Rila Mountain as a Spiritual University

A great mystical event of the Second Coming Integral Mission took place in the sacred mountains of Bulgaria – Rila, around the Seven lakes. The Rila Mountain range contains in its Akashic chronicles the memories of many initiations in the history of humankind. There Leon Moscona, over a period of 30 years, had experiences of the spiritual worlds of the main world religions: mystical contact with the Cosmic Christ and the first Christian communities; with Orpheus and the Orpheus Mysteries; with Pythagorous and the Harmony of the Spheres, with Moses and the New Commandments, with the World Teacher Beinsa Douno and his Spiritual School in Heaven, with the great initiate Rudolf Steiner. He made mystical contact also with Buddha, Ramakrishna, Babaji, Muhammad and Imam Mahdi and with the previous Golden Age.

The Bulgarian Master Beinsa Douno's Initiation is the most recent to be written in the Akashic chronicles of Rila. Much of his great work was carried out there. One of the prominent activities of our July 2002 event was the sacred dance Paneurhythmy which was created by the Master Beinsa Douno and danced thousands of times in this beautiful mountain range around the Seven Lakes. Leon Moscona, through his direct link with the Master Beinsa Douno, has brought the Paneurhythmy onto the highest level as a spiritual practice. It is a journey through all levels of Creation.


The Essence of the New Rila Mysteries

It has become a tradition for the annual work of The Second Coming Mission in Bulgaria to culminate in the Summer Rila Assembly in the month of July. The Assembly in 2002 was an exceptional one and opened a new dimension in the unfolding of the Mission. On the last day of this Assembly we experienced a staggering vision of the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth where humankind will start its new cycle of existence as God’s people on sacred Earth. After the spiritual events of this day we could speak about New Rila Mysteries. The New Rila Mysteries have great metaphysical, metahistorical and metacultural aspects.

In the language of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem the metaphysical aspect of the New Rila Mysteries is connected with the spiritual journey of the group through the whole vertical structure of Creation, reaching the Kingdom of God with many mansions, i.e. the Heavenly Jerusalem with the Temples of the world religions in it. Each Temple reveals a monumental picture of Creation in accordance with the Teaching of the Divine Master who founded the tradition. So, we start our journey from the earthly consciousness, ascend to the higher celestial worlds through one or another spiritual path of the world religions and then enter into the highest Divine world, i.e. into the Temple of this religion in the Heavenly Jerusalem. There we participate in the Divine Service and aim to receive the initiation of the Divine Master, founder of the world religion. Obviously we could choose to enter into one or another Temple in the Heavenly Jerusalem by following different spiritual paths, traced by the world religions and receiving different spiritual initiations.

The metahistorical aspect of the New Rila Mysteries is the conclusion of the whole Hindu-European cycle, which contains an endless richness of spiritual treasures, gathered for more than ten thousand years. In the Christian Gospel it is said "the harvest is rich but the labourers are few" – this applies now in our time, more than ever. All these treasures have to be gathered and presented by the nations before the Throne of God and we ourselves have to participate actively in this great Divine Harvest. For this purpose we have to visit various spiritual Temples in the Heavenly Jerusalem and receive the Blessings of the Divine Masters presiding in them. Then, gathering powerful spiritual momentum, we become able to enter into the Centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem and to participate in the Divine Action around the Throne of God, before "the One, Who makes all things new". There we could experience the New Pentecost (the various initiations in the spiritual history of humankind, contemplated in one act of consciousness) and prepare ourselves to meet the New Coming of the Divine Masters and to receive their New Initiations.

The metacultural aspect of the New Rila Mysteries is the entry of humankind into a new cycle of existence as God's people in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. This aspect involves participation in the Divine Wedding in Heaven - the great celebration in the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem where the Lord re-creates the world through the absolute, dynamic, creative union of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine principles of the Universe. Everyone who achieves this highest level of consciousness, reaching the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem, becomes a co-creator with the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother and starts working for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. This is the state of complete self-realisation and co-creation with God!


