II. The Initiation of the Holy Spirit
The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path The Heavenly Jerusalem Opening of the 12th and Last Gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem The New Pentecost The Day of Resurrection and Judgment The New Genesis The Divine Wedding in Heaven The Second Coming The Gospel of the Divine Mother The New Earth The New Heaven The New Human Being The New Humankind

The Initiation of the Holy Spirit, which comes through the Avatar of Synthesis, is the fulfillment of the Testament of Truth in our epoch and has three main aspects, which are very closely and organically interconnected – metaphysical, metahistorical and metacultural.
The metaphysical aspect is ascending from the earthly state of consciousness through the vertical structure of the Universe up to the Kingdom of God where there are many mansions. The Avatar of Synthesis traces the Nine-fold Rainbow Path which leads to the Highest Divine World and helps us to establish the New Reality on Earth. One of the main tasks on the Path is to enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Kingdom of God with many mansions, which are the spiritual worlds described by the world religions.
The metahistorical aspect is concluding the present Indo-European Cycle of evolution and opening the New Cycle of human existence in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. We are approaching the 12th hour of the Indo-European Cycle, the Day of Resurrection and Judgment is coming and the rich spiritual harvest from the outgoing Indo-European Cycle has to be gathered. The harvest will take the form of a majestic New Pentecost which will reveal the initiations from the previous historical epochs.
The metacultural aspect is connected with entry into the New Cycle of Existence in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. There we will transcend the present Babylonian type of culture, based on ego-centrism, and establish a new celestial culture, based on Life for the Whole. For this purpose we have to witness the New Genesis ignited by the Lord God Almighty, Who makes all things new (Revelation 21:5). This apocalyptic Act activates the mystery of the Divine Wedding in Heaven, the event of the Second Coming and the Gospel of the Divine Mother. As a result of the Divine Wedding the reality of the New Earth and the New Heaven comes into existence, where the New Humankind will start its New Cycle of evolution.
The purpose of this Web Site is to introduce the main aspects of the Initiation of the Holy Spirit, which comes through the Avatar of Synthesis. I have introduced these main aspects in much greater detail in books and booklets, in more than 250 lectures and in 11 Assemblies on the sacred mountain Rila in Bulgaria. Below, I give a short synopsis of some of the main aspects of the New Initiation.
The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path
The metaphysical aspect of the fulfilment of the Testament of Truth is the ascent of human beings through the whole vertical structure of Creation and entry into the Heavenly Jerusalem, into the Kingdom of God where there are many mansions. For this purpose the Avatar of Synthesis leads the awakening souls step by step on the Path of the Initiate. This is the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path which traces our ascent through the whole vertical structure of Creation and brings us into the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.
The journey on the Path of the Divine Rainbow begins with building the Right Understanding, creating an appropriate style of life and making our Exodus from the restricted material consciousness (Step One Exodus). The next Step is an ascent to the second world of the three-fold structure of the Universe (i.e. to the celestial world), and spiritual rebirth as celestial souls (Step Two, The Garden of Paradise). The Third Step, The Sacred Mountain, leads to the highest Divine world of the three-fold structure of Creation and to the spiritual centre of the Universe from the perspective of one or another world religion. From there we can experience the mystery of Creation and embrace its whole vertical structure. This Step brings our second rebirth – the awakening of our Divine Self. From the highest point, at the Centre of the Universe, we can contemplate all rooms in the Father's House – i.e. the great variety of spiritual worlds which have been revealed by the different religions (Step Four, The Holy City). Above the highest Divine world is, the Absolute Origin of Being, which is manifested by the Holy Trinity. The Fifth and Sixth Steps are consecrated respectively to the Mysteries of Universal Spirit – the active, subjective, masculine Divine principle – and to the Mysteries of the Universal Feminine – the receptive, objective, feminine Divine principle. The Universal Spirit and the Universal Feminine are in eternal Divine Union, and now this Union brings forth the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.
The Fifth and the Sixth Steps constitute the climax of the Divine Rainbow and are the culmination of the Rainbow Path. But, while the Fifth Step crowns the first act of the Drama of the transformation of humankind – our ascent to the celestial reality of the Kingdom of God, the Sixth Step opens the second act of this Drama – our descent back to the Earth with the task of bringing the reality of the Kingdom of God down on Earth. Thus, the Seventh Step of the Divine Rainbow Path is 'The Transfiguration of the Earth', while the Eighth Step is 'Transformation of the Earthly Culture into a Celestial Culture'. Finally, as we establish our new celestial style of life which bears fruit twelve times a year (Revelation 22: 2), we reach the end of the Divine Rainbow, the Ninth Step, and enjoy the New Golden Age.
The Steps of the Divine Rainbow Path are organically connected to the three-fold structure of the Universe and to the essence of the human being, created in the image and likeness of God, as a micro-model of Creation. Each Step on the Path embraces a vast realm of spiritual work and requires a great variety of methods, techniques and spiritual practices for achieving its goals. In its entirety the Path of the Divine Rainbow is a well-defined and precise spiritual Path which has been given for our epoch.
Two thousand five hundred years ago Gautama Buddha announced the four Noble Truths and revealed the Eight-fold Path leading towards Enlightenment. Now, the Avatar of Synthesis traces the Path of the Divine Rainbow for the return of humankind back to Heaven. This Path is for humankind as a whole who, acting as an integrated entity, can transform not only itself but the Earth as well. If we consider Steps Five and Six as two sides (the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine) of the same mystery, then the Nine Fold Rainbow Path is in essence an Eight-fold Rainbow Path which corresponds to the Eight Steps of Yoga in Hinduism and the Eight-fold Path in Buddhism, given for our epoch. The Nine-fold Rainbow Path however not only traces the ascent to the Higher Divine Worlds, but also helps us to bring this celestial reality on Earth.
The Heavenly Jerusalem
Following the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path, we could reach the Heavenly Jerusalem, described in the Old Testament (the visions of Isaiah and Ezekiel), in the New Testament (The Book of Revelation by St. John – Chapter 21) and other spiritual traditions. According to Kabbalah, the Heavenly Jerusalem is the Fourth Celestial Palace, called Zebul, meaning Habitation. This place is watched over by the Archangel Michael and indicates the first direct connection with the Eternal World of Azilut. (see Halevi, The Way of Kabbalah, p. 224)”. It is the reality of the Kingdom of God where there are many mansions.
The Heavenly Jerusalem is the place where the Cosmic Being, fulfilling the function of Axis of the Age, resides and so, in accordance with the Will of God, I presented for the first time a detailed picture of the Holy City, the Heavenly Jerusalem.
