spiritual awakening and Divine illumination. This Movement comes to unite all people despite race, culture, religion, gender and age into one great planetary spiritual family as God's people living on sacred Earth.  It promotes life in peace, harmony, love, mutual understanding and care for the Earth and nature. ( see Movement The Testament of Truth, p.2 )

(The Programme of the Movement for the realisation of the Testament of Truth is presented in the book The Testament of Truth – Manifesto. The Manifesto is also included in the web site here)

c) Gathering initiates from all world religions to form a Spiritual Council which would facilitate the spiritual rebirth of humankind

"All spiritually awakened people on Earth have to participate actively in the Divine Action for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. In order to do this effectively we have to be in direct link with the Holy Council of Humankind in Heaven. For this purpose a special Spiritual Council on Earth, with initiates from all world religions, has to be formed. The initiates are those who have experienced the Divine Truth and are in direct contact with the Divine Masters of their own tradition. They also recognise the Divine origin of all other religions and could guide humankind in its spiritual rebirth. (The Spiritual Council of Humankind, p.2)

(An Appeal for forming the Spiritual Council of Humankind is sent to some spiritual communities, esoteric groups, leading organisations in interfaith work and self-realised individuals. It is also included in the web site  here. 

"The influence of the Dark forces on humankind makes contemporary human culture like a Babylonian civilisation. The Movement for the realisation of the Testament of Truth, based on the new spiritual paradigm will help humankind to overcome the existing "Babylonian civilisation" (the fall of which was depicted so dramatically in Chapter 18 in the Book of Revelation) and to start building the New Jerusalem civilisation (again envisaged so powerfully and inspiringly in Chapters 21 and 22)!  Obviously the establishment of the New Jerusalem civilisation is the key to humankind's survival in the long term and to the realisation of its Divine purpose as mediator between Heaven and Earth envisaged from the beginning of Time." (The New Spiritual Paradigm, p.6)

For the fulfilment of this important task the work of Leon Moscona is highly significant. 

3. The Initiation of the Holy Spirit
(Founding a Mystery School of the Spirit)

As an Avatar of Synthesis Leon Moscona was blessed to receive the Initiation of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit. According to his revelations (coinciding with many predictions in the world religions), we are in a critical time in the history of humankind when the present Hindu-European Cycle of evolution has to be concluded and the New Cycle of Existence in the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth has to begin.  In the metaphysics of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem  developed by Leon Moscona this means that humanity is approaching the Zenith of the Mandala and the last Gate, the Twelfth Universal Gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem has to be opened.  It leads to the New Golden Age, to the New Cycle of Existence, to the cosmic-spiritual Summer where the Light of the Divine Truth will shine on humankind continuously. There the prophecies about the Heavenly Jerusalem from the Prophet Isaiah (Arise, Jerusalem, and shine like the sun; The glory of the Lord is shining on you! - 60:1), from the Prophet Ezekiel (The name of the city from now on will be, "The-Lord-Is-Here!" - 48: 35:) and from St. John (The gates of the city will stand open all day; they will never be closed, because there will be no night there -Revelation 21: 25) will be fulfilled. Leon Moscona speaks about similar prophecies from all world religions.

Leon Moscona reveals that The Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, opens the last Gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit is the One who gathers all the fruit from the spiritual history of humankind and integrates all world religions. The Holy Spirit prepares and guides the people to meet the New Coming of the Divine Masters and to participate in the Divine Wedding in Heaven. The Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, reveals the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth where an illuminated humankind will live with the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Mother forever.

"The opening of the last Universal Gate in the Heavenly Jerusalem is a great apocalyptic event which marks the new stage in the evolution of humankind as God's people on sacred Earth.  The building of the New Temple by the Holy Spirit, on the Southern Universal Gate, at the Zenith, follows the archetypal model of all other Temples in the Heavenly Jerusalem in accordance with the three-fold structure of Creation and the three perfect bodies of the human being, created in the image and likeness of God." (The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, p. 45)

In his Enlightenment Leon Moscona was given the plan for the new Temple at the last Universal Gate. In this Temple humankind will experience the Initiation of the Holy Spirit, which brings a new meaning (content) to the three main aspects in the spiritual life of humankind introduced by the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem – the metaphysical, the metahistorical and the metacultural. The metaphysical aspect now is connected with the spiritual journey on the Path of the Divine Rainbow from the earthly world to the Highest Divine World, the Kingdom of God with many mansions. The metahistorical aspect is the experience of all the spiritual treasures of the world religions (i.e. the 'Integral Pentecost' of all spiritual traditions) and meeting the New Coming of the Divine Masters. The metacultural aspect is participation in the Divine Wedding in Heaven and Co-creation with God in the New Cycle of Existence.