It is almost impossible to embrace the richness of the staggering vision which we experienced on the last day of the Rila Assembly 2002 and the long dynamic process which lead to it. A whole new book, The Testament of Truth (in Bulgarian), consecrated to the New Rila Mysteries and the unfolding of the Second Coming Integral Mission, is written and now is in preparation for publishing. Of course, even the book describes only aspects of this most exciting process. Nevertheless in this Newsletter we will try to give at least a few glimpses into the New Rila Mysteries and the activation of the Testament of Truth for our epoch. Our attention will be consecrated only on the last day of the Rila Assembly 2002 and even only on the activities in the first part of the day.



Meeting the Sunrise and Receiving the Blessings of the Divine Masters

On July 15, a Monday, before 6.00 in the morning, we went to meet the Sunrise in a state of deep prayer, contemplation and meditation. This was the last day of the Assembly and Leon Moscona felt its great importance for the outcome of the spiritual journey. The Sunrise was magnificent: a new Divine day was beginning. We opened our morning ceremony with the prophetic words from the Book of Revelation:

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth disappeared and the sea vanished. And I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared and ready, like a bride dressed to meet her husband.” (Revelation 21: 1-2)

“Then the one who sits on the throne said, ‘And now I make all things new!” ‘It is done! I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end’.
(Revelation 21: 5-6)

These words became alive and full of sacred vibrations for us (as a result of our spiritual activities from the previous nine days and the ongoing mystical work). After this moving experience we continued with a profound and emotional Mandala-Meditation.

During the Mandala Meditation we entered into mystical contact with the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother. All mantras and formulas in this meditation sounded as if they were pronounced by the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother themselves. Being in a most profound and holy contact with the Divine Masters, Leon Moscona received their Blessings for the coming new epoch:

The Cosmic Christ: I am the Resurrection and the Life
"I will bless all awakened souls from the four corners of the Earth to be baptised in the name of the cosmic-spiritual Cross of Immortality"

The World Teacher Beinsa Douno: God is Love, God is Wisdom, God is Truth
"I will bless my true disciples to enter into the Mystery School of the Paneurhythmy, the Testament of the Colour Rays and the Pentagram"

Buddha Maitreya: Om Mani Padme Hum
"I will bless all people full of compassion and pursuing the eternal truth of Dharma to enter into the new cosmic spiritual order"

The Divine Guru Ramakrishna: Om Tat Sat Chit Ananda
"I will bless the true devotee to enter into the New Integral Yoga and to achieve complete self-realisation and spiritual integrity.”

The Hebrew Messiah: I am that I am
The "I AM THAT I AM" will bless the people on the new Exodus to enter into the Holy City of Jerusalem the name of which will forever be "The-Lord-Is-Here" (Ezekiel 48:35)

Imam Mahdi: Lä iläha ill' Alläh
"I will guide the faithful on their journey to the Garden of the Essence where there is nothing in existence but Allah, His Names and His Actions; all is Him, by Him, from Him and to Him."

The Divine Mother: I am the Immaculate Conception
"I will bless my children of Light to enter into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth”

The Holy Spirit: Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord God Almighty, Who was, who is, and who is to come
"I will bless the Sons and Daughters of God to build themselves as Divine Temples where I will come to live forever"

Our inspiring Mandala meditation finished with the "Hymn of the Great Soul" by the Divine Master Beinsa Douno. Our souls sang out in joy and gladness at the dawning of a new Divine day and the emerging of the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

This Sunrise ceremony was like participation in a Divine Action in the Temple of Creation around the Throne of God before all the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother. It became a real spiritual event full of awe, sacredness and mystery. In our preparation for Rila we were inspired by the vision of Tomo Geshe Rimpoche and the blessings of the Dhyani-Buddhas for the renewal of Buddhism and the eternal Truth of the Dharma through the coming of the Enlightened One – Maitreya Buddha. Now we ourselves received the blessings of the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother for meeting their New Coming, for participation in the Divine Wedding in Heaven and for entry into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth which they create.

So, even from the early morning we felt the presence of the Living God and the blessings of the Divine Masters and the Divine Mother. The following events in this extraordinary day were verification of this presence.