The majestic vision of St. John in the Book of Revelation of the Holy City (Chapter 21: 10-14), the Throne of God and of the Lamb, the four metaphysical directions (east, west, south, north) and the twelve gates, 'three on each side', depict a gigantic cosmic-spiritual Zodiac. The Heavenly Jerusalem is like a typological spiritual picture of the whole metahistorical cycle of humankind's life on Earth since the Fall – the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise – to their return back to the Father's house. It includes the Initiations in all historical epochs through which humankind has passed during the process of involution (from the Garden of Paradise to the material world) and evolution (from the dark 'material' consciousness evolving to cosmic-spiritual consciousness). So, in this picture the initiations of Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Plato, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Bodhidharma, the Master Beinsa Douno and many others can be inscribed.
On the other hand, the reality of the Heavenly Jerusalem is an amazing Mandala of the Kingdom of God with many mansions. From each of the twelve gates of the Holy City the Divine Masters of humankind - Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad and others - radiate Divine Light with dazzling brightness, which converges upon the crown of the Lord God Almighty. Similar to the Buddhist Mandala, each Divine Master has his own place in this Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem. He appears in a unique posture, with specific cosmological characteristics such as element, colour, symbol of initiation and many others which symbolize his particular initiation. Each Divine Master is accompanied by his feminine counterpart who plays an important role in his mission. So, by meditating on them as on a majestic Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, we will receive their initiations and we will enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem through their respective gates.
The visions of the cosmic-spiritual Zodiac and the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem are two aspects of one and the same revelation. The vision of the celestial Zodiac emphasizes the objective side of the Heavenly Jerusalem - that is the archetypal structure of the different aspects of the Universe disclosed by the world religions. The Mandala image emphasizes the subjective side of the Holy City - the personifications of the Divine Masters appearing from each mythological gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem as the Way, the Truth and the Life. Naturally, as two sides of the same revelation, they manifest themselves according to the orientation and can easily replace each other in the contemplation on the celestial Zodiac – Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem.
The living experience of so many different initiations in one single act of consciousness is the new type of illumination revealed by the Avatar of Synthesis. This new illumination has to integrate and balance in absolute ideal harmony the cosmological features of all different aspects of the Universe revealed by the world religions.
We could compare the meditative work on the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem with the Buddhist tradition Vajrayana. Vajrayana, or the Diamond Vehicle, is an esoteric tradition, the initiation ceremonies of which involve entry into a Mandala, a mystic circle or symbolic map of the spiritual universe. Similarly, with the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem we have something like a New Vajrayana which provides a basis for receiving the initiations of the world religions.
At the same time the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem serves as a basis for the integration of all religions showing their unique place and importance in the spiritual life of humankind. It is easy to imagine the enormous amount of metaphysical ideas, archetypes and spiritual structures related to the various initiations and their interconnection within the system of co-ordinates of the celestial Mandala.
Thus the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem is a great step towards the coming new integrative mythology in the spiritual life of humankind.
Opening of the 12th and Last Gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem.
If we depict the whole Hindu-European cycle of human evolution, metaphorically, as a clock, now humankind is approaching the 12th hour of this historical epoch, the moment when the old cycle has to finish and the new one has to begin. Humankind is gradually becoming one gigantic socio-cultural organism living on a relatively small planet. In order to continue its evolution humankind has to change its civilization based on ego-centrism.
The opening of the 12th and last Gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem concludes the present Indo-European Cycle and opens the New Cycle of Existence in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. It is connected with the amazing visions of St. John in the Book of Revelation about the Day of Resurrection and Judgment on the one hand and the New Genesis on the other: Then I saw a great white throne and the one who sits on it. Earth and heaven fled from his presence and were seen no more. And I saw the dead, great and small alike, standing before the throne. Books were opened, and then another book was opened, the book of the living. The dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. (Revelation 20: 11- 12)
Then the one who sits on the throne said, “And now I make all things new!”...“It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life". (Revelation 21:5, 6)
The first apocalyptic act closes the present Indo-European Cycle and triggers the End of Days; the second apocalyptic act activates the New Genesis and opens the New Cycle of Existence of humankind in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The End of Days is connected with the Day of Resurrection and Judgment and the New Pentecost. The New Genesis is connected with the Second Coming, the Divine Wedding and the New Reality.
It is difficult to imagine a more crucial and responsible time for humankind throughout the whole Hindu-European cycle than our present epoch. Our epoch is the critical stage of human evolution on Earth. Depending on the choice of humankind as a whole, the result will be either spiritual resurrection and entry into the new cycle of evolution, or human catastrophe and starting the evolutionary process all over again (as in the case of Atlantis). Metaphorically speaking, humankind as a whole will enter either into the 'black hole' of collapse, or into the ‘white source of Light’ giving birth to a New Humankind living in a New Heaven and New Earth.
In contact with the Lord God Almighty and the Holy Council in Heaven my mission, merging the Avatar of Synthesis of our time and the Axis of the Age, is to channel the energies of the End of Days and the New Genesis. Through them humankind will receive great support for its spiritual rebirth in the New Reality.
The mystical event of opening the 12th Gate in the Heavenly Jerusalem reveals the spiritual essence of our time and the direction of human evolution on Earth. It clarifies some of the main problems in the life of humankind such as the ills of the existing civilisation, the state of the Environment, climate change, social injustice, the diminishing resources of the planet, the struggle between the light and the dark forces, consumerism, drug and sexual abuses, fanaticism, egocentrism and many others.
Obviously, the Teaching and the Cause of the Avatar of Synthesis is crucially important for overcoming these most difficult and challenging times in the life of humankind.

The New Pentecost
The closing of the Indo-European Cycle of evolution is connected with the opening of the Book of the Living and gathering the fruits from the past millennia in the life of humankind. We could imagine this process as experiencing a majestic New Pentecost.
From the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament we know that on Pentecost the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ (and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and remind you of all things that I said to you. John 14: 26) was fulfilled. On Pentecost not only the apostles but many of the people present around them in Jerusalem experienced the descent of the Holy Spirit and received of the spiritual treasures which the Lord Jesus Christ brought on Earth.
At the end of the Indo-European Cycle the Lord God Almighty will bless us with a new majestic integral Pentecost. This time the Holy Spirit will reveal the whole spiritual history of humankind in the Indo-European cycle, initiation after initiation, so that all twelve gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem will be open and the people will become able to experience simultaneously the richness of many spiritual traditions – Hermetism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and others. Thus the Holy Spirit will open the Book of the Living where all initiations and the good deeds of many generations of the Indo-European cycle are written.
