The New Spiritual Paradigm

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The New Spiritual Paradigm
The New Society 


The New Spiritual Paradigm

At one point in my spiritual journey a staggering revelation came to me and I realized that I was witnessing the majestic vision of St. John from the Book of Revelation:  

Then the one who sits on the throne said,

And now I make all things new!”...

I am the first and the last, the beginning

and the end.

Revelation 21: 5, 6


The Lord God Almighty, through the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine was re-creating the world. The Lord God, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, was concluding the present Indo-European Cycle of evolution and opening the New Cycle of Existence in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.


The re-creation of the world is a staggering New Genesis, which integrates the past, the present and the future in the life of humankind. It contains the essence of the great spiritual teachings from the past, keys to the present apocalyptic change of the world and the living seeds for the coming New Reality.


Amazingly, I was not only witnessing the New Genesis but was also invited to participate in it. Thus I was able to gather the spiritual fruits from the outgoing Indo-European Cycle, to contemplate the New Coming of the Divine Masters and Personifications of the Divine Feminine and to co-create with them for the coming reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.


St. John wrote the Book of Revelation after his vision of Christ. My vision of Christ and later on of the New Genesis developed into a revelation of the Book of Revelation as a plan and scenario for action.


The fundamental archetypes in the last Chapters of the Book of Revelation characterise the coming new reality in the life of humankind. When we activate them as vast dynamic fields for spiritual work, we participate actively in the New Genesis. Naturally these fundamental archetypes could be easily "translated" into the metaphysical language of all other world religions. This is why we have such unity in diversity and diversity in unity in the spiritual history of humankind: all world religions glorify the One God, "Who was, Who is and Who is to come", and each religion does this differently. By activating these archetypes we are participating in the fulfilment of the prophecies in all world religions.


Metaphysically the New Genesis takes place now, in the actual, dynamic, creative present, moving towards the future of God's activity.  According to Genesis, the opening book of the Bible, human beings appear on the sixth day after the Heaven and the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and all plant and animal life on Earth were created - this is to say, the Divine Genesis had already actually happened and was in the past in relation to the creation of the human beings.  Now, in the New Genesis, we are invited by God to witness the Genesis of the New Heaven and the New Earth, and not only to witness, but to collaborate and co-create with God.


From now on entry into the new dynamic universe and co-creation with God has to be our main task in life. This is the deep mystical essence of our time. All our spiritual activities have to be planned and organised in line with this inspiring and challenging task. If we live up to this task, we could go forward gloriously into the New Cycle of Existence in great appreciation and gratitude for the efforts of all previous generations of humankind.1 (1. Now, in relation to the Mayan Prophecy of 2012, the light of the Cosmic-spiritual Sun at the centre of our galaxy is the energy for the New Cycle of 25,625 years in the evolution of humankind. We could appreciate this light as the Light of a New Genesis, as a beginning of a new cycle of evolution for humankind. This is why the Cosmic Cycle in the Mayan Calendar after 2012 is left blank!  In it we have to participate actively in the New Genesis and to co-create with God!) 


The mystery of the New Genesis will bring us into the emerging New World and will put us in a different position in relation to Creation - at the very heart of God's creativity, in the Divine demiurgic present.  This shift from the static, crystallized, well-established Universe to a dynamic Universe in constant re-creation is a staggering phenomenon which will dramatically change the conceptions and the approach to God in the existing world religions.


Moreover, the actual participation in the New Genesis will transform the relationship of humankind with the Earth and all Kingdoms of life on it.  According to Genesis which opens the Old Testament and gives the account of the First Covenant, when God created human beings, 'He put them in command of all living creatures on Earth'  (Genesis  1: 28).  After the Flood, He even told Noah that 'all the animals, birds and fish will live in fear of you’ (Genesis 9:2). Now, however, in the New Genesis, human beings are invited to become collaborators and co-creators with God and as such will become friends, helpers and caretakers of the Kingdoms of life on Earth. 


In the new epoch, the Divine task of humankind is to transform the Earth into a Garden of Paradise and to bring the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms to a new level of evolution.  In fulfilling this Divine task, humankind will establish a completely different type of relationship with the Earth and Nature and will become a major factor in their future evolution.  Only by establishing this new type of relationship will humankind accomplish its ultimate Divine function of mediating between God and the Earth with all kingdoms of life on it, as was envisaged from the beginning of time when God created human beings in 'His own image'.  Divine mediatorship will be at the foundation of human life on Earth as one of the most important and inspiring goals.