Meditation on the Plateau and the Descent of the Holy Spirit

Later in the morning, after breakfast, we walked in prayer and meditation on the open plateau to the Fifth Lake to dance the Paneurhythmy. The Heavens were open and we felt a great spiritual presence. For many of the participants, and especially for Leon Moscona, this meditative walk was like stepping on the sacred ground of Rila as a Divine Temple. Because July 15 was the last day of the Assembly, we remembered many of the spiritual events during our ten-day spiritual journey in this temple: an unforgettable meditation at the Fourth Lake in contact with the Cosmic Christ, a deeply existential prayer-vow before the Master Beinsa Douno on the prayer summit, the mystical contact with the Divine Feminine on many occasions and the profound experiences of the Paneurhythmy as a great spiritual school. The feeling during this “walk-meditation” was that all the results from the Assembly were coming together in a most wonderful spiritual "bouquet".

The mystical vibrations of the walking meditation in the Divine Temple of Rila gathered momentum and Leon Moscona became aware of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, descending on him and the group with great power and light. Then a great metaphysical event happened - the Southern Universal Gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem was opened and Leon Moscona experienced the coming reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth where humankind will start its new cycle of existence.



In accordance with the metaphysics of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Southern Universal Gate is the last Gate to be opened in the Holy City. With the opening of this Gate the great Hindu-European cycle comes to a conclusion and the new cycle in the evolution of humankind begins. Actually, during the Assembly, in our unforgettable meditation at the Fourth Lake, guided by the Cosmic Christ Himself, we entered into the Holy City of Jerusalem through the Northern Universal Gate. On the 12 of July, the Birthday of the Master Beinsa Douno, we were blessed by Him to enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem through the Eastern Universal Gate. Now, with the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Southern Universal Gate of the Holy City was opened and we entered into the New Reality. So important was this metaphysical event that, after our descent from Rila, Leon Moscona gave a series of lectures consecrated to the descent of the Holy Spirit, the opening of the Southern Universal Gate and the inauguration of the New Rila Mysteries.


During this inspiring meditation on the plateau Leon Moscona also received a direct inspiration from Heaven: the group had to dance the Paneurhythmy for all of humankind as the most sacred dance around the Throne of God, joining the “144 thousand initiates who were signing a new song which only they could learn” (Revelation, Chapter 14: 1-3). Leon shared this impulse with the group and all were mystically motivated and inspired. Immersed in powerful spiritual presence we were sure that our Paneurhythmy would become a cosmic-spiritual action. And so it happened!

The Sacred Dance Paneurhythmy as the Tree of Life

The Paneurhythmy which followed was an extraordinary spiritual event. In general every Paneurhythmy during the Assembly was wonderful with special spiritual fragrances and uniqueness. At the same time there was a clear tendency: with every passing day we entered deeper and deeper in the esoteric dimensions in the Paneurhythmy, connecting it with the Testament of the Colour Rays of Light, with the Pentagram, with the Celestial Music and the Living Word of the Master. Thus through the Paneurhythmy we entered into the higher spiritual worlds, experiencing aspects of the first resurrection (the blossoming of the human soul), the second resurrection (the awakening of the higher Divine Self) and finally, on this last day, we experienced the mystery of the Paneurhythmy as a Divine Action in all three worlds of Creation – the physical, the celestial and the highest Divine World.


In essence we achieved the real spiritual purpose of the Paneurhythmy given by the Master Beinsa Douno as a practice for the transformation of the human being, the society, the culture and the whole Earth, as a power for entry into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. In the book The Second Coming by Leon Moscona there is a big chapter consecrated to the Paneurhythmy. In it the Paneurhythmy, is described as “an earthly reflection of the new song sung by the 144,000 initiates in Heaven. (Revelation, Chap. 14:1-3). The sacred dance Paneurhythmy is the gateway to the reality of the Kingdom of God, which is woven by heavenly music, spiritual colour rays of light and sacred words. It reflects the 'dance' and the cosmic-spiritual rhythm of life in all planes of the Universe; it is an earthly reflection of the harmony and music in the celestial spheres. By dancing the Paneurhythmy we link with the living energies of Nature, the Sun and the Earth, and with the higher spiritual worlds. Thus, we transform the spiritual community, the whole physical environment and ourselves. As a result, the Paneurhythmy becomes a heavenly dance on sacred Earth and it is like the new song for the coming epoch of Aquarius.” (The Second Coming, p. 182-183).