Leon Moscona presents the Initiation of the Holy Spirit in an inspiring Mystery School of the Spirit. It is well known that in every world religion there are at least three levels of Spiritual School – a) developing the right understanding and preparation for the spiritual journey; b) ascending to the higher celestial world for the blossoming of the soul; c) the awakening of the Divine Self and entry into the highest Divine World.  The Mystery School of the Spirit founded by Leon Moscona is for the ascent to the highest Divine World and awakening of the Divine Self.   With a small international group of friends gathering in Bulgaria he develops all three aspects of the New Initiation. He has given more than 250 lectures, led many celebrations, prayer-meditations, seminars, workshops and initiatic cycles, consecrated to the Initiation of the Holy Spirit.  The culmination of the spiritual work during the year is the Summer Assembly in the sacred Bulgarian Mountain of Rila, where the metaphysical, metahistorical and metacultural aspects are activated substantially.

The Mystery School of the Spirit led by Leon Moscona is like a creative Divine laboratory for receiving the new Initiation of the Holy Spirit, tracing the Path of the Initiate in our time, exploring the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and entry into the New Cycle of Existence of humankind. Below I will mention some of the creative projects, which Leon Moscona develops in connection with the three main aspects of the Initiation of the Holy Spirit- the metaphysical, the metahistorical and the metacultural.

(Some information about the Mystery School of the Spirit founded by Leon Moscona is available from his Curriculum Vitae, especially during the Dublin Period (1988 – 1998) and the Sofia-Dublin Period (1998 –2006)

3.1. The Nine-Fold Path of the Divine Rainbow

The metaphysical aspect of the Initiation of the Holy Spirit is an ascent through the whole vertical structure of Creation and an entry into the Heavenly Jerusalem, into the Kingdom of God where "there are many mansions".  For this purpose the Spirit of Truth leads the awakened souls step by step on the Nine-Fold Path of the Divine Rainbow.

The Steps of the Divine Rainbow Path are organically connected to the three-fold structure of the Universe and to the essence of the human being, created in the image and likeness of God, as a micro-model of Creation.  Each Step on the Path embraces a vast realm of spiritual work and requires a great variety of techniques and spiritual practices for achieving its goals.  In its entirety the Path of the Divine Rainbow is a well-defined and precise spiritual Path which has been given for our epoch.

The introduction of the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path by Leon Moscona is a great contribution to the spiritual life of contemporary humankind. In one or another way every world religion leads its followers on the path of ascension to the reality of the Kingdom of God.  Each one gives beautiful descriptions of the higher worlds and many precise methods and spiritual practices for achieving its Divine goals.  Moreover, the religions, especially in our epoch, are open, appreciative and tolerant to all other spiritual traditions.  They acknowledge that in essence the Absolute Truth is one and that all paths lead to this ultimate Divine Truth.

The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path however emphasises the diversity in unity and pursues the initiations of all world religions as one of its main aims.  It places special emphasis on the harmony between the process of ascending to the Kingdom of God and the process of descending to bring this celestial reality down on Earth.  At the climax of the Rainbow Path is the Divine union between the universal masculine principle personified by the Divine Masters and the universal feminine principle manifested by the Personifications of the Divine Mother, which places the balance between these two universal principles at the foundation of the spiritual work.

The cherished aim of the integration of all spiritual traditions on an esoteric level gives a special fragrance to the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path and opens new dimensions of mystical experience. We can start the Rainbow Path from one or another tradition but quite soon (at least after the Third Step) we have to embrace all other paths and develop the qualities which they require in order to enter into the wholeness of the Kingdom of God with many mansions.  The ultimate goal of the Rainbow Path, however, is to merge with the Living God, who re-creates the whole world.

When the advanced followers on the Path of the Divine Rainbow enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem they are able to visit the various Temples of the world religions and to receive, in person, the Initiations of the Divine Masters, founders of the religions.  The Spirit of Truth helps and accelerates this process through a direct connection with the Divine Masters and shedding light on the whole Heavenly Jerusalem as the Kingdom of God with many mansions.  Thus the metaphysical aspect in the Initiation of the Holy Spirit is fulfilled. For the realisation of the metahistorical aspect however the initiates have to gather mystically in the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem in front of the Throne of God, to experience all the spiritual treasures of the world religions and to meet the New Coming of the Divine Masters.

Using the enormous potential of the Rainbow Path, Leon Moscona leads the participants in the group, especially in the Summer Assembly, on the great journey from the Earthly world, through the Celestial world, to the Highest Divine World around the Throne of God. The sacred place of the Seven Lakes on Rila Mountain in Bulgaria provides the perfect setting to ascend, step by step, world after world, through the whole vertical structure of the Universe up to the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem containing the Divine Temples of the world religions. Each Temple encompasses the three-fold structure of Creation, revealed by one or another world religion.  In the Divine Temples the followers on the Rainbow Path participate in the permanent Divine service and appreciate the treasures of each world religion. The ultimate goal is to merge with the Universal Body of the Divine Masters, founders of the religions, to receive their initiation and to prepare to meet their Second Coming (or Coming).

(The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path is described in great detail in the book The Second Coming by Leon Moscona. Many lectures, talks and seminars given by Leon Moscona during the last ten years are consecrated to the journey on the Rainbow Path.

