The Spiritual Council of Humankind
An Appeal
Dear Friends
We are living in a critical time in the life of humankind. Most world religions predict that the present epoch will see the fulfilment of the great prophecies of the End of Time, the Judgement, the Second Coming (or the Coming) and the Return of humankind to the Kingdom of God. The Return of humankind to the Kingdom of God will happen as a result of the great Divine Action, which has been in preparation for hundred and thousand of years and which has already begun to unfold.
From a mythological point of view our contemporary human culture is like the Babylonian civilisation, which is described in the Book of revelation with all its ills and its inevitable collapse (Chapter 18). The purpose of the Divine Action is to replace the present Babylonian civilization with the New Jerusalem civilisation envisaged so powerfully and inspiringly in Chapters 21, 22 of the Book of Revelation! The developing of this new civilisation is the key to humankind's survival in the long term and to the fulfilment of its Divine purpose predestined from the beginning of Time.
The New Jerusalem civilisation is life in the Kingdom of God with "many mansions". The "many mansions" are the spiritual worlds revealed by the world religions in their primordial Divine Unity. This is the inspiring biblical image of the New Jerusalem in the visions of Isaiah, Ezekiel, St. John and of many other initiates in the world religions. In essence the New Jerusalem is like a colossal metaphysical Zodiac-Mandala, giving a great overview of the spiritual history of humankind after the "original sin" and showing the place, role and significance of the main world religions.
In this metaphysical Zodiac-Mandala God, at the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem, is the cosmic-spiritual Sun, which never sets. The four directions (east, south, north and west) are the turning points of the spiritual 'seasons', corresponding to the great spiritual epochs in the history of humankind (for instance, the Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali Yugas, according to the Hindu tradition, or Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius in the western civilisation). The 'twelve gates' are like twelve spiritual zodiac signs - each world religion comes in a particular cosmic-spiritual season (historical epoch) and reveals a complete picture of the Universe but in accordance with its 'season'. Thus, the world religions form one or another 'room in the Father's house' with a specific gate (i.e. spiritual path) of entry into the Kingdom of God.
The experience of the Heavenly Jerusalem as a gigantic cosmic-spiritual Zodiac-Mandala allows us to integrate all spiritual epochs in the Hindu-European cycle of evolution - from the previous Golden Age, the last Satya Yuga, to the coming new one. It allows the contemplation of all human history on Earth as the great metahistorical 'cosmic-spiritual year' in the life of humankind: all world religions glorify the One God, "Who was, Who is and Who is to come" (the Absolute origin of Being, the cosmic-spiritual Sun at the centre of the Universe) and each religion does this differently in accordance with the particular season. Altogether they constitute the reality of the Kingdom of God with many mansions (which is the wholeness of the cosmic-spiritual year, the Hindu-European cycle in human history).
The Divine Action for the establishment of the New Jerusalem civilisation on Earth is an apocalyptic task under the direction of the Holy Council of Humankind in Heaven. This Council includes all Divine Masters, founders of the world religions, their Feminine Partners and many great Saints and Initiates who lead the evolution of humankind from the Highest Divine World. In the various spiritual traditions this Holy Council is named differently - the Holy Council of humankind, Shambala, Agartha, the Great Universal Brotherhood, the Synclit of the World - but its essence is one and the same: it leads the destiny of humankind in accordance with the Messianic Plan and it is directly connected with the Lord God, "Who now makes everything new". (Revelation. 21:5)
In order to bring the new impulse for the evolution of humankind and the Earth, the Divine Masters and their Feminine Partners radiate from the Throne of God in the Highest Divine World. They are like demiurgic rays of Divine Light, Love, Wisdom and Truth emanating from the cosmic-spiritual Sun in the centre of the Universe, which penetrate all three worlds in Creation - the highest Divine world, the angelic world and our material world. All together they are the columns of living light upholding the reality of the Kingdom of God with many mansions. Radiating from the Throne of God, they form the whole of Creation as a Divine Temple where the Lord God is present. Humankind has to enter into this Temple and merge with the Living God. This is the return of humankind to the Kingdom of God with many mansions, where the enlightened human beings will live in the presence of their beloved Masters and manifestations of the Divine Feminine forever, co-creating with the Lord.All spiritually awakened people on Earth have to participate actively in the Divine Action for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. In order to do this effectively we have to be in direct link with the Holy Council of Humankind in Heaven. For this purpose a special Spiritual Council on Earth, with initiates from all world religions, has to be formed. The initiates are those who have experienced Divine Truth and are in direct contact with the Divine Masters of their own tradition. They recognise the Divine origin of the other traditions and could guide humankind in the process of building the New Jerusalem civilisation. When they enter in deep prayer-meditation, they activate the three-fold structure of the Universe and merge with the Divine Masters. Thus they illuminate their spiritual bodies and start shining as light beings. Of course, when they gather together and have a shared prayer-meditation and work, their collective light increases tremendously and they form something like a star above the earthly life.