When performed properly, the Paneurhythmy awakens at least four circles of living energy: within the human being, between the partners of the couples, around the entire circle of participants, and between the Paneurhythmy circle on the Earth and the higher spiritual worlds in Heaven. Every circle creates a different dimension in human life and activates the relevant energies necessary for the development of the human being as a cosmic- spiritual being and a micro model of Creation. In the book The Second Coming these four circles of energy are described in much more detail. We are planning to Update our web site and to include in Selected the Chapter about the Paneurhythmy.


So, we started our Paneurhythmy and with every circle we ascended gradually, higher and higher through the vertical structure of Creation. The four circles of living energies became activated, first in the earthly world, after this in the celestial world and finally, through the Paneurhythmy, we entered into the Highest Divine World. As a result our Paneurhythmy started blossoming as the Tree of Life stretching through the whole of Creation and producing spiritual fruits in all three worlds.

This extraordinary unfolding of the Paneurhythmy filled us with great joy, emotion and ecstasy. What a great blessing – to experience the Paneurhythmy as the Tree of Life in Creation connecting all the three worlds in the most natural, organic and harmonious way! So, our Paneurhythmy became an emotional spiritual journey through the vertical structure of the Universe and an entry into the Reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. At this time we realized that we were witnessing and participating in a real Divine Action for spiritualization, transformation and enlightening of humankind and the whole Earth.

Naturally, each one of the participants in the Paneurhythmy was on a different spiritual level and entered into a different spiritual state. The very fact however that some of the participants experienced the Paneurhythmy as the Tree of Life stretching through the whole three-fold structure of Creation shows that the group itself as a whole was like a Tree of Life activated in all three worlds.

From there on, at least for Leon Moscona, our Paneurhythmy was in the Heavenly Jerusalem and integrated with the Mandala Meditation. Dancing the Paneurhythmy, we passed from Temple to Temple in the Heavenly Jerusalem and made contact with the Divine Masters and the spiritual worlds which they revealed. Thus we started to experience the spiritual history of humankind from the beginning of the Hindu-European cycle to the present day as a colossal panorama of Divine Worlds – Temples in the Heavenly Jerusalem. They appeared before our inner gaze with their amazing richness, beauty, majesty and uniqueness. Of course we were not able to embrace all the Temples in the Heavenly Jerusalem, but even the few of them which we visited (the Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, the Master Beinsa Douno, the Holy Spirit) revealed a magnificent vision of the Kingdom of God with its many mansions.

Our Paneurhythmy however continued to gather mystical energy and finally it started circling around the Throne of God in the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem. And here a real miracle happened! From this Divine Centre of Creation the spiritual worlds of the religions, through which we passed in a state of meditation during the Paneurhythmy, merged into one great New Pentecost. This was like the spiritual resurrection of the Hindu-European cycle in order for the richness from it to pass through to the next cycle of evolution of humankind, entering into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

Moreover, from the Centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem we were able to contemplate the great Divine Action in front of the Throne of God which is described so inspiringly by St. John in Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation. This time however the Divine Action was connected with the apocalyptic New Coming of the Divine Masters and the Divine Feminine, who in ideal harmony and co-creation give birth to the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and bless humankind to become God's people on Earth.

Thus, in sacred vibration and worship, guided by the Holy Spirit we were able to contemplate moments from the Second Coming of Christ, the New manifestation of the World Teacher Beinsa Douno, the New coming of many Divine Masters and personifications of the Divine Feminine. In great awe, gratitude and inspiration we found ourselves invited to witness the Divine Wedding in Heaven, as a result of which the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth comes into existence.