Some main ideas of the Nine Steps in the Rainbow Path are included in the web site: www.testamentoftruth.org)

3.2. The New Integral Pentecost

The metahistorical aspect of the Initiation of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, presented by Leon Moscona, is the conclusion of the whole Hindu-European cycle and experiencing the great spiritual richness gathered by humankind for more than ten thousand years.  It is also connected with the fulfilment of the prophecies of the world religions and meeting the Second Coming (or the New coming, the Coming) of the Divine Masters. For this purpose the advanced followers on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path have to ascend to the Highest Divine World in the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Leon Moscona reveals that at the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem the Living God will bless the people with a new majestic integral 'Pentecost'.  This time the Holy Spirit will reveal the whole spiritual history of humankind in the Hindu-European cycle, initiation after initiation so that all twelve gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem are open and the people become able to experience one by one, or simultaneously, the richness of many spiritual traditions – Hermetism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and others. The Holy Spirit will open the Book of the Living where all initiations from the Hindu-European cycle are written.

By its very essence the meditation on the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, developed by Leon Moscona, is the perfect spiritual practice for experiencing the New Integral Pentecost. (www.testamentoftruth.org) Over the years, in various countries, on special occasions and otherwise, the Avatar of Synthesis Leon Moscona led many Mandala meditations with enormous power and Divine presence.

For some of the participants in these meditations they resulted in illumination, transfiguration and self-realisation. In love, joy and ecstasy these participants entered into the reality of the Holy City, the 'New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God'.  The New Jerusalem appeared before them as a living Heavenly Mandala illuminated by the great light of all the Divine Masters and their Feminine Partners.  In this high state of consciousness they were able to merge with the universal bodies of the Divine Masters and to receive their initiations in the Temples of the Holy City. 

The Mandala-meditation performed by the representatives of all world religions is the key to the dramatic situation in the Middle East, especially in Jerusalem. Jerusalem could become the trigger of a catastrophe, or a place of peace, reconciliation, forgiveness and celebration of the unity of all nations. From this perspective the development of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem (and the Mandala-meditation based on it) by Leon Moscona could be of crucial importance for the peaceful solution to the problems in the Middle East and the world.

3.3. Meeting the Second Coming

Leon Moscona states that in order to enter into the New Cycle of Existence the participants have to meet the New coming of the Divine Masters and the personifications of the Divine Feminine connected with them. The Second Coming itself will be ignited by the new apocalyptic creative act of God.  In The Revelation (21: 5-6) St. John witnessed the mystery of God creating the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth: Then the one who sits on the throne said, 'And now I make all things new'!  'It is done!  I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end'. According to the interpretation of the Leon Moscona this is the signal for the re-creation of the world and the event of the Second Coming.

Leon Moscona compares this process to a great spiritual 'big bang' which changes the metaphysics of the world.  The physical 'big bang' gave birth to the material universe; the new spiritual 'big bang' ignited by God gives birth to the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.  It is a 'New Genesis' in which life in the whole Universe takes a new direction.

(The mystery of the Second Coming is described in great detail in the book The Second Coming by Leon Moscona. Many lectures, talks and seminars given by Leon Moscona during the past ten years are consecrated to meeting the New Coming of the Divine Masters.

Some main ideas about the Second Coming are included in the web site: wwwtestamentoftruth.org

In his book The Second Coming and in many lectures Leon Moscona provides answers (in a very precise, metaphysical, initiatic way) to the most delicate and sensitive questions about the Second Coming (or the Coming) of the Divine Masters predicted in the world religions. This helps to disperse unhealthy speculation, fears, illusions, false expectations and metaphysical malpractice, which have become part of contemporary culture. On the other hand it prepares us for the great events which are about to come and some of which are happening now.

As Leon Moscona witnessed, the Masters, according to their promises, can appear in any level of Creation, but regardless of their actual manifestations, they will proclaim the wholeness of Being on both the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels.  For instance, Christ, "the Son of Man will appear, coming on the clouds with great power and glory" (Mark 13: 26), i.e. He will appear in His universal body, in the highest Divine world, as the Light of the whole of Creation.  The Hebrew Messiah will come to lead the New Exodus of representatives of all world religions to the Promised Land (the Kingdom of God, the seven Heavens) and will inaugurate the Third Temple - the whole Universe as a Divine Temple.  Zoroaster may manifest in the heavenly worlds as an inner Guide within our souls and spirits and will reveal the mystery of the great cosmic-spiritual Sun, which gives eternal life to all of Creation.  The coming of Maitreya-Buddha will result in a great, staggering Enlightenment revealing the totality of all existence and embracing the past, the present and the future of humankind.  The Divine guru Ramakrishna was an embodiment of Rama and Krishna; in his New Coming he can even become a manifestation of Masters from different traditions in order to confirm the absolute mystical unity of all religions.  In this crucial time Imam Mahdi will appear again as the Axis Mundi, the invisible ruler of the Universe, and will guide the devoted people on the spiritual Path." (see The Second Coming, p. 32)

As founder of the Mystery School of the Spirit, Leon Moscona leads the participants into the Temples of the Heavenly Jerusalem and from there to the Centre of the Holy City. In the Summer Assemblies, in particular, they try to consecrate a whole day (from the Sunrise until the Evening prayer-meditation) to one or another Divine Master – the Cosmic Christ, the Hebrew Messiah, Maitreya Buddha, Babaji, Imam Mahdi, the Master Beinsa Douno, the Spirit of Truth, or others. The purpose is to merge with the Universal body of the Divine Master and to experience His New Coming on the etheric level. These visions could be compared with the vision of St. John who saw the Cosmic Christ, as described in the Book of Revelation (Revelation, Chapter 1: 9 - 20).