So, if the work of the Holy Council in Heaven is a radiation from the cosmic-spiritual Sun at the centre of the Universe, then the work of the Spiritual Council of humankind (in contact with the Holy Council in Heaven) is a radiation from a shining spiritual star above the Earth. This star receives the new creative impulse from the cosmic-spiritual Sun, transforms it into the rays of Divine love, wisdom and truth of the new celestial culture coming on Earth and radiates it all over the world. Thus it enables humankind to overcome the negative aspects of the present Babylonian civilisation and to start building the New Jerusalem civilisation.
I, Leon Moscona, am in contact with the Holy Council in Heaven and I received a strong impulse to gather initiates from the various world religions and to form the Spiritual Council on Earth. We have to channel and to convey the Divine Will from Heaven to all spiritual people on Earth. As a result of my living contact with the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother came the book The Testament of Truth – Manifesto.
The book The Testament of Truth – Manifesto is included in the web site
The Testament of Truth reveals the eternal truth about God, Creation and the Human Being made in the image and likeness of God. The book The Testament of Truth - Manifesto is a programme for the realisation of the Testament of Truth in our time. It provides the "archetypal framework" for the coming New Cycle of Existence of humankind, developing the New Jerusalem civilisation. Together with my other book The Second Coming, they outline some of the main features of the new spiritual paradigm for the new epoch, the epoch of the Holy Spirit (the epoch of Aquarius).
At the foundation of the Testament of Truth-Manifesto are some of the main archetypal ideas found in all world religions. When we activate these archetypes as vast dynamic fields for inspiring spiritual work, we become able to participate in the great Divine Action of Heaven and to experience the reality of the Kingdom of God with many mansions coming on Earth in great power and glory! This is why the book The Testament of Truth – Manifesto could serve as a base for the work of the Spiritual Council of humankind on Earth.
The participants in the Spiritual Council of humankind on Earth will be the initiates of the various traditions. When we start our inspiring spiritual work, we have to activate the three-fold structure of the Universe in those traditions and link with the Divine Masters from the Holy Council of Humankind. Then in our deep common prayer-meditation we will merge with the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother and we will become light of the Divine Light, love of the Divine Love, wisdom of the Divine Wisdom and truth of the Divine Truth. As a result of our devotional prayer-meditative work, we will be able to radiate light as the 'collective spirit' of all religions (the 'shining star' above the Earth'), and to project the reality of the Kingdom of God with many mansions here on Earth as the common Divine Temple of living energy for the followers of all world religions.
Building a common metaphysical Temple of light for all people on Earth is of crucial importance for contemporary humankind. It is the plan, the "prototype" of the New Jerusalem civilisation where "the peoples of the world will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their wealth into it". (Revelation 21: 24) Therefore, the task of the Spiritual Council of humankind is to build, in direct contact with the Holy Council of humankind in Heaven, the common Temple of the New Jerusalem on Earth. Thus the spiritually awakened people "from the Four Corners of the Earth will be able to enter into the Temple and to pray, meditate and work for the development of the New Jerusalem civilisation.