When a human being receives enlightenment he comprehends his entire life, sees previous incarnations and brings the spiritual achievements from them into his new life as an initiate. He builds himself as a temple of God and the enlightenment which comes is the Spirit of God who begins to live in him. In a similar way humankind, when enlightened, will see the essence of all epochs in the Indo-European cycle through which it has passed in order to bring the initiations from its spiritual history into the New Cycle of Existence.
The Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem provides the basis for the New Pentecost. We could contemplate the Initiations in the spiritual history of humankind one after another, or even in a single act of illumination. Thus we will harvest the spiritual fruits from the outgoing Indo-European Cycle and will bring them into the New Cycle of Existence.
Humankind needed thousands of years to receive the initiations of each one of the epochs in the cosmic-spiritual Zodiac (corresponding to the gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem). Now, however, in the New Pentecost it will taste the spiritual fruits of this Zodiac (i.e. the initiations of the twelve gates) simultaneously. Thus, the diachrony (historical time) of the cosmic-spiritual Zodiac-Mandala, where each season corresponds to an historical epoch, becomes the synchrony of the New Pentecost. It is a staggering illumination indeed! In it we will contemplate the fullness of the First Coming of the Divine Masters and their Feminine Counterparts in the spiritual history of humankind.
The task of the Avatar of Synthesis is, linking with the Holy Spirit, to reveal the New Pentecost. Now it is already in the world and the awakened people could experience this amazing state of consciousness by themselves. I could, however, guide and help the people in contact with me to achieve this staggering illumination. Gathering the spiritual harvest from the past is a crucially important task. Some results in the fulfilment of this task the reader may see in The New Rila Mysteries.
The Day of Resurrection and Judgment
The end of the Indo-European cycle and the beginning of the New Cycle of Existence brings the Day of spiritual Resurrection and Judgment for humankind. This Day is the harvest of the fruits of the outgoing Cycle. At this moment of Truth the whole Cosmic Cycle is seen as one Divine wholeness and a single event in God’s Mind: the Creator opens the books where everything is recorded and reveals the original Divine Plan for the evolution of all beings in the Cycle.
This is how in his Revelation St. John saw the dead, great and small alike, standing before the throne. Books were opened, and then another book was opened, the book of the living. The dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. The content of the 'opened books' is the history of the human race throughout the Indo-European Cycle. In a similar way as an illuminated human being can see all his or her past incarnations, humankind, at the end of the cycle will be able to read its spiritual history (in the Akashic Chronicles) as 'open books'.
Moreover, God will make visible the spiritual essence of the deeds of all generations from the passing metahistorical cycle in order to gather the good seeds, to preserve and include them in the new metahistorical cycle, and to remove all the undeveloped ones.
The essence of the New Cycle is life in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth in accordance with Divine Love, Light, Wisdom and Truth. Only the souls who will be able to live with these values will enter into the new cycle. The undeveloped human beings will be forced to start the evolutionary process from much lower levels of Being.
In fact, no one judges us, but when we face the Divine Truth we see the whole story of our lives and we understand what we have done and the consequences of our deeds. We could compare this self-judgment with the phenomenon in the hours of death when a human being sees all his life as if on a video screen and understands, from a new spiritual perspective, the essence of all his deeds and their interconnection. The impressions from this 'video screen' are the judgment; they are the psychic material which the person will deal with in the psychological dimensions of his 'life after death'. According to the law of karma, if his life was based on love, goodwill and friendship – on all positive human virtues – he will continue his ascent into higher metaphysical planes of the Universe. If however the life of the human being was based on negative emotions, violence and offences against others, karmic law obliges him to rectify his deeds. For this purpose, he will be incarnated again on Earth and he will face all the problems which he caused.
Naturally, the drama of the End of Time, the Day of Resurrection and Judgment requires a transitional period when each act of repentance or noncompliance will influence the evolutionary direction – upward or downward. And, of course, we will be given enough time to make our choice consciously and to take full responsibility.
The task of the Cosmic Being, the Axis of the Age, who links the outgoing and the incoming Cosmic Cycles of evolution, is to help people in their transition from ‘the present world’ to the ‘world to come’’. For this purpose the ‘dead’ from the past have to be spiritually awakened in order to enter into the ‘world to come’. This could be enacted in the form of a special Solemn Requiem Mass, performed on a regular basis. In general the main parts of a Requiem mass are Credo, Sanctus, Dies Irae, Agnus Dei, Benedictus, Hosanna and Gloria. In the 'Solemn Requiem Mass', which the Avatar of Synthesis will perform, these parts will receive a different meaning in accordance with the new interpretation of the Day of Resurrection and Judgment and the New Genesis. As to the spiritual awakening of the ‘living dead’ today, a whole Movement for the realization of the Testament of Truth has been initiated.

The New Genesis
The New Genesis is one of the greatest mysteries of our time – the recreation of the world by the Lord God Almighty: Then the One who sits on the throne said, 'And now I make all things new!'. . . “It is done! I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end. To anyone who is thirsty I will give the right to drink from the spring of the water of life without paying for it.” Revelation 21: 5-6
This process is like a great spiritual 'big bang' which changes the metaphysics of the world. The physical 'big bang' gave birth to the material universe; the new spiritual 'big bang' ignited by the Lord God gives birth to the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. It is a 'New Genesis' through which life in the whole Universe takes on a new direction.
The New Genesis is a staggering New Enlightenment which contains the essence of the great spiritual teachings from the past, the keys to the present apocalyptic re-creation of the world and the living seeds for the coming New Reality. In the Teaching of the Kabbalah we find: After the End of Days the CREATOR wills another general Cycle (Shemittah) to unfold the new Universe. In this next sefirotic step are the seeds of everything great and small, high and low, that will happen in the following manifestation of Existence which thus proceeds, cosmic cycle by cosmic cycle, towards the Jubilee of Jubilees (Halevi, A Kabbalistic Universe, p. 246).
The New Genesis is an apocalyptic Divine Act which concludes the previous Cosmic Cycles in the Old Universe, activated by the Ancient of Days (the CREATOR as appeared at the beginning of the Bible) and initiates another general cycle (Shemittah) to unfold the new universe (the CREATOR as the Recent of Days, Who makes all things new). In this new demiurgic Act the CREATOR changes the existing world (by closing the Indo-European Cycle), activates the New Coming of the Divine Masters and the Manifestations of the Divine Feminine connected with them, creates the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and illumines the human race to become ready to live in it.
In Buddhist terminology we could imagine the genesis of the New Reality as the creation of a New Mandala of the Universe. It is the creation of the Mandala of the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth where humankind will live with the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine forever. Actually the New Mandala comes into existence through the New Appearance of the Divine Masters and their Feminine Counterparts, radiating from the Cosmic-spiritual Sun in the Highest Divine World.