The results of these mystical meetings with the Divine Masters facilitated by Leon Moscona are staggering indeed. For instance, every year some of the participants in the Summer Assembly experience the Second Coming of the Cosmic Christ on the etheric level and receive His Divine Blessings as proclaimed in the Book of Revelation (after the Messages to the Churches). At some special events, such as on the 15 of July 2002  the participants led by Leon Moscona entered into a majestic Mandala meditation – a prototype of the New Mandala, associated with the coming Maitreya Buddha. The Summer Assembly always includes July 12 – the Birthday of the Master Beinsa Douno. So a whole day is consecrated to him and Leon Moscona invokes his Divine presence (in the place where the Master himself led many inspiring Sunrise ceremonies in the past). In some of the most inspiring meditative journeys Leon Moscona, with the participants in the group, experienced the sacred Rila Mountain as 'Spiritual Himalayas' and identified with the Yoga group of the legendary Divine Master Babaji. In other special occasions they experienced most sacred vibrations activated by the presence of the Living God similar to the event on Mount Sinai with Moses.

These meetings of the Second Coming (or the Coming) of the Divine Masters could be compared with the miracle in Fatima (in 1917, in Portugal) where three children saw the Blessed Virgin Mary, appearing on the etheric level. In a similar way Leon Moscona and some of the participants in his group are meeting the Cosmic Christ and are receiving Divine Blessings from Him. The essence of the Mystery School of the Spirit is to witness many other appearances of the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine as well. These events are inspiring spiritual stories, which confirm the promises of the Divine Masters that we could mystically live with them in the reality of the Kingdom of God with many mansions.

Leon Moscona is firmly convinced that the preparation for and the meeting of the Second Coming (or the Coming) of the Divine Masters strengthen, rejuvenate and reinforce the existing world religions. The New Coming of any Divine Master completes the cycle of his appearance on Earth and is part of the great Messianic Plan for the spiritual rebirth of humankind. In this regard the contribution of Leon Moscona to the spiritual life of people in search of God is enormous indeed. In the Book of Revelation it is said: The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!” Everyone, who hears this must also say, "Come!" Come, whoever is thirsty; Accept the water of life as a gift, whoever wants it. (Revelation 22:17) Leon Moscona has heard this voice and now is saying to everyone who wants the water of life -  "Come"!

3.4.  Appreciation of the Divine Feminine

The metacultural aspect in the Initiation of the Holy Spirit is the entry of humankind as God's people into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and the beginning of the New Cycle in its evolution.  This new cycle is connected with the Divine Wedding in Heaven and spiritual co-creation with the Divine Masters and the personifications of the Divine Mother for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

In our time the appreciation of the Divine Feminine is of crucial importance. In order to survive and undergo our spiritual rebirth, Leon Moscona declares that we have to receive a whole New Gospel from the Divine Mother. As an Initiate of the mystery of the Divine Wedding in Heaven he  introduces this New Gospel of the Divine Mother which will help us to bring the Kingdom of God down on Earth and to build life on all levels of Being as a Divine Temple. Being in mystical contact with the Divine Mother, he witnesses how "She emerges from the Source of Life, i.e. the cosmic-spiritual Sun which never sets, and creates life in all realms of the vertical structure of the Universe as a Divine Temple – from the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem, through the various celestial worlds, down to the life of humankind on Earth.  On Earth she transforms and illuminates the Earth itself, human culture, society, the family, and the life of the individual human being." (see The Second Coming, p.123)

From this perspective Leon Moscona, initiated in the Second Coming of the Divine Masters, reveals the new Mission of the Divine Feminine as part of the mystery of the Divine Wedding.  As I know from him,  the group in Bulgaria consecrates every Christmas Eve celebration to the new Mission of the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary is a personification of the Divine Mother on Earth, who conceived by the Holy Spirit and gave birth to Jesus (who became Christ, the Son of God). Now she, blessed again by the Holy Spirit, will give 'metaphysical birth' to the new humankind as God's 'rainbow people' on Earth. The Christmas Eve ceremony is always a very special celebration (with a mystical  talk, guided prayer-meditation and spiritual music) and reveals the Mission of the Divine Mother in our time. In a similar way Leon Moscona introduces the new Mission of many other manifestations of the Divine Feminine in the world religions.

