Cycles of Lectures - Recorded
The Teaching and the Cause of the Spirit of Truth is presented in more than 250 recorded lectures. Most of them are organised in cycles which could easily be prepared for publication as books, initially in Bulgarian and subsequently translated into English. Some of these initiatic and esoteric cycles of lectures are:
1. Initiatic Cycle: The Mysteries of the Second Coming
Five Lectures – February 2000 to March 2000, Sofia, Bulgaria.
This Initiatic cycle sheds abundant light on the Second Coming of Christ, the Coming of the Hebrew Messiah, the New Appearance of Imam Mahdi, the Enlightenment of the New Buddha – Maitreya, the New Incarnation of Ramakrishna and the New Manifestation of the Master Beinsa Douno. It prepares the people to meet the Second Coming (the Coming) of the Divine Masters and to live in their presence.
2. Initiatic Cycle: The Gospel of the Divine Mother
Five lectures – December 1999 to December 2000, Sofia, Bulgaria.
In our time the appreciation of the Divine Feminine is of crucial importance. In order to survive and undergo spiritual rebirth, humankind has to follow a whole New Gospel from the Divine Mother. The Gospel of the Divine Mother will help us to bring the Kingdom of God down on Earth and to build life on all levels of Being as a Divine Temple. This Initiatic cycle also introduces an inspiring Feminine Mandala Meditation connected with the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Seven lectures – January 1999 to March 2000, Sofia and Rila Mountain, Bulgaria
The inspiring biblical image of the New Jerusalem (in the visions of Isaiah, Ezekiel, St. John and of many other initiates in the world religions) is interpreted as a colossal metaphysical Zodiac-Mandala. This Zodiac-Mandala gives a great overview of the spiritual history of humankind after the "original sin" and shows the place, role and significance of the main world religions. The Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem allows us to integrate all spiritual epochs in the Hindu-European cycle of evolution - from the previous Golden Age, the last Satya Yuga, to the coming new one. Altogether they constitute the reality of the Kingdom of God with many mansions, which are the spiritual worlds of the religions.
4. Esoteric Cycle: The Esoteric Depths in the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno
Eight lectures – February 1999 - 2003, Sofia, Bulgaria.
This Initiatic cycle presents some of the main foundation stones of the Teaching of the Bulgarian Master such as the sacred dance Paneurhythmy, the Pentagram and the Testament of the Colour Rays of Light, as a blossoming Tree of Life revealing the whole three-fold vertical structure of the Universe and the human being as the micro-model of Creation.
5. Esoteric Cycle: Journey on the Nine-fold Rainbow Path.
Six lectures – April 1999 to April 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria.
A beautiful Divine Rainbow Path maps our ascent through the whole three-fold vertical structure of the Universe up to the Throne of God and our descent back as life in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. It could be seen as a great arc consisting of nine segments. Each one of them is a big Step on the Path of the Divine Rainbow and covers a very large field of spiritual work under the guidance and blessings of the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Feminine. On an individual level it leads to the blossoming of the human soul, the awakening of the Higher Self within, receiving the crown of initiations and co-creation with God. On the collective level it is connected with bringing the Kingdom of God with many mansions on Earth.
6. Autobiographical Cycle: On the Path of the Initiate
Seven lectures – 2002-2005, Sofia, Bulgaria.
This cycle describes some of the main events in my long spiritual journey lasting already more than 35 years. The purpose of sharing these events is to substantiate the visions in my books and lectures and to give a living example of a journey on the Nine-fold Rainbow Path. In sharing my spiritual and mystical life-story, I was greatly inspired by Paramahansa Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi. I would be happy if my spiritual story could give encouragement and inspiration to many people.
7. Esoteric Cycle: Unfoldment of the Mission The Second Coming
Nine lectures – 1999 - 2003, Sofia and Rila Mountain, Bulgaria.
In 1998 the Second Coming Mission "took off" metaphysically and reached many spiritual and mystical 'summits'. Some of them were connected with the Winter celebrations, others with a series of important Initiatic Cycles and some key public lectures, while third were linked with the achievements of the Summer Mystery Schools. Many sacred books such as The Book of Revelation by St. John, The Testament of the Colour Rays of Light by the Master Beinsa Douno and other Holy Scriptures, sealed with seven seals, revealed their secrets and developed into a Plan and 'Scenario' for Action. This cycle reflects the unfoldment of the Mission as part of the Divine Action for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth.
8. Meditative Cycle: Celebrations
Seventeen celebrations – January 1999 to April 2005, Sofia
The celebration of the main spiritual Festivals is always consecrated to the connection between the mystery of the First and the Second Coming. The celebrations are different every year but the tendency is to go deeper and deeper into their new spiritual essence. Some of the main prayer-meditations connected with the celebrations include Meeting the 'Star' of the Second Coming of Christ and giving birth to the Christ impulse within, The New Mission of the Divine Mother; Meeting the New Coming of the Master Beinsa Douno, 'Metaphysical baptising' by the Holy Spirit, The New Commandments by the Lord God Almighty, In Appreciation of the New Mandala of Maitreya Buddha, Following in the Steps of the Night Journey of the Prophet Muhammad, Meeting each New Year with Mandala meditation, integrating all spiritual traditions, and others.
9. Esoteric Cycle: Missions and Destinies
Ten lectures – January 1999 to March 2002, Sofia, Varna, Bulgaria
Every nation has its own unique mission. Over the years I was blessed to understand and appreciate the spiritual missions of many nations such as the Bulgarian, Russian, Irish, English, Swiss, German, French and others. Many lectures are consecrated to the Missions and Destinies of these nations, especially to the Bulgarian, the Irish and the Russian. In this regard the national day of Bulgaria (March 3) is a great opportunity to link with the Bulgarian people, with its National Soul and Spirit-Guide and to participate in the fulfilment of its spiritual Mission.
10. Initiatic Cycle: 'The Testament of the Colour Rays of Light'
Five Prayer-Meditations – January 6, 2001-2006, Sofia
This Initiatic cycle is connected with 'metaphysical baptising' by the Holy Spirit. In Bulgaria, in the Orthodox Church, January 6 is the celebration of the baptising of Jesus in the River Jordan. Every year on this date the group performs a ceremony dedicated to the mystery of baptising in the 'river of light, which flows from the Throne of God' (Revelation 22: 1-5). This ceremony-celebration is based on the Book of Revelation by St. John and The Testament of the Colour Rays of Light by the Master Beinsa Douno. The participants experience the mystery of baptising by the Holy Spirit in different ways, according to their own state, but all are inspired and filled with light. We have to undergo this new baptising in order to receive enlightenment and to become cosmic-spiritual beings.
11. Initiatic Cycle: The Initiation of the Holy Spirit
Five lectures - January – March 2002, Sofia, Bulgaria.
This Initiatic Cycle presents seven programmes connected with building our lives on all levels of Being as a Divine Temple, where the Holy Spirit dwells. These programmes include building ourselves and the family as a Divine Temple, developing community Life, the Nation and the whole of Humankind as a Divine Temple. This is followed by our entry into the New Heaven and the New Earth as into a Divine Temple. Each programme is an enormous field for spiritual work and it is supported by appropriate spiritual knowledge, methods, techniques and practices.
12. Initiatic Cycle: The New Humankind
Five lectures -
January – March 2002, Sofia, Bulgaria.
The nations have to develop a harmonious socio-cultural organism consisting of balanced interconnected political, cultural, economical, educational and other systems. They have to activate their 'National Souls' (the bouquet of specific virtues) and awaken their 'National Spirit-guides' in order to fulfil their Divine Missions. Only then the nations could form the new type of humankind which could live in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.