The existence of humankind extends through the whole three-fold structure of Creation – the physical, material world, the celestial world and the Highest Divine World. In this respect the work of the Spiritual Council of humankind has to integrate all three worlds of Creation into one Divine wholeness. This is why it requires a very rich and integrative socio-cultural, metaphysical and mystical work, which will affect the spiritual people in accordance with their level of activity. The present Babylonian civilisation will change only when we unfold a powerful spiritual Movement for the realisation of the Testament of Truth. This has to be a Movement for social renovation, cultural renaissance, spiritual awakening and Divine illumination! The Spiritual Council of humankind has to initiate and unfold the Movement on all levels of human existence.
On Earth nations live as socio-cultural organisms consisting of various systems such as economic, political, cultural, religious, educational and so forth. These systems are very closely, organically interconnected and, altogether, form the 'organism' of the human society which, in order to develop and reproduce itself, enters into relationship with the socio-cultural organisms of other nations and with all kingdoms of life on Earth. So, on the earthly, spiritual-cultural level, millions of ennobled personalities, continuing their important work in society, have to shift their direction of life into line with the paradigm of the New Jerusalem civilisation. The Spiritual Council of humankind, initiating the Movement, has to be the main driving force behind this shift.
Every nation also has its National Soul, which is like a bouquet of human virtues that the nation develops over centuries and expresses through religion, morality, the arts and science. Each nation has a unique contribution to humankind's treasury of virtues. Together the nations comprise the essence of humanity in the Heart of God - that is, in the reality of the Universal Soul. The present Babylonian civilisation is based on the ego-personality complex, while the New Jerusalem civilisation will be built on the human soul identity. The work of the Spiritual Council of humankind on this level is to gather the community of thousands of 'awakening souls from the Four Corners of the Earth' who will become the core of God's people on Earth building the New Jerusalem civilisation.
Furthermore, every nation has its Divine National Spirit who leads the nation and its destiny according to the Divine Plan. Each nation has a mission, which it unfolds over the centuries, and the National Spirit, an emanation from the Divine Universal Spirit, is the inspirer of this mission. The 'kings of the earth' referred to by St. John are the National Spirits who hold the keys to the spiritual wealth gathered by each nation along its historical path. So, when the time comes for humankind to return to the Kingdom of God, the greatness and the wealth of the nations will be brought into the city. (Revelation 21: 26) On this highest Divine level hundreds of enlightened human beings, with awakened Divine Self, will start forming the Spiritual Council of humankind on Earth, linking with the Holy Council in Heaven, and acting as mediators between Heaven and Earth. They will become participants in the Great Universal Brotherhood who, led by the Holy Council, unfolds the Divine Action on Earth.
The time has come to change the present Babylonian civilisation which is the cause of so much suffering, destruction, wars and catastrophes. The impulse for forming of the Spiritual Council of humankind and the launch of the Movement for the New Jerusalem civilisation on Earth comes as a blessing from above, from the Highest Divine World. It is of crucial importance for the evolution of humankind.
But equally, humankind has to help and support this impulse from below. The unfoldment of the Movement and the establishment of the Spiritual Council on Earth need great support and active participation on all levels. On the physical, material level it has to be grounded and this requires devoted people, material and financial support. On the celestial level it will need many awakening souls who could carry the light, love, wisdom and truth of the New Jerusalem civilisation. On the highest Divine level the Movement and Spiritual Council will need many initiates from all world religions who will become the core of the Council and the driving force for the Movement.
So, dear friends please contact us and support this Divine impulse! Everyone who is inspired by this impulse could help and participate in accordance with his or her own level. At the same time all of us will feel united as an organic part of the apocalyptic action coming from the Living God, Who re-creates the world. There is no greater blessing on Earth than to be together, in contact with the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother, and to co-create with God!
I pray and hope that this Divine appeal will be heard and the dramatic, emotional, yet peaceful quantum leap of humankind to the New Jerusalem civilisation will happen!
One Book of Life in Creation is coming to a close – that of the present humankind with all its greatness and weaknesses - and a new Book of Life is opening – that of the new, transcendent, humankind who will live in the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and will co-create with God.
So, be it! Amen!
Leon Moscona