In the Summer Assembly every year Leon Moscona consecrates at least one special day to the Divine Feminine in order to enter into the vibrations of the Divine Wedding. Starting with the Sunrise, then the sacred dance Paneurhythmy, journeying meditatively in the mountains, the group lives in the all embracing aura of the Divine Mother. Of course, the participants feel daily the contact with the Divine Feminine, but for Leon Moscona it is important to consecrate a special day to Her. Feeling the presence of the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine connected with them, they become able to witness (and in some cases to participate in) the creation of the New Reality where humankind is blessed to enter.

As a whole, Leon Moscona's work promotes harmonious and organic balance between all polarities in human life on Earth, especially between the universal masculine and feminine energies. For him this balance produces the most appropriate Middle Way for our time (corresponding to the well-known Middle Way in Buddhism). It helps to alleviate the contradictions and tensions between the Feminist movement and the existing Patriarchal religions. According to Leon Moscona, the solution to this problem is participation in the Divine Wedding and co-creation with God. This is not only a theoretical conception but a spiritual practice giving many wonderful results in the Mystery School led by Leon Moscona. 

(The Gospel of the Divine Mother is described in the book The Second Coming. Leon Moscona gave a special Initiatic Cycle consecrated to the Glorification of the Divine Feminine.
Some main
ideas about the Divine Wedding are also included in the web site here)

3.5. The Divine Wedding in Heaven

"The event of the Second Coming of the Divine Masters and the coming New Gospel of the Divine Mother are two aspects of one and the same mystery - the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth coming into existence from God the Absolute, the Source of Life. When "the One who sits on the throne makes everything new" (Revelation 21:5), the Universal Masculine and Universal Feminine Energies in Creation, in absolute harmony and collaboration, create the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth." (see The Second Coming, p. 113)

"The New Cycle of Existence of humankind, after the Hindu-European cycle, will unfold in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. This New Cycle is the fulfilment of the prophecies of the world religions. For instance, the Prophet Isaiah witnessed God creating new heavens and a new earth  ("Now I create new heavens and a new earth, and the past will not be remembered, and will come no more to men's minds." (Isaiah, 65:17)  St. John also saw a new heaven and a new earth ("Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth disappeared, and the sea vanished." (Revelation. 21:1)  We find similar metaphysical visions about the coming New Reality in the life of humankind in all world religions." (The New Spiritual Paradigm, p.1)

Leon Moscona names the apocalyptic process of the creation the New Heaven and the New Earth (as a result of the Mystery of the Divine Wedding in Heaven) the New Genesis. In his book The Second Coming he gives a most inspiring description of the New Genesis and the enormous consequences for the new status of humankind in the Universe. Instead of describing some of main features of the New Genesis, introduced by Leon Moscona, I allow myself to present extended quotations from his book The Second Coming. They are perfect examples of the constructive metaphysical work of Leon Moscona and the coming new spiritual paradigm in the life of humankind. Obviously the potential for re-interpretation of the main archetypes in the life of humankind and for understanding the emerging new spiritual reality is endless:

"The New Genesis takes place now, in the actual, dynamic, creative present, moving towards the future of God's creativity.  According to Genesis, the opening book of the Bible, human beings appeared on the sixth day after the Heaven and the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and all plant and animal life on Earth were created – this is to say, the Divine Genesis had already actually happened and was in the past in relation to the creation of human beings.  Now the spiritual people are invited by God to witness the Genesis of the New Heaven and the New Earth, and not only to witness, but also to collaborate and co-create with God.

So, participation in the Divine Wedding (by meeting the Second Coming of the Divine Masters and appreciating the New Mission of their Feminine Partners) will initiate us into the New Genesis. This will put us in a different position in relation to Creation – at the very heart of God's creativity, in the Divine demiurgic present.  This shift from the static, crystallised, well-established Universe to a dynamic Universe in constant re-creation is a staggering phenomenon, which will dramatically change the conceptions and the approach to God in the existing world religions.

Moreover, the actual participation in the New Genesis will transform the relationship of humankind with the Earth and all kingdoms of life on it.  According to Genesis which opens the Old Testament and gives the account of the First Covenant when God created human beings, 'He put them in command of all living creatures on Earth' (Genesis 1:28).  After the flood, He even told Noah that 'all the animals, birds and fish will live in fear of you' (Genesis 9:2).  Now, however, in the New Genesis, human beings are invited to become collaborators and co-creators with God and the Divine Mother and as such will become friends, helpers and caretakers of the kingdoms of life on Earth. 

In the coming new spiritual epoch, the Divine task of humankind is to transform the Earth into a Garden of Paradise and to bring the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms to a new level of evolution.  In fulfilling this Divine task, humankind will establish a completely different type of relationship with the Earth and Nature and will become a major factor in their future spiritual evolution.  Only by establishing this new type of relationship will humankind accomplish its ultimate Divine function of mediating between God and the Earth with all kingdoms of life on it, as was envisaged from the beginning of time when God created human beings in 'His own image'. This Divine mediatorship is one of the most important and inspiring goals in the spiritual evolution of humankind."(The Second Coming, p. 255 –256)

In the Bible it is said: "Eye did not see and ear did not hear what the Lord has prepared …". In a similar way, according to Leon Moscona,  it is hard to imagine the joy, the ecstasy and the Divine creativity of the people who are participating in the New Genesis of the world. Truly they will live in the presence of the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother forever and will co-create with God. For them the blessings from the last Chapters of the Book of Revelation will become a reality. Moreover, they will start writing new Chapters in the Book of Life.

