Invitation to Rila Assembly 2016
Welcome, Äîáðå Äîøëè, Willkommen, Velkommen, Fáilte, Benvenuto, Bienvenue, Bienvenido
Seven Lakes, Sacred Mountain Rila, Bulgaria
July 2023
New Beginning
Spiritual Action
NEW BEGINNINGThe day starts with meeting the Sunrise. Leon leads the group in welcoming the new day with a Sunrise Ceremony - linking with the Highest Divine World, meditations on the Divine Masters and Divine Mother, warm-hearted prayers and formulas, and uplifting songs.
Through the Sun we link with the Solar Logos and the Cosmic-spiritual Sun at the centre of the Universe. The Divine Masters and the Divine Mother are Rays from this Cosmic-spiritual Sun. We link with them and receive their impulses for the New Era and the New Humankind.
This ceremony has great significance. It is a model of meeting the New Era—linking first with the Highest Divine World, then with the Cosmic Beings to receive their Energy, and thirdly to bring this Energy into the world for Humankind.
Another activity of the day is the Sacred Dance Paneurhythmy created by the Divine Master Beinsa Douno. It is a heavenly dance bringing sacred vibrations on Earth and raising the participants to higher states of Being.
Leon brings the esoteric dimensions of the Paneurhythmy into focus on Rila.
Thus the Paneurhythmy becomes:
Dance-Exodus—taking us out of the restricted earthly consciousness
Dance-Meditation—linking us with the energies of the Earth and the Universe.
Dance-Ascent—to higher states of consciousness within the Universal Soul.
Dance-Initiation—to receive initiation into the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Dance-Mystery—to experience the mystery of the Second Coming.
Dance-Holy-Communion—to merge with the Divine Mother.
Dance-Healing-Purification-Illumination—of the Earth
Dance-Spiritual-Action—changing the metaphysical vibrations of the earthly culture
Dance-Tree-of-Life—experiencing the whole vertical structure of the Universe.
Leon Moscona is the bearer of a New Enlightenment — Enlightenment for the New Era and the New Humankind. On Rila, through special meditations and talks he reveals to the participants the archetypal structure of the New Reality. He gives keys for understanding and channels the energies of the greatest mysteries of our time—the ending of one Era and the beginning of the New Era of God’s People on
Sacred Earth.
In link with the Axis of the Age, Leon is one of the ‘Appointed’ who has to ground the apocalyptic energies of the New Era on Earth at this critical point in time.
In the language of the Book of Revelation he activates the sacred archetypes of the apocalypse: the Second Coming, the New Heaven and the New Earth, the Divine Wedding, the new dwelling place of the Lord with Humankind—The-Lord-is-Here!
Please see our videos on YouTube:
Leon Moscona and the Book of Revelation
Contemplation of the New Heaven
The Divine Mother and the New Earth
The World Teacher Beinsa Douno and the Thousand Years Kingdom of Christ
Revelation: The 144,000 Initiates and the New Song
The Cosmic Christ and the New Humankind