The Path of Truth Society  


 Keys to the Kingdom of God on Earth


 “Then I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth”  Revelation 21:1

Beloved Friends

Peace, Light and Love to you!

We are living in the most crucial time in human history - the end of the present Indo-European Cycle, lasting thousands of years, and the entry into a New Cycle of Existence! Prophecies and predictions from many of the world religions testify to this great shift. It is astonishing that centuries ago the Mayans calculated that on December 21, 2012, a great cycle of the Solar system orbiting the centre of the Galaxy for 25,625 years will be completed and an enormous new one will begin!

If we depict the whole Indo-European cycle of human evolution as a clock, humankind is now approaching the twelfth hour of this historical epoch, the moment when the old cycle has to finish and the new one has to begin.  In the language of the Book of Revelation by St. John, now is the time for the opening of the last, the twelfth, Gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem, so that all Gates of the Holy City will be open and humankind will enter into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth to continue its evolution.  

The prophetic vision of St. John of the Heavenly Jerusalem with its twelve Gates could be interpreted as a colossal spiritual Zodiac covering the whole Indo-European Cycle. In other words, it is a typological picture of the whole metahistorical cycle of humankind's life on Earth since the Fall – the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise to their return back to the Father's house.  It includes all historical epochs through which humankind has passed during the process of involution (from the Garden of Paradise to the material world) and evolution (from the dark 'material' consciousness) evolving to cosmic-spiritual consciousness. In this picture all initiations in human history, such as those of Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Plato, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Bodhidharma, the Master Beinsa Douno and many others can be inscribed.

Now, in our time, the end of the Indo-European Cycle of human history, the last Gate has to be opened! It is a great apocalyptic event which marks the new stage in the evolution of humankind. It is the time for resolving the problems of our civilisation - such as the state of the Environment, climate change, social injustice, the diminishing resources of the planet, the struggle between the light and the dark forces, consumerism, drug and sexual abuses, fanaticism, egocentrism and many others.

When all twelve Gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem are widely open, humankind will gather the fruits from the Tree of Life and will enter into the New Cycle of evolution! Thus the prophecy of St. John, from the Book of Revelation, that all gates of the Holy City will be open day and night (Revelation 21:25) will be fulfilled and humankind will live in the Kingdom of God on Earth forever.

It is difficult to imagine a more crucial and responsible time for humankind during the whole Indo-European cycle than our present epoch. The ‘mythological’ 2012, especially, is the year when cosmic energies are infusing the earth and humankind receives the power to enter into a New Reality.

I am very thankful that by the grace of God I am involved in the opening of the last, the twelfth, Gate of the Heavenly Jerusalem.  With faith and hope I am writing to you to inform you about my three eBooks, six Videos and the Web sitewhich give important keys for entering into the Kingdom of God on Earth and starting the New Cycle of Existence.

Beloved friends, let us avail of the Divine Light and do everything possible for a positive future for all of humankind.



2012 and the New Genesis
The Testament of Truth – Manifesto
The Path of the Divine Rainbow

These eBooks are in EPUB and MOBI formats and could be ordered from any major eBook store.

The first eBook, 2012 and the New Genesis, describes the prophecies, myths and legends from the world religions, including of course the Mayan Prophecy, and the essence of our time. 2012 marks the end of one great cycle in the life of humankind and the beginning of another. The new cycle is ignited by an apocalyptic creative impulse from the Absolute Origin of Being. 

In the Revelation St. John witnessed the mystery of God creating the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth: Then the one who sits on the throne said, 'And now I make all things new’ (21:5). We can compare this process to a great new spiritual "big bang" which changes the metaphysics of the world. The physical big bang gave birth to the material universe; the new spiritual "big bang" ignited by God gives birth to the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. It is a New Genesis in which life in the whole of Creation takes a new direction. In the

I experienced this mystery and for more than thirty years I have been working for the transformation of humankind. In this eBook I present a taste of the New Reality through a ‘spiritual digest’ of important esoteric knowledge, existential stories, deep metaphysical ideas, inspiring projects, mystical visions and more. This book is quite metaphysical in parts and will be better understood by those who are called to active service in the quantum leap in consciousness which is underway on Earth at present.

The second eBook, The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, is connected with the Testament of Truth as the eternal Divine Truth about God, Creation and the Human Being made in the image and likeness of God! This Testament has directed human life throughout the ages and now, in this significant year, 2012, it has to be activated in full. My eBook presents the Testament of Truth as a new spiritual paradigm appropriate for the transformation of humankind in our time. The eBook also contains a very important chapter, Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, which depicts the higher metaphysical reality where humankind will continue its evolution. This Mandala came as an Enlightenment of the reality of the Kingdom of God with many mansions and it reveals the archetypal structure of the coming New Reality.

In Buddhism, Vajrayana, or the Diamond Vehicle, is an esoteric tradition, the initiation ceremonies of which involve entry into a Mandala, a mystic circle or symbolic map of the spiritual universe. With the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, we have something like a new Vajrayana which provides a basis for receiving the initiations of all world religions. It is easy to imagine the enormous amount of metaphysical ideas, archetypes and spiritual structures related to the various initiations and their interconnection within the system of co-ordinates of this celestial Mandala. In the near future people from all world religions could work in harmony and universal unity with the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem.   