Really it is hard to imagine a greater shift in human consciousness than from a well established crystallised Universe to a dynamic Universe in constant re-creation, where human beings change dramatically their standing in Creation – from created Divine Beings into Co-creators with God. This is the source of a new Mythology, a new Metaphysics, a new Genesis, with enormous effects for the status and purpose of humankind. Obviously this dramatic shift could only be envisaged and initiated by an Avatar of Synthesis for our time. 

 (The description of the New Reality and the "archetypal framework" for the New Cycle of Existence is presented in the book The Testament of Truth, Manifesto; the book is included in the web site here.


4. The New Heaven and the New Earth
(Revealing the New Reality)

Through the New Pentecost the spiritual treasures from the First Coming of the Masters are gathered and the Hindu-European cycle in human evolution comes to a close in its fullness and wholeness. On the other hand through the meeting of the Second Coming and participation in the Divine Wedding we are entering into the New Cycle of Existence which is a continuous creative spiritual process.

Following his amazing metaphysical journey, Leon Moscona enters into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and gives a very rich "archetypal" description of this reality. "In the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth the life of humankind will grow as a Tree of Life on all levels – microcosmic, socio-cultural and macrocosmic.  The Tree of Life, one of the main metaphysical symbols from the Bible, is a universal symbol of the three-fold structure of Creation and the human being, made in the image and likeness of God, who emanate from the Absolute Origin of Being. As a Tree of Life humankind will realise the Testament of Truth, which the Lord God envisaged in the Messianic Plan." (see The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, p. 59)

The New Human Being

"On the microcosmic level human beings will be transformed into cosmic-spiritual beings – Sons and Daughters of God who are living in the whole three-fold vertical structure of Creation simultaneously: with purified physical body and enlightened human personality in the physical world; with a blossoming soul in the celestial world and with an awakened Divine Spirit in the Highest Divine World. For this purpose they have to undergo two main spiritual transformations. Leon Moscona calls them symbolically 'resurrections' because each one of them is connected with a rebirth into a higher spiritual world. The first resurrection is rebirth as a Divine soul from the first, material world into the second, heavenly world, woven by celestial light, love, music, high human virtues and spiritual abilities.  The second resurrection is rebirth from the heavenly world into the highest Divine world - a mystery connected with the awakening of the higher Divine Self which enables the human being to contemplate the whole of Creation and to merge with God.  In every spiritual tradition we find profound and inspiring descriptions of the great spiritual journey of the human being through the two resurrections towards complete self-realisation and final liberation in God.

Leon Moscona's monumental visions about the New Pentecost and the New Genesis allowed him to introduce two new stages in the spiritual development of humankind - the Crown of initiations and Co-creation with God!

"When the followers on the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path receive initiations from the Divine Masters in the various Temples of the world religions, they gradually develop qualities for entry into the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem and experiencing the wholeness of the Kingdom of God with many mansions.  In this sublime state of consciousness they merge with the Absolute Origin of Being, the "Lord God Almighty, who was, who is and who is to come" (Revelation 4: 8), and they experience something like a new integral Pentecost.  Thus the Holy Spirit comes to remain in them and they receive the Crown of initiations." (The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, p.63 – 64)

"Experiencing these most elevated states of consciousness, the initiates will be ready to meet the Second Coming of the Divine Masters, to participate in the Divine Wedding in Heaven and to co-create with God for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth.  After receiving the Crown of initiations the mystical path towards co-creation with God is widely open.  In essence Co-creation with God is an even higher state of Being than receiving the Crown of initiations. (Ibid., p.67)

"It is only through the miracle of Co-creation with God that human beings can completely unfold the Divine potential of their higher Selves.  Moreover, Co-creation with God is the way in which they can express the uniqueness of their spirits, 'printed' in them from the beginning of their evolution.  Achieving this highest state of consciousness every human being will receive a unique mission in the great apocalyptic process of re-creation of the world.  And because they will be in God's consciousness and God will act through them, their unique missions will be inscribed in the Great Divine Plan for the New World. Through Co-creation with God human beings will penetrate to the very depths of the Second Coming mysteries because the Second Coming of the Divine Masters is a Divine action in which the Masters themselves co-create with God." (Ibid., p.67)

As a result of the inspiring work of the Initiate Leon Moscona human beings, in addition to the mysteries of the First and the Second resurrection, will be blessed with two qualitatively new stages of human evolution on Earth – receiving the Crown of initiations and Co-creation with God.  The Crown of initiations introduces the people to the totality of the Kingdom of God, while co-creation with God initiates them into the celestial task of bringing the reality of the Kingdom of God down on Earth and building themselves as Divine Temples. This is the complete self-realisation of the human being, created in the image and likeness of God, who becomes a blossoming cosmic-spiritual Tree of Life. Of course, many spiritually awakened people from the different world religions receive more than one initiation and even become co-creators with God, but the important contribution of Leon Moscona in this Divine process is that he develops the metaphysics of these two new stages in human evolution in their fullness.