In Buddhism there is a wonderful legend about the creation of the Buddhist Mandala. According to it, the Primordial Buddha, Adi-Buddha, appeared from the Great Void and subsequently took the positions of the Dhyani Buddhas at the four corners of the Universe. In a similar way, the universal subjective masculine principle (now identified as the essence of the Cosmic Christ, Adi-Buddha, Metatron, Brahma, Imam Mahdi) starts to emanate from the cosmic-spiritual Sun at the metaphysical centre of Creation, from the Throne of God, through multiple images and manifestations.
This impulse activates all the Divine Masters and Light Beings in the higher worlds and gives them a new quality, a new radiance in accordance with the new mysteries coming from the Living God. The Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem is created in such a way that the celestial Personifications of the Divine Masters and the Divine Feminine shine simultaneously and each one of them radiates the new impulse according to his or her own essence.
Linking with the Origin of Being, I was blessed by the Lord God Almighty to witness the creation of the Mandala of the New Reality. This is the great New Enlightenment which is coming on Earth. It is my solemn duty to share this staggering Enlightenment with everyone who works for the transformation of humankind.

The Divine Wedding in Heaven
The new creative impulse coming from the Creator is manifested by the Holy Trinity (OM, TAT SAT in the Hindu tradition; the highest three Sefiroth, Kether, Hokmah and Binah, in the Kabbalistic tradition). In order to enter into this mystery of the re-creation of the world, we have to see the Holy Trinity through the prism of another archetypal structure - that of the Divine Wedding. In the light of this archetypal structure, God the Father becomes the Absolute Origin of Being, the Primal Cause, the Essence and the Truth of Creation; God the Son becomes the Integral Christ, the universal subjective masculine principle, the Divine Bridegroom; God the Holy Spirit becomes the universal objective feminine principle, the Divine Bride, the substance of the New Jerusalem. Then, when the birth of the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth takes place as a result of the Divine Wedding between the universal masculine and feminine principles, we could speak about the archetype of the Divine Father and the Divine Mother who are manifestations of the Absolute Origin of Being.
From the point of view of this new archetype
the Divine Father is the essence of the Subjective Principle in Creation while the Divine Mother is the essence of the Objective Principle which manifests and sustains Creation;
the Divine Father is the Sacred Word through which everything was created, the Divine Mother is Creation Itself;
the Divine Father is the light of the world, the Divine Mother is the manifested world illuminated by this light;
the Divine Father is a manifestation of the Universal Spirit in Creation, the Divine Mother is a manifestation of the Universal Soul in Creation;
the Divine Father is the Living Water for Eternal Life, the Divine Mother is the river of the water of life clear as crystal which springs from the Throne of God Revelation 22:1;
the Divine Father is the living Bread coming from Heaven, the Divine Mother is the One who nourishes all living beings with this bread;
the Divine Father develops the human being as a Temple of God, the Divine Mother sustains this holy Temple within the human being.
When "the One Who sits on the throne makes everything new", the Divine Father and the Divine Mother enter into a Divine Wedding and in absolute harmony and collaboration create the Reality of the New Heaven, the New Earth and give birth to the New, Transcendent, Humankind. As a result of the Divine Wedding, the New Coming of the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine are also activated. The mystery of the Divine Wedding is the great creative act of the Lord God Almighty, which we could contemplate and in which we are called to participate through the Divine Service in front of the Throne of God.
The creation of the New Reality is not a single demiurgic act but a continuous dynamic process. Let us remember here the majestic Divine Service described by St. John in the Book of Revelation (Chapter 4) where the twenty-four Elders and the four Mythological Creatures, day and night, glorify the Lord: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was, Who is and Who is to come. This is the way in which they participate in the Divine unfolding of Creation.
So, the New Coming of the Divine Masters and the appearance of many Personifications of the Divine Feminine is not a single apocalyptic event, but a continual living process. We have not only to meet them but to live with them where they are (the Gospel of John, 14: 1-3), i.e. they create unceasingly in the Highest Divine World and we co-create with them. Of course, first we have to meet them mystically and to see their new Divine manifestation from the Lord "who creates all things new". After this however we have to witness and to participate in the creative process which they unfold, fulfilling the great Messianic Plan for the enlightenment of humankind and all of Creation.
Therefore, through the New Pentecost, on the one hand, the spiritual treasures from the First Coming of the Masters are gathered and the Indo-European cycle in human evolution is concluded in its fullness and wholeness. Through the meeting of the New Coming of the Divine Masters and participation in the Divine Wedding, on the other hand, we are entering into the New Cycle of Existence which is a continuous creative spiritual process. In it the life of every human being, of all humankind and of the whole of Creation "blossoms as the Tree of Life". This is the realisation of the Testament of Truth, which the Lord God envisaged in the Messianic Plan!
We are warmly invited to participate in the Divine Wedding in Heaven. This means to co-create with the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine in developing the New Reality. Only as a result of our co-creation with the Masters and the manifestations of the Divine Feminine the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth will come into existence. The participation in the Divine Wedding will put us in a different position in relation to Creation – at the very heart of God’s creativity, in His Divine demiurgic present. This shift from the static, crystallized, well-established Universe to a dynamic Universe in constant recreation is a staggering phenomenon which will dramatically change the conceptions and the approach to God in the existing religions. Thus the meeting of the Second Coming and the participation in the Divine Wedding is the beginning of the New Cycle of humankind’s evolution.

The Second Coming
The One Who sits on the throne and makes all things new (Revelation 21:5) activates both the New Pentecost, revealing the fullness of the First Coming of the Divine Masters and the New Genesis igniting their Second Coming. In the New Genesis the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine will manifest themselves simultaneously, participating altogether in creating the New Reality.
The Masters, according to their promises, can appear on any level of Creation but, regardless of their actual manifestation, they will proclaim the wholeness of Being in both the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. In their Second Coming the Masters will each bless us with a new type of initiation. Their new initiations will be very closely interconnected and will depict the whole reality of the Kingdom of God. Each one of them will incorporate all the others, but according to his own spiritual approach. The personifications of the Divine Feminine, connected with the Divine Masters will receive a new spiritual mission linked with the mystery of the Divine Wedding through which the Lord creates everything new.
If the initiations of the First Coming are like fruits from the Trees of Life planted by the Masters, the fruits of these same Trees are now hybridized to produce the taste and qualities of all the others. We could also compare the Second Coming of the Divine Masters with the joint construction of a majestic Divine Temple with many different but transparent chapels from which one could observe the whole Temple. The result of this universal multidimensional integration of all new initiations is a dynamic unity in diversity, because all of them integrate the same reality of the Kingdom of God, and diversity in unity because each one of them integrates the others differently. In other words, each initiation integrates the whole Kingdom of God but from its own unique perspective.