The third eBook, The Path of the Divine Rainbow, traces the Nine-fold Rainbow Path towards the Kingdom of God in Heaven and shows how to bring this celestial reality down on Earth. The book, as the previous two, gives concentrated spiritual substance, which requires attention and is at times quite metaphysical and mystical. This is natural because the Path of the Divine Rainbow stretches from the restricted earthly consciousness to the higher Divine worlds. The book is a challenge, but a blessing as well! Nevertheless, even to gain the Right Understanding of the coming New Reality and to see clearly the path to it, is a great help and inspiration.  An international spiritual group in Bulgaria has been journeying on the Nine-fold Rainbow Path for years and the results are very encouraging indeed.

Altogether the, three eBooks form a trilogy which introduces the spiritual essence of our time, develops the new spiritual paradigm, including the vision of the Kingdom of God with many mansions in the format of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem and provides the strong foundations for establishing the New Reality on Earth. Of course, these three eBooks give the keys to the Kingdom of God on Earth, but we have to use these keys to transform our present style of life on Earth and for entering into the New Reality. It is a great spiritual journey, but as always the main point is to embark on it and to know where we come from and where we are going.

Videos on YouTube

Leon Moscona and the Book of Revelation

Contemplation of the New Heaven

The Divine Mother and the New Earth

The World Teacher Beinsa Douno and the Thousand Years Kingdom of Christ

Revelation: The 144,000 Initiates and the New Song

The Cosmic Christ and the New Humankind 

In these six YouTube Videos you can see some examples of the journey on the path towards the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth from the international spiritual group in Bulgaria.

These videos are excerpts from the film Revelation produced in 2007.  It is a documentary film covering only two days of our International Assembly on the sacred mountain Rila in Bulgaria. The Assembly was consecrated to the activation of some of the main celestial archetypes from the Book of Revelation by St. John such as the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth, the Divine Wedding in Heaven, the 144,000 Initiates around the Throne of God and the New Humankind who will access the Tree of Life, which gives fruits 12 times a year and the leaves are for the healing of the nations (22:2).

These videos illustrate aspects of the journey on the Path of the Divine Rainbow towards the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth. On this journey we received blessings from the higher worlds to enter into the New Reality. When watched with concentration and appreciation the viewers could also receive Divine blessings. Let me give you a few examples:

If you pray and meditate on the video Contemplation of the New Heaven, you could receive the blessings of the Divine Masters for entry into the reality of the New Heaven.  In the reality of the New Heaven we dissolve in the Light of the Divine Masters and receive their Initiations. Thus we begin our ascent toward the higher Divine Worlds where we will co-create with God.

The whole Earth has to be permeated by the Holy Spirit radiating from the Personifications of the Divine Mother. Please use the video, The Divine Mother and the New Earth, as a basis for prayer and meditation in order to merge with the Personifications of the Divine Mother and to receive the blessings for entry into the reality of the New Earth.

In the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth we will live as Sons and Daughters of God in all worlds of Creation: in the physical world with an illuminated physical body and personality, in the celestial world with a soul in full bloom and in the causal world with an awakened Divine Self. Thus we will realise that we are cosmic-spiritual beings created in the image and likeness of God. All Divine Masters and Personifications of the Divine Feminine are inspiring examples of our Divine Origin.  Through the video The Cosmic Christ and the New Humankind we can link with the Cosmic Christ and pray and meditate to become reborn as Christ-like beings.

By entering into the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth as New Human Beings we will activate the Celestial Apocalypse.  Then we will be able to overcome the main problems in the life of contemporary humankind and enter into a New Cycle of evolution.   

Web Site

The Web site contains most of the material in the eBooks but it is much more – it presents the stages in the development of the Teaching and the Cause of the Spirit of Truth. The first variant of the Web Site The Second Coming Integral Mission was launched on November 20, 2000.   It came as a result of the publication of my book The Second Coming (in 1995 in Ireland) and its translation and publication in Bulgaria (1998). The Second Coming Integral Mission remains the core of the current Web Site, comprising of: the Holy City, the Messianic Plan, the Second Coming, the Divine Feminine, the Rainbow Path, the Mission, and the Book. Later additions to this variant included the sections Ireland, Bulgaria, The Testament of Truth – Manifesto, and The Action.

After publishing the booklet The Testament of Truth - Manifesto (2007) the Teaching and the Cause of the Spirit of Truth entered into a new stage. The purpose of The Testament of Truth – Manifesto was to provide a basis for initiating a Movement for the realization of the Testament of Truth in our time. Following this impulse we developed the current version of the Web Site called The Testament of Truth. It provides important new information in the sections Avatar of Synthesis, Projects and Bibliography.

I hope that the readers of the eBooks and the viewers of the Videos will find in the website interesting and inspiring new ideas connected with the wholeness of the Testament of Truth in our time.


Beloved Friends, the blessings of the Divine Masters and the Personifications of the Divine Mother for the creative Celestial Apocalypse are absolutely real here and now! Let us receive these blessings and make the Celestial Apocalypse our New Reality in 2012 and beyond! Please forward this message to others who can avail of these blessings and may we altogether activate the positive energies for the transformation of humankind! Then the Grace of the Living God will remain with us forever and the Kingdom of God will be established on Earth!

So, be it! Amen!

Leon Moscona
Founder of The Path of Truth Society 

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