Participation in the New Genesis, i.e. the activation of the celestial archetypes in the Book of Revelation and other Prophetic books of world religions, requires a new spiritual paradigm in the life of humankind. It is based on meeting the Second Coming, gathering the fruits from the outgoing Indo-European Cycle, participating in the Divine Wedding which gives birth to the New Reality and co-creation with God.


Metaphysically we could speak about the new spiritual paradigm as Second Coming Consciousness. It comes not to replace the Teachings of the existing religions, but on the contrary – to strengthen, rejuvenate and reinforce them by fulfilling their ultimate goals. This is why now we could speak about an important "paradigm shift" in the fields of religion and spirituality – a shift from "First Coming Consciousness" (i.e. the one existing in the established religious traditions) to "Second Coming Consciousness" developing in line with the New Genesis. In fact this is the essence of the Teaching and the Cause of the Avatar of Synthesis for our time.

The Teaching and the Cause of the Avatar of Synthesis has three main aspects, which are very closely and organically interconnected – metaphysical, metahistorical and metacultural.  The metaphysical aspect is connected with the spiritual journey on the Path of the Initiate from the earthly world to the Highest Divine World, to the Kingdom of God with many mansions; the metahistorical aspect is the experience of all the spiritual treasures of the world religions and meeting the New Coming of the Divine Masters; the metacultural aspect is participation in the Divine Wedding and co-creation with God in the New Cycle of Existence.

These aspects of Second Coming Consciousness, characterising the new spiritual paradigm, could be described through the ‘celestial’ archetypes in many Holy Scriptures of the world Religions. Here again, as an example, we could use some of the main archetypes in the Book of Revelation. These archetypes have to become a plan and scenario for action:

·      The "Throne in Heaven" (Chapter 4). This vision reveals the mystery of God, Creation and the Human Being made in the image and likeness of God. It is the essence of the Testament of Truth carried for centuries and millennia, described in one or another way in all world religions.  ‘Man’s eternal quest’ was and always will be to see God. Now this is the ultimate purpose in our lives as well. 


·      The "New Heaven and the New Earth" (Chapter 21). When St. John saw the One Who sits on the Throne and makes all things new, he witnessed the New Genesis. This creative act activates the New Coming of the Divine Masters and Manifestations of the Divine Mother through whom the Lord God creates the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and raises the consciousness of the human race to live in it. Thus we are blessed to enter into the dynamic new universe and to co-create with God. There is no greater blessing now on Earth than to witness and participate in the New Genesis!


·      The "Vision of Christ", with a face as bright as the midday sun (Chapter 1).  For St. John this vision was meeting the Second Coming of Christ. It is not by chance that the Book of Revelation started with this vision and finished with the Genesis of the New Reality. Thus, for St. John, Christ fulfilled his promise to come back and to bring everyone who believes in Him to the world where He lives. In one or another way all of us have to prepare for these most glorious events - meeting the Second Coming of Christ and the Coming of other Divine Masters and Personifications of the Divine Feminine!


·      The Seven Blessings (Chapters 2, 3). After His appearance to St. John, Christ gave Seven Messages for the Churches. Each Message finishes with a Blessing for opening the seven chakras in the human being. Thus Christ traced the path to the Throne of God and to the restoration of Cosmic Consciousness in the Human Being. Those who win the victory will live in the whole three-fold structure of the Universe: with an ennobled personality on Earth, with a blossoming soul in the Celestial world and with an awakened Divine Self in the Highest Divine World. Thus the Axis Mundi in us will be restored and from Homo Sapiens we will become Homo Divinus, beloved Sons and Daughters of God. To achieve this however we have to overcome the challenges on the Path and receive the Divine Blessings!  (The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path) 


·      The Lamb and His People (Chapter 14). “144 000 people stood before the throne and were singing a new song, which only they could learn". These people are the Initiates from all world religions who are witnessing and participating in the New Genesis.  We have also to receive the initiation into the coming New Reality and to join the 144 000 people around the Throne of God!


·      The Fall of Babylon (Chapter 18). Babylon, the fall of which is described so dramatically in the Book of Revelation, is a symbol of all the negative aspects of our contemporary civilisation. Obviously humankind cannot continue its evolution in the long term with the excesses and abuses of the present Babylonian civilization. This civilization has to be replaced by the Heavenly Jerusalem civilization.  We have to join the living souls from the four corners of the world in order to reach the critical mass for transcending the Babylonian civilization.  