Each one of the Masters and the personifications of the Divine Feminine as well, will find the most appropriate physical, etheric, heavenly or universal bodies to manifest the great apocalyptic event of the Second Coming. This is why we will have many incarnations, embodiments, personifications and manifestations related to the mystery of the Second Coming in all three worlds. On the other hand, many human beings will be directly inspired by the Masters and will become their channels, witnesses, messengers, collaborators and co-creators.
The participants in the Divine Service in front of the Throne of God will meet the new coming of the Divine Masters and the personifications of the Divine Feminine and will receive their new initiations for co-creation with God. This will happen in emotional spiritual events similar to those of the first coming of the Masters. Let us remember the apostles around Christ, the disciples around Buddha, the priests and the elders around Moses, the friends around Muhammad, the first disciples around the Master Beinsa Douno and many other emotional stories connected with the coming of the great spiritual Masters. This time the followers on the Path of the Initiate have to experience similar moving events in connection with the New Coming of the Divine Masters.
It is hard to imagine a more emotional and inspiring spiritual journey here on Earth than this one connected with experiencing the New Pentecost and meeting the New Coming of the Divine Masters and the personifications of the Divine Feminine linked with them. This will be a mystical closure to the old Indo-European cycle in the history of humankind and entry into the New Cycle of Existence, developing the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. In essence this means also to participate in the mysteries of the Divine Wedding in Heaven (as a result of which the New Reality comes into existence) and to co-create with God.
The work of the Avatar of Synthesis of our time is to merge with one or another Divine Master, to witness and participate actively in the event of their New Comings. For instance, Christ, "the Son of Man will appear, coming on the clouds with great power and glory" (Mark 13: 26), i.e. He will appear in His universal body, in the highest Divine world, as the Light of the whole of Creation. As an integral part of the new Divine impulse for re-creation of the world, Christ inaugurates a colossal multi-dimensional mythological cosmic-spiritual Cross which is the archetypal structure of the new Creation. The vertical axis of this mythological cross is the vertical structure of the Universe (the Middle Pillar, the axis of the various planes of all supramundane worlds); it is a column of Christ Light which radiates creative impulses into all spiritual worlds. The horizontal axis of this mythological Cross is the celestial Zodiac-Mandala with all mansions in the Holy City. (Actually, the horizontal axis itself is the gigantic horizontal circle of the Heavenly Jerusalem with the system of co-ordinates - the world directions - which form a gigantic horizontal cross themselves.) Above the horizontal axis is the Absolute Origin of Being, from where the Cosmic Christ and the Divine Mother emanate with the new creative impulse. So, when we contemplate and meet the Cosmic Christ we could receive baptizing by the Cosmic-spiritual Cross of Immortality and become apostles of the Cosmic Christ, bringing the Reality of the Kingdom of God with many mansions on Earth.
Let me give a few more examples:
The Hebrew Messiah will come to lead the New Exodus of representatives of all world religions to the Promised Land (the Kingdom of God, the seven Heavens) and will inaugurate the Third Temple – the whole Universe as a Divine Temple. In it the Tree of Life will blossom and the New Adam and the New Eve will appreciate its wonderful fruits.
Zoroaster may manifest in the heavenly worlds as an inner Guide within our souls and spirits and will reveal the mystery of the great Cosmic-spiritual Sun which gives eternal life to all of Creation.
The coming of Buddha –Maitreya will result in a great, staggering Enlightenment revealing the totality of all existence and embracing the past, the present and the future of humankind. He will bless us with the Mandala of the New Spiritual Universe.
The Divine guru Ramakrishna was an embodiment of Rama and Krishna; in his Second Coming he can even become a manifestation of Masters from different traditions in order to confirm the absolute mystical unity of all religions.
Imam Mahdi, up to now in occultation, will reveal himself and will lead the followers on an emotional spiritual journey (similar to the night journey of Muhammad) through the whole vertical structure of Creation up to the Garden of Truth.
The World Teacher Beinsa Douno will introduce the great celestial school of the Universal Brotherhood, where the Paneurhythmy, the Pentagram and the Testament of the Colour Rays of Light will crown the self-realization of the human being.
With the assistance of the Avatar of Synthesis on Earth each one of these amazing New Comings will become a great Divine story bringing Enlightenment and self-realization. Because the New Coming of the Divine Masters is not only one act of appearance, but a continuing process of sustaining and unfolding the New Reality, we will live and co-create with them forever.
The Gospel of the Divine Mother
The event of the Second Coming of the Divine Masters and the coming New Gospel from the Divine Mother are two aspects of one and the same mystery - the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth coming into existence from the Source of Life, the Absolute Origin of Being. Emerging from the Source of Life, i.e. the cosmic-spiritual Sun which never sets, the Divine Mother, through Her Personifications, creates life in all realms of the vertical structure of the Universe as a Divine Temple – from the reality of the Holy City, through the various celestial worlds, down to the life of humankind on Earth. On Earth She transforms and illuminates the Earth itself, human culture, society, the family and the life of the individual human being.
In the Heavenly Jerusalem through the emanation of the Divine Mother a wonderful Feminine Mandala of Personifications of the Divine Feminine is formed. These Personifications are the Feminine Counterparts of the Divine Masters, radiating from the four corners of the Universe. For this purpose however we have to appreciate the characteristics of the various Divine Feminine manifestations on a level of great cosmological significance and thus to complete our understanding of the mythology of the Universal Feminine Principle. We have to contemplate, appreciate and develop the spiritual qualities and virtues which each one of the feminine personifications of the Divinity manifests.
The cherished goal of the Feminine Mandala meditation is to harmonize, balance and integrate, in one single act of consciousness, all radiations from the Feminine Manifestations of the Divinity. Thus, we will be able to merge with the centre of the Mandala and to experience the wholeness of Creation from the perspective of the Divine Mother. Then, our state of consciousness will be similar to that of the great Hindu Avatar, Ramakrishna:
In various ways Sri Ramakrishna tasted the bliss of communion with God - sometimes merging himself totally in the Absolute, sometimes as a child of the Divine Mother maintaining an appearance of duality.
On a planetary level the Divine Mother will fill the Four Elements with the vibrations of the Holy Spirit. She will purify, spiritualize and illuminate the whole Earth making it like a 'bride' for the Sun. The etheric layer around the Earth will become a space for the fusion between the celestial Jerusalem and the illuminated Earth. Figuratively speaking, a magnificent etheric Temple will be built upon the whole planet with a gigantic cosmic-spiritual Cross of Light at the centre of the Temple. In this transfigured Earth-Temple all kingdoms of life will be present in Divine Harmony, Wisdom and Truth.
