Dear Friends
Peace, Love and Light to you!
Greetings for Earth Day 2015!
On this Day of our Beloved Mother Earth I am inviting you to join the Community
Celestial State on Earth
In our difficult times the only solution to the existing problems is: a) to live a celestial state of consciousness; b) to build a moral order in the world, which can unite all positive, ecological, peace promoting, consciousness-raising, spiritual movements on Earth.
The Community Celestial State on Earth aims at advancing cosmic consciousness and materialising some social structures such as International Movement, Spiritual Organisation, Metaphysical Institutes, Ashrams, Annual International Conference, Media Programmes, etc. for the establishment of a new moral order in the world.
In order to fulfil these two main goals the participants in the Community accept to follow these principles and values:
- The necessity for a gradual shift from ego-personality to the awakening and blossoming of the soul;
- Establishing the identity of a nation only by activating the essence of the National Soul and National Spirit-Guide;
- Appreciating humankind as one great spiritual family, who has to live in peace, love, light mutual respect and understanding;
- Adopting the preservation of the Earth, Nature, the Environment and the future of humankind in the long term as a main task;
- Appreciating the diversity in unity and unity in diversity of all spiritual traditions: they come from the same Divine Origin of Being, and each one traces a unique path to it;
- Because we are living in the epoch of the Second Coming, we have to change our ‘First Coming Consciousness’ into ‘Second Coming Consciousness’. ‘Second Coming Consciousness’ excludes any struggle or rivalry between the followers of the world religions;
- Balancing the Universal Masculine and Feminine Principles on all levels of Being; without this there is no participation in the Divine Wedding in Heaven which gives birth to the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth;
- Making the celestial archetypes of the Book of Revelation, and other Holy Scriptures of the world religions, inspiring plans for action.
The participants in the Community are welcome to share their dreams, visions and projects for the bright future of humankind in the short and long term. The Community has to become a model of human relationship living in peace, love, harmony, friendship, goodwill and creativity.
Welcome to the Celestial State on Earth Community!
Leon Moscona
This Section of the website presents the archetypal structures of the Celestial State on Earth.
To join this Community please email: lmmission@eircom.net