The New Surangama Sutra

At this sublime stage in the unfolding of the Paneurhythmy, Leon Moscona experienced something similar to the legendary Surangama Sutra in Buddhism (the Surangama Sutra is quoted in the web site, in the section The Coming of Maitreya Buddha) but in mystical contact with the Lord, "Who makes all things new". For Leon the Paneurhythmy was in the centre of the Heavenly Jerusalem around the Throne of God. The One, Who was sitting on the Throne, was shining with transcendental glory. The Divine Masters of humankind – Christ, Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Muhammad and Beinsa Douno emanated from the Throne of God. They radiated an "apocalyptic" light which formed the "Heaven" above the Heavenly Jerusalem. The Heavenly Jerusalem itself is a prototype of the New Earth coming into existence in mystery and sacredness through the Divine Mother. The Paneurhythmy as the highest cosmic-spiritual creative rhythm in the universe, performed by the participants in the group and the 144 000 initiates, mentioned in the Book of Revelation, was unfolding in their aura and with its energy was "modelling" the world of the New Heaven and the New Earth where the New Humankind will live.

By its richness, power and transcendence the experience was indescribable. Dissolving in the aura of the Divine Masters and the Divine Feminine, Leon Moscona felt that all of them were blessing us with a New Pentecost, with meeting their New Coming and participation in the great Divine Wedding between the Universal Masculine and Feminine principles in Creation. This was an apocalyptic metaphysical and metahistorical action, an entry into the New Genesis, into the New Creative Impulse from the Living God in which we, with endless love, joy and appreciation, were blessed to co-create with our beloved Masters and the Divine Mother.

Thus, our inspired Paneurhythmy-Mandala Meditation became, at one and the same time, an experience of the New Pentecost (connected with the spiritual past of humankind, linked with the First Coming), a blessing for meeting the Second Coming (i.e. an entry into the dynamic Divine present, into the presence of the Lord, "Who makes all things new"), and an invitation for participation in the Divine Wedding from which the new reality emerges (revelation about the future when we will live with the Divine Masters and the personifications of the Divine Feminine as co-creators with God). In its deepest meaning and significance our Paneurhythmy-Mandala Meditation was an ecstatic revelation about the new cycle of existence of humankind, so inspiringly described by St. John in the last chapter of the Book of Revelation:

      “The Throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will worship him. They will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. There shall be no more night, and they will not need lamps or sunlight, because the Lord God will be their light, and they will rule as kings forever and ever”. (Revelation 22: 3-5)


The Divine Cause

Without doubt this majestic vision revealed to us aspects of the apocalyptic Second Coming of the Cosmic Christ and the coming of many other Divine Masters and personifications of the Divine Feminine as well. We really became witnesses and channels of the energy of the great Divine Action for the re-creation of the world. This is why, without any exaggeration we could speak about the New Rila Mysteries: for us the Divine Cause of the Spirit of Truth was set in motion; the activation of the Testament of Truth had begun.

Before going to Rila we consecrated a preparatory lecture The Sanctuary on Rila to the great event which took place in Tibet in the XX century in the presence of the great Tibetan Guru Tomo Geshe Rimpoche. He had a staggering vision which paved the way for the renewal of Buddhism all over the world and the preparation for the coming of the new Buddha – Maitreya. "This vision had far-reaching effects upon Tomo Geshe Rimpoche as well as upon his disciples.” "And from then on Tomo Geshe conceived the idea to bring the teachings of the Enlightened Ones not only to people of his own country but to the world at large, irrespective of race, caste, colour, or creed." (Lama Anagarika Govinda, The Way of the White Clouds, page 11, translated from Bulgarian edition).

The vision of Tomo Geshe Rimpoche was like a Divine inspiration and a cherished dream for us. Definitely our mystical experience of the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth could be compared with the vision of Tomo Geshe Rimpoche and the above quoted Surangama Sutra.

So, after this Divine Day we felt that we were blessed to go into the world and to proclaim the activation of the Testament of Truth which reveals the mystery of the Kingdom of God with many mansions, the event of the Second Coming, the Divine Wedding in Heaven and the coming reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

See also: Rila Assembly 2009


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