The feminine archetype is also related to the process of purification, transformation and illumination of matter. By its very essence, this archetype is the printing and implementation of spiritual ideas in the material world. The Divine Mother will fill every structure of human life on Earth with the vibrations of the Holy Spirit. When we speak about the descent of the Kingdom of God on Earth, it is the universal principle of the Divine Feminine which accomplishes this celestial task.
The appreciation of the Divine Feminine is of crucial importance for our time. In order to survive and undergo spiritual rebirth, we have to follow a whole New Gospel which comes from the Divine Mother. It will help us to bring the Kingdom of God down on Earth and to build life on all levels of Being as a Divine Temple.
The Kingdom of God will come down on Earth only when we transform and illuminate our daily life. The inspirer of this spiritual task is the Divine Mother. She is the One who transforms matter and permeates all forms of life with the vibrations of the Holy Spirit. Through the Gospel of the Divine Mother we will learn to pay attention to the smallest details in our daily life - the food, the clothes, the house, even our daily routines. The Gospel of the Divine Mother requires a new type of relationship in all areas of life - the family, the neighborhood, society - filled with deep existential meaning and spiritual significance.
It is hard to imagine the manifestation of the Divine Mother without the concept of beauty. The Human Being, Nature, the Earth and the whole Universe are exceedingly beautiful. If the first wonder of Creation is that it comes into existence through God's Love, then the second wonder is that the Universe is like a symphony of beauty and shines with all colours of the Divine Rainbow. The Gospel of the Divine Mother brings beauty to all aspects of life so that our life may radiate not only righteousness, virtues, ethics, wisdom but beauty as well. Here, the concept of beauty is not incidental, but an essential spiritual characteristic - the other side of the 'coin' of Divine Love.
I feel greatly blessed to receive and follow the Gospel of the Divine Mother on all levels of Being. To merge totally with the Origin of Being as a child of the Divine Mother is a most blissful state of consciousness. The meditative work on the Feminine Mandala is one of the most joyful and creative on the Path of the Divine Rainbow. To link with our Mother Earth as a Divine Temple of Life invokes the great feeling of returning to the Garden of Paradise.
Following the Gospel of the Divine Mother however is a very challenging and sensitive work because now the time for the demiurgic activation of the universal Feminine Principle (in harmony with the Masculine, of course) has come and this activity requires great spiritual openness, devotion and creativity. The Avatar of Synthesis proclaims the Gospel of the Divine Mother and is an advocate of Her Teaching and Cause.

The New Earth
When humankind chooses the positive, creative, life-supporting Divine path of evolution, it will be able to overcome the restricted earthly consciousness and begin its return to the Kingdom of God. In a similar way as the grain of wheat sprouts within the earth and pushes up into a new world above the soil, the enlightened consciousness of human beings will transcend its perceptions of the physical universe and will expand into the higher spiritual worlds. Human beings will change their understanding of Creation and will comprehend it as an enormously vast, multi-dimensional spiritual Universe – a tremendously rich world of spiritual realities within new dynamic space-time co-ordinates where the physical dimensions of our world are only a special case. Then the whole of Creation will appear like an ocean of Divine Consciousness, Light, Love, Music, Sacred Words and archetypal Thought-forms, inhabited by the myriads of light beings of the celestial hierarchy.
Of course, the physical Earth will remain as it is, but for the consciousness enlightened by the Divine Truth of Creation it will melt into a cosmic sea of spiritual energies. St. John prophesied this when he saw a great white throne and the one who sits on it, that is, God Himself shining from the zenith of the Universe, and a new metaphysics of Creation in which earth and heaven fled from his presence and were seen no more.
Our comprehension and understanding of the Earth depends on our state of consciousness. When we open our eyes to the celestial world, we can contemplate the Earth as a beautiful 'astral planet'. Then, for us, the Earth will appear as a living celestial Being, Gaia, with its own planetary Soul (a part of the Universal Soul) and with a planetary Spirit – the planetary Divine Logos – who leads the evolution of the Earth. The Earth, as a celestial Being, has spiritual centres (chakras) and a very rich and well-developed structure of lay-lines of circulating energy which corresponds to the nervous system in the human body.
When we ascend to the Highest Divine World, we will understand the Earth as the projection of the Heavenly Jerusalem. The Earth will be appreciated as a majestic Divine Temple in the centre of which a gigantic cosmic-spiritual Cross of life is present. This is the Cross of immortal life which the Living God activates in the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The vertical axis of this Cross is a huge column of Light, filling all space and representing the vertical structure of the Universe. The horizontal axis of the Cross (actually a horizontal circular plane filling the entire cosmic-spiritual space) is the celestial reality of the Kingdom of God with its many mansions, including all the different spiritual worlds revealed by the world religions. Above the horizontal axis is the Throne of God with the "One sitting upon it". The walls of this gigantic, etheric Temple are living Light which shines with all the colours of the Rainbow, exposing the presence of myriads of light beings, angels, archangels and many others. All the kingdoms of life on Earth – the mineral, plant, animal and human – are present within the Temple. This Temple of Life, in which Divine Light, Love, Unity, Harmony, Wisdom and Truth are manifested, is the New Earth in the highest Divine world.
Therefore the new Earth for us will be enlivened by radiantly bright spiritual colours and will become first a Garden of Paradise, a wonderful "astral" planet, and after this it will appear as a Divine Temple in the Kingdom of God where there are many mansions. On the new Earth we will live as cosmic-spiritual beings and we will be mediators between Heaven and Earth for the spiritual elevation of the whole planet with all kingdoms of life on it. Thus we will fulfill our predestined function on Earth as Divine Mediators. For this purpose we will be in direct contact with the Divine Masters and the Divine Feminine as the Living Light – they will be both within our souls and before our spiritual gaze. This is the reality of the New Earth and in this reality we will become new beings – Sons and Daughters of the Divine Father-Mother. Thus we will live as God's people on sacred Earth.
The Avatar of Synthesis as the Axis of the Age in our time is an example of a Mediator between the worlds. He, with awakened people from the four corners of the world, will channel the energies for raising the vibrations of the Earth and for transforming it into a Garden of Paradise and a projection of the Heavenly Jerusalem. One could imagine the enormous amount of work which has to be done. This work however is full of joy, appreciation and devotion to our Mother Earth and all Kingdoms of Life on it.

The New Heaven
As to Heaven above this sacred Earth, the Lord God Himself, the Ultimate Truth, will shine as an eternal Cosmic- spiritual Sun which never sets. In it we could see the images of all our beloved Masters and Manifestations of the Divine Feminine shining in great glory, love and power. Their radiation will contain all colours of the Divine Rainbow and will reveal the beauty of the Highest Divine World – the result of their common inspired co-creative work with God.