The New Humankind

In accordance with the visions of Leon Moscona (and in line with many other inspiring visions of Divine Masters and Initiates), on a socio-cultural level (i.e. on the level of human civilisation) humankind has to become God's people on sacred Earth. "Thus the greatness and the wealth of the nations will be brought into the Holy City. (Revelation 21: 26) At this crucial time in human history every nation has an important role to play in accordance with its Divine purpose." (The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, p.69)

Over the years Leon Moscona has had visions about the spiritual missions of many nations such as the Bulgarian, Russian, Irish, English, Swiss, German, French and others.  He gave many lectures on the Mission of the Bulgarian people and always uses the National Day of Bulgaria (March 3) for extended Prayer-meditation for the fulfilment of the spiritual mission of the Bulgarian people. He brought the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno to Russia and made a significant contribution to the Mission of the Russian people as prophesised by the Russian mystic Daniil Andreev in his book The Rose of the World.  On  December 31, 1990 Leon Moscona gave an inspiring talk on the Mission of the Irish people in White Friar Street Church before more than a thousand people. In his seminars and workshops in U.K. and Switzerland he shared many visions about the Missions of those nations.

(A special Chapter Destinies of Nations and Peoples is included in the coming new book The Teaching and the Cause of the Spirit of Truth; Some material about the Mission of the Irish people could be found  here )

Leon Moscona developed his conception of the New Humankind as a result of many visions and an inspiring work on the General Theory of Culture:

 "In accordance with the three-fold structure of the Universe, each nation has a three-fold structure similar to that of the human being: body (personality) - soul - spirit. On the earthly or material level, every nation develops its life by forming a socio-cultural organism which consists of various systems such as economic, political, cultural, religious, educational and so forth. These systems are very closely, organically interconnected and, altogether, form the 'organism' of the human society which, in order to develop and reproduce itself, enters into relationship with the socio-cultural organisms of other nations and with all kingdoms of life on Earth." (The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, p.69)

"Every nation also has its National Soul, which is like a bouquet of human virtues that the nation develops over centuries and expresses through religion, morality, the arts and science.  Each nation has a unique contribution to humankind's treasury of virtues, which will form the base of the new humankind.  Together the nations comprise the essence of humanity in the Heart of God - that is, in the reality of the Universal Soul.

Furthermore, every nation has its National Spirit who leads the nation and its destiny according to the Divine Plan. Each nation has a mission, which it unfolds over the centuries of its development on Earth, and the National Spirit, an emanation from the Universal Divine Spirit, is the inspirer of this mission. The 'kings of the earth' referred to by St. John (in the Book of Revelation, 21: 24) are the National Spirits who hold the keys to the spiritual wealth gathered by each nation along its historical path." (Ibid., p.69)

"When the time comes for the spiritual rebirth of humankind, every nation has to activate its National Soul and Spirit Guide in order to participate in the positive outcome of the "apocalyptic crises". Only in this way will humankind be able to replace the present Babylonian civilisation with the New Jerusalem civilisation, i.e. to return to the Kingdom of God, where the 'kings' will bring forth and manifest the spiritual wealth of the nations" (Revelation 21: 24)." (see The New Spiritual Paradigm, p.6)

"In order to blossom spiritually, however, the existing culture, which has developed on the basis of 'cosmic illusion' (maya), has to be illuminated and transformed.  The substance of contemporary human culture is dense, thick and heavy because egoism, materialism, separation, division and narrow-mindedness are woven into its very fabric.  It has developed within the limited confines of such fundamental structures as ego-personality, self-consciousness, material life, and so on.  Almost all human relationships and socio-cultural structures, and subsequently the destinies of societies and nations, are functions of these categories.  This ego-based earthly culture has to be illuminated, spiritualised and transformed so that a new type of civilisation can be established.  The new heavenly culture has to be founded on different archetypal structures such as the higher Self, super-consciousness, spiritual life, organic society, harmonious relationships with the Earth and Nature, and so forth." (Ibid., p.70)

"By ascending to the new higher cycle of evolution, humankind will fulfil its original Divine purpose envisaged by God from the beginning of time – going not through various painful historical epochs of earthly life, but from initiation to initiation in the celestial realms. This is why, in the Kingdom of God the enlightened humankind will appreciate completely and enjoy fully the fruit of the Tree of Life which grows on each side of the River springing from the Throne of God in the Heavenly Jerusalem and giving fruit twelve times a year (see Revelation 22: 1-2)."  (The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, p. 74)  

(The transformation of the earthly culture into a heavenly culture is developed in much greater detail by Leon Moscona in his book The Second Coming, Part Two, Step Eight) 

The New Heaven and the New Earth

The New Cycle of Existence of humankind will unfold in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. Leon Moscona considers as one of his main spiritual and mystical tasks to describe the coming New Reality and the life of the illuminated transcendent humankind in it. For the fulfilment of this task he writes books (The Second Coming, The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, The New Epoch of the Holy Spirit and Bulgaria (in Bulgarian), The Teaching and the Cause of the Spirit of Truth – manuscript in preparation for publication), gives many esoteric and initiatic cycles of lectures, guides spiritual ceremonies and prayer-meditation. For him The Book of Revelation by St. John, The Testament of the Colour Rays of Light by the Master Beinsa Douno, and many other Holy Scriptures are not only sacred books, but Plans and Scenarios for Action.