·      The Rider on the White Horse (Chapter 19). In our time the struggle between the Light and the Dark forces has reached a critical point. In order to survive, humankind has to overcome the power of the dark forces and the present, Babylonian type, civilisation has to fall. The Rider on the White Horse is the leader of the Divine Action from Heaven who will conquer the Beast and his army. All human beings who have restored their cosmic consciousness will participate in this battle!


·      The Final Judgement (Chapter 20). With the fall of the Babylonian civilization the present Indo-European cycle of evolution finishes and the New Cycle of Existence begins. This dramatic change brings the Day of Resurrection and Judgment. At this moment of Truth the whole Indo-European Cycle is seen as a Divine wholeness and a single event in God’s Mind: the Creator opens the books where everything is recorded and reveals the original Divine Plan for the evolution of all beings in the Cycle. This Day is a Day for Judgement and of the harvest of the good deeds from the Book of Life, which will enter into the New Cycle.  By receiving the light of the New Genesis, we could help the souls from all planes of existence to raise their consciousness and to enter into the New Reality!


·      The Wedding-Feast of the Lamb (Chapter 19) - a celebration of the new celestial culture coming down on Earth, woven by "the good deeds of God's people". The archetype of the Wedding Feast of the Lamb is connected with the archetype of the Union between the Universal Masculine and Universal Feminine forces which gives birth to the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. We are warmly invited to participate in the Divine Wedding in Heaven and to co-create with the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine in developing this Reality on Earth. 


·      The New Jerusalem (Chapter 21). The Holy City with twelve gates, "coming down out of heaven from God and shining with the glory of God" is the reality of the Kingdom of God with "many mansions"; the many mansions are the spiritual realities revealed by the world religions. When the last, 12th, Gate, is opened, the Indo-European Cycle of evolution comes to a close and humankind enters into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth to begin its New Cycle of existence. We have to ascend through the whole vertical structure of the Universe in order to become citizens of the Holy City, where the Lord and the Divine Mother are always present!


·      The Kings of the nations will bring their wealth into it (Chapter 21). Similarly to the essence of the human being, consisting of body, soul and spirit, every nation has a three-fold structure as well – a ‘body’, which is its socio-cultural organism, a National Soul and a National Spirit .The Kings of the nations are the National Spirit-Guides who lead the Missions of the nations over the centuries. They will bring the accumulated spiritual treasures into the Holy City. Following the new spiritual paradigm, we have to participate actively in the fulfilment of the Mission of the nation to which we belong!


·      The Tree of Life (Chapter 22).  "On each side of the river was the tree of life, which bears fruit twelve times a year, once each month; and its leaves are for the healing of the nations". The Tree of Life, with its fruit and leaves, is the symbol of the realisation of the Testament of Truth and life in the Kingdom of God with many mansions. To live in the Kingdom of God with many mansions is to gather the spiritual fruits from the outgoing Indo-European Cycle and to build life on all levels of Being as a Divine Temple!


After achieving Second Coming Consciousness I interpreted the Divine archetypes, mentioned above, in the books The Second Coming and The Testament of Truth - Manifesto, in more than 250 lectures, in 10 Assemblies on the Sacred Mountain Rila in Bulgaria and on many other occasions. Now these archetypes are not only high metaphysical concepts, but an active new spiritual paradigm, determining the thinking and the style of life of the followers.  As a result of this collective work we have tasted the coming reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth and the presence of the Living God. Through this work a new type of community is forming, which could become a creative Divine laboratory for developing the New Humankind, capable of living in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.


So, in our difficult time, based on the new spiritual paradigm, humankind will be able to overcome the existing "Babylonian civilisation" (the fall of which is described so dramatically in Chapter 18 in the Book of Revelation) and to start building the New Jerusalem civilisation (envisaged so powerfully and inspiringly in Chapters 21, 22)! The introduction of the new spiritual paradigm by the Avatar of Synthesis is a great blessing for contemporary humankind because it shifts the accent from the destructive apocalyptic events in the Book of Revelation to the constructive positive forthcoming reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.


The establishment of this new civilisation is the key to humankind's survival in the long term and to the fulfilment of its Divine purpose as mediator between Heaven and Earth envisaged from the beginning of Time.  



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