This corresponds to the vision of St. John after the apocalyptic events of Resurrection and Judgment when he sees the New Heaven and the New Earth, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared and ready, like a bride dressed to meet her husband. (Revelation 21: 1-2)
In the light of the new Creative Act from the Lord, we could imagine the One Who sits on the Throne, the cosmic-spiritual Sun of the universe, radiating with transcendental glory. From the twelve mythological directions, i.e. the Temples in the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Divine Masters of humankind – Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, the Master Beinsa Douno and others – shine with great Divine light that merges with the crown of the One Who sits on the Throne. The celestial images of the Divine Masters appearing at the twelve gates of the Holy City are emanations from the cosmic-spiritual Sun at the centre of the Universe, from the One Who sits on the Throne. At the same time each one of them reflects the light of all the others in accordance with his own image and spiritual essence. This leads to an illumination about the glorious appearance of all the Divine Masters simultaneously from the Centre of the New Jerusalem. Radiating from the Divine Centre of Creation as images of the Living God, they reflect the essence of each other, keeping however their own unique identity.
The Divine Masters, together with their Feminine Counterparts, are surrounded by the souls of many enlightened followers – the Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, the Prophets in Judaism, the Apostles and Saints in Christianity, the Gnostics in Islam. The Light emanating from the Divine Masters opens widely the gates of initiation into the ultimate reality.
So, the New Heaven is the integral light of all the Divine Masters, all Personifications of the Divine Feminine and all Initiates, connected with them, which radiates from the "One, Who sits on the Throne" as from a colossal cosmic-spiritual Sun, enlightening the New Reality. In a similar way as the Sun is at the base of all life on Earth, thus the Light, Love, Wisdom and Truth of this cosmic-spiritual Sun is at the base of the life of the enlightened humankind:
The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign forever and ever. (Revelation 22: 3-5)
If we imagine the New Heaven and the New Earth, emanating from "the One who sits on the Throne and makes all things new", then in sacred feelings and appreciation we could contemplate the Divine Tree of Life revealing the majestic Truth about God, Creation and the Human Being. The roots of this Tree will be in the Highest Divine World, the Absolute Origin of Being, the trunk will go through the whole vertical structure of Creation, and the crown will blossom in the earthly physical world testifying to the Divinity of everything which has been created!
Of course the Tree of Life with roots on Earth and crown in the Highest Divine World and the Tree of Life with roots in the Highest Divine World and crown on Earth are only two different "points of view "(earthly and celestial) of the great Tree of Life – revealing the absolute truth about God, Creation and the Human Being. The essence is one and the same – it is the Lord God Almighty Who was, Who is and Who is to come!
The ultimate experience of this great Divine Truth is the Testament of Truth!
The Avatar of Synthesis as the Axis of the present Age reveals the Tree of Life in all its mystery, power and glory! After the Fall the Axis of the human consciousness was broken and humankind lived only in the restricted material world. In the various spiritual epochs the devoted followers of each one of the Divine Masters and Personifications of the Divine Feminine connected with them, restored their Axis of consciousness and regained access to the higher worlds.
In our time, through the Avatar of Synthesis, many human beings will become enlightened and when the critical mass is reached, humankind as a whole will restore the Universal Axis of its consciousness. Thus the enlightened humankind will transcend the restricted earthly consciousness and will live in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth forever. Obviously this is a long process but our time is crucial for the shift in human consciousness and the Avatar of Synthesis, upholding the Axis Mundi, plays an important role in this cosmic change.
The New Human Being
The Tree of Life is a universal symbol of the three-fold structure of Creation and of the human being, made in the image and likeness of God, emanating from the Absolute Origin of Being. Through the fulfillment of the Testament of Truth the life of humankind will develop and grow as a Tree of Life on all levels – microcosmic, socio-cultural and macrocosmic. On a microcosmic level human beings will be transformed into cosmic-spiritual persons – Sons and Daughters of the Lord, beloved children of God. On a socio-cultural level humankind will become God's people on sacred Earth. On a macrocosmic level human beings will enter into the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth where they will live in the presence of the Lord God forever.
So, on the microcosmic level the human beings will be transformed into cosmic spiritual persons (sons and daughters of God), living simultaneously in the whole three-fold vertical structure of Creation: with a purified physical body and enlightened human personality in the physical world; with a blossoming soul in the celestial world and with an awakened Divine Spirit in the Highest Divine World. For this purpose they have to undergo two main spiritual transformations. Here we are calling them, symbolically, resurrections, because each of them is connected with a new spiritual birth. The first resurrection is rebirth as a Divine soul from the first, material world into the second, heavenly world, woven by celestial light, love, music, high human virtues and spiritual abilities. The second resurrection is rebirth from the heavenly world into the highest Divine world – a mystery connected with the awakening of the higher Divine Self which enables the human being to contemplate the whole of Creation and to co-create with God. In every spiritual tradition we find profound and inspiring descriptions of the great spiritual journey of the human being through the two resurrections towards complete self-realization and final liberation in God.
In our time however, in order for human beings to become "blossoming" Trees of Life, i.e. to realise completely their creative spiritual potential as a Being made in the image and likeness of God, they have to achieve two more sublime levels in their development – receiving the Crown of Initiations and merging with God as Co-creators.
Receiving the initiations of the Divine Masters in the various Temples of the world religions, the followers on the Path gradually develop the qualities for entry into the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem and experiencing the wholeness of the Kingdom of God with many mansions. In this sublime state of consciousness they merge with the Absolute Origin of Being, the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is and who is to come (Revelation 4: 8) and experience the New Pentecost. The Holy Spirit comes to remain in them and they receive the Crown of Initiations.
The integration of various initiations in the spiritual history of humankind opens new horizons for the evolution of the human being. Experiencing these most elevated states of consciousness, the initiates will be ready to meet the Second Coming of the Divine Masters, to participate in the Divine Wedding in Heaven and to co-create with God for the descent of the Kingdom of God on Earth. After receiving the Crown of Initiations the mystical path towards co-creation with God is completely open. In essence Co-creation with God is an even higher state of Being than receiving the Crown of Initiations.
Witnessing the New Genesis and participation in the Divine Wedding, resulting in co-creation with God, is the highest stage of human evolution on Earth. At this stage the human beings develop the highest Divine qualities, abilities and virtues, that of Sons and Daughters of God, who participate consciously in the evolution of the Universe. Finally, through co-creation with God they become Divine Temples where the Holy Spirit comes to remain forever.