In order to give an idea about the inspiring metaphysical work of Leon Moscona revealing the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, again I will quote some of the main archetypal ideas from his books:

"On a macrocosmic level the enlightened humankind will live in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.  According to the prophecies in many Holy Scriptures of the world religions this reality comes after the Great Choice, the Day of Judgement and the Resurrection." (The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, p. 75) 

"When humankind chooses the positive, creative, life-supporting Divine path of evolution, it will be able as a whole to hatch from the restricted earthly consciousness and return to the Kingdom of God.  In a similar way to the grain of wheat, which sprouts within the earth and pushes up into a new world above the soil, the enlightened consciousness of human beings will transcend its perceptions of the physical universe and will penetrate into the higher spiritual worlds.  Human beings will change their understanding of Creation and will comprehend it as an enormously vast, multi-dimensional spiritual Universe - a tremendously rich world of spiritual realities within new dynamic spatio-temporal co-ordinates where the physical dimensions of our world are only a special case.  Then the whole of Creation will appear like an ocean of Divine Consciousness, Light, Love, Music, Sacred Words and archetypal Thought-forms, inhabited by the myriad of light beings of the celestial hierarchy." (Ibid., p. 80)

"In essence, our comprehension and understanding of the Earth depends on our state of consciousness.  When we open our eyes to the celestial world, we can contemplate the Earth as a beautiful 'astral planet'.  Then, for us, the Earth will appear as a living celestial Being (Gaia) with its own planetary Soul (a part of the Universal Soul) and with a planetary Spirit - i.e. the planetary Divine Logos who leads the evolution of the Earth.  The Earth, as a celestial Being, has spiritual centres (chakras) and a very rich and well-developed structure of lay-lines of circulating energy which corresponds to the nervous system in the human body." (Ibid., p. 82)

"As to the "sky" above this sacred earth, the Lord God, the Ultimate Truth, will shine as an eternal cosmic-spiritual Sun which never sets.  In this 'transcendent sky' we could see the images of all our beloved Masters and manifestations of the Divine Feminine in celestial transfigured bodies, shining in great glory, love and power.  Their radiation will be with all colours of the Divine Rainbow and will reveal the beauty of the Highest Divine World – the result of their common inspired co-creative work with God." (Ibid., p.83)  This is why after the apocalyptic events of the Day of Judgement and the Resurrection St. John saw "the New Heaven and the New Earth, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared and ready, like a bride dressed to meet her husband."  (Revelation 21: 1-2) (Ibid., p.84)

"So, the New Heaven is the integral light of all the Divine Masters, all personifications of the Divine Feminine and all apostles, saints, prophets and initiates, connected with them. They radiate from the "One, Who sits on the Throne" as from a colossal cosmic-spiritual Sun, which enlightens the New Reality.  In a similar way as the Sun is at the basis of all life on Earth, the Light, Love, Wisdom and Truth of this cosmic-spiritual Sun is at the basis of the co-creative life of the enlightened humankind. (Ibid., p.85))

According to the Enlightenment of Leon Moscona, "one Book of Life is coming to a close (that of the present 'immanent' humankind) and another Book of Life is about to be opened – that of the transcendent humankind, who will live in the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and will co-create with God." (Ibid., p.90)

The Avatar of Synthesis

Concluding my nomination, I would like to summarise that Leon Moscona is truly an Avatar of Synthesis. Through the Nine Fold Rainbow Path, the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, the mysteries of the Second Coming, the Divine Wedding in Heaven and the description of the New Reality he integrates all three worlds in the existence of humankind and its past, present and future.

The three worlds are the existence of humankind in the physical, material universe, in the celestial, angelic world and in the Highest Divine world. The past is the enormous spiritual richness in the history of humankind, integrated through the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem and appearing as a staggering New Pentecost. The present is the spiritual essence of our epoch and the Initiation of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, who opens the last Universal Gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem. The future is meeting the Second Coming of the Divine Masters, participating in the Divine Wedding in Heaven and entry into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth as co-creators of God.

In addition, the spiritual past, present and future are presented on the three main levels of humanity's existence – the microcosmic, mesocosmic and macrocosmic, i.e. on the level of the individual human being, on the level of the socio-cultural cosmos of human civilisation and on the level of the macrocosmos of Heaven and Earth. As a result we have a monumental picture of human evolution in the Universe.

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