In epochs of great human crises, in hours of need, at the dawn of a new race and in the process of the awakening of humankind ready for accepting a wider outlook and spiritual knowledge, the Heart of God (moved by the “law of compassion”) always sends to us a Master, world Saviour, Initiator, Avatar, Mediator, Christ. He brings the healing news which directs the human race towards the next evolutionary step, sheds light on the main world problems and manifests among humankind a new, still inexperienced aspect of Divinity”. Alice Bailey
For Alice Bailey this is the great Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis who will manifest himself in full power during the 21st century. He will not be incarnated on Earth but will work from the spiritual world for humankind. On earth, according to Alice Bailey, his representative will come – the Lesser, “Earthly” Avatar of Synthesis – whose task will be the integration of all humankind and all spiritual traditions. Alice Bailey defines an Avatar as one, who is gifted with special ability (within the frame of self-initiated tasks and predestined destiny) to transmit through himself the energy or the Divine power”.
Leon Moscona is the Earthly Avatar of Synthesis. In link with the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis he brings a new fruit from the Tree of Life, which is the Initiation of the Holy Spirit. Blessed by the Living God with the Holy Spirit, he reveals the essence of the Testament of Truth and the new stage in the unfolding of the Messianic Plan for our epoch. He prepares the people to meet the Second Coming (or the Coming) of the Divine Masters and to participate in the Divine Wedding in Heaven. Through the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem he describes the Kingdom of God with "many mansions", which are the spiritual worlds of the various religions. This is the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, where humankind will start the New Cycle of Existence. Leon Moscona also presents the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path to the Kingdom of God and shows how to bring this celestial reality on Earth. In fact, with all its new spiritual substance the work of Leon Moscona introduces a new religious paradigm and develops a new integral mythology for the spiritual life of humankind.