It is only through the miracle of co-creation with God that human beings can completely unfold the Divine potential of their higher Selves. Moreover, co-creation is the way in which they can express the uniqueness of their spirits 'printed' in them from the beginning of their existence. By following the Path of the Initiate in the fulfillment of the Testament of Truth, every human being will receive a unique mission in the great apocalyptic process of the re-creation of the world. And because they will be in God's consciousness and the Living God will act through them, their unique missions will be inscribed in the Great Divine Plan for the New World. Through co-creation with God human beings will enter into the very depths of the Second Coming of the Divine Masters because their Second Coming is a Divine action in which the Masters themselves co-create with God.
Thus, in the fulfillment of the Testament of Truth in our time, experiencing the mysteries of the First and Second Resurrections, humankind will be blessed with two qualitatively new stages of human evolution on Earth – receiving the Crown of Initiations and Co-creation with God. The Crown of Initiations introduces us to the totality of the Kingdom of God, while Co-creation with God initiates us into the celestial task of bringing the reality of the Kingdom of God down on Earth and building ourselves as Divine Temples. This is the complete self-realization of the human being, created in the image and likeness of God, who becomes a blossoming cosmic-spiritual Tree of Life.
To help this Divine process is the ultimate goal of any Divine Master or Personification of the Divine Feminine and, of course, the Avatar of Synthesis in our time. In line with the tasks of our epoch – gathering the fruits of the outgoing Indo-European Cycle and participation in the New Genesis, I am blessed by God to introduce the two new levels in human evolution on Earth - the Crown of Initiation and Co-Creation with God.
The New Humankind
On a socio-cultural level (the level of human civilization) humankind has to become God's people on Earth and the greatness and the wealth of the nations has to be brought into the Holy City, the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21: 26).
Each nation has a three-fold structure similar to that of the human being: body (personality), soul and spirit. On the earthly or material level, every nation develops by forming a socio-cultural organism which consists of various systems such as economic, political, cultural, religious, educational and so forth. These systems are very closely, organically interconnected and, altogether, form the 'organism' of the human society which, in order to develop and reproduce itself, enters into relationship with the socio-cultural organisms of other nations and with all kingdoms of life on Earth.
Every nation also has its National Soul which is like a bouquet of human virtues and qualities that the nation develops over centuries and expresses through religion, morality, the arts and science. Each nation makes a unique contribution to humankind's treasury of spiritual qualities. Together the National souls comprise the essence of humanity in the Heart of God – that is, in the reality of the Universal Soul.
Furthermore, every nation has its National Spirit who leads the nation and its destiny according to the Divine Plan. Each nation has a mission which it unfolds over the centuries of its development on Earth and the National Spirit, an emanation from the Divine Universal Spirit, is the inspirer of this mission. The 'kings of the earth' referred to by St. John are the National Spirits who hold the keys to the spiritual wealth gathered by each nation along its historical path. So, when the time comes for humankind to return to the Kingdom of God, its 'kings' will bring forth and manifest the spiritual wealth of the nations. In other words, every National Spirit-Guide will present the spiritual richness of his people in front of the Throne of God.
The process of transformation of the earthly culture into a heavenly one is similar to the blossoming of the human soul and the awakening of the higher Self. Just as a human being first develops a personality and self-consciousness within the human culture and later transcends this level of existence to enter into the higher worlds, so human society develops its socio-cultural organism based on the earthly culture and later it has to transform its earthly culture and enter into the ring of cosmic-spiritual civilisations. Then human society ceases its absorption with itself, becomes an organic part of the heavenly civilisations, and starts to blossom in the reality of the Universal Soul and the Universal Spirit.
After finishing its Indo-European cycle of evolution, humankind will return to the Kingdom of God enriched by many spiritual experiences and various initiations. Each initiation, however, regardless of the time it was given to humankind, is not lost from God's memory, but remains to shine throughout eternity as a spiritual jewel. After its return to the Kingdom of God, humankind will resurrect all initiations through which it has passed and experience them as the 'many rooms in the Father's house'. Thus, by the grace of God, it becomes possible to go beyond the stream of cultural-historical time and to transform dyachrony into synchrony. In other words, humankind can rise above the cycle of the cosmic-spiritual seasons in its evolution and encompass the whole macrostructure of the spiritual Zodiac in which the various initiations find integration.
By ascending to the new higher cycle of evolution, humankind will fulfil its original Divine purpose envisaged by God from the beginning of time – going not through various painful historical epochs of earthly life, but from initiation to initiation in the celestial realms. This is why, in the Kingdom of God enlightened humankind will appreciate completely and enjoy fully the fruit of the Tree of Life which grows on each side of the River springing from the Throne of God in the Heavenly Jerusalem and giving fruit twelve times a year:
The angel also showed me the river of the water of life, sparkling like crystal, and coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb and flowing down the middle of the city's street. On each side of the river was the Tree of Life, which bears fruit twelve times a year, once each month; and its leaves are for the healing of the nations. Revelation 22: 1-2
The Mission of the Avatar of Synthesis on this field is to facilitate the blossoming of the Rose of the World (an inspired image introduced by the Russian mystic Daniil Andreev in relation to the Mission of the Russian people). The Rose of the World is a poetic symbolic image of the integration of all religions, of all spiritual paths and traditions. Each one of them is like a petal of this cosmic Rose with an exquisite spiritual fragrance. The Rose of the World is a symbol of the heart centre of all humankind which now opens and begins to blossom. The beauty and fragrance of all spiritual paths and traditions come from the depths of the collective heart of humankind - the centre of its Divine origin in God springing from the Universal Soul. This heart contains inexhaustible potential, shines with all the colours of light and love, testifies to the infinite and passionate, always new and deeply moving Divine Love.
In the Highest Divine World the nations will present their achievements as blossoming Trees of Life in front of the Throne of God. Their celestial cultures will stretch though the whole vertical structure of the Universe giving the wonderful fruits of various Initiations and fulfilled Missions of the Nations.
The Enlightenment of the Avatar of Synthesis in our time reveals the mystery of the Tree of Life, growing on each side of the river in the Heavenly Jerusalem, and the Tree of Life within the human being as aspects of the same mystery of life, but on a different scale: on a microcosmic level as the mystery of immortal life of the human being and on a socio-cultural level as the mystery of life of the illuminated nations. Then the Tree of Life on a macrocosmic level is the mystery of life in the New Creation, i.e. the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, which the Lord God Almighty and the Divine Mother will reveal to the New Humankind.
In order to gather the fruits of the Tree of Life on all levels, I, in link with the Avatar of Synthesis, have initiated a new planetary Movement for spiritual awakening and Divine illumination. Thus the eternal Testament of Truth will come to fruition in this century!
