- The Celestial Apocalypse
- The Spiritual Return
- The New Genesis
- The Fall of Babylon
- The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path
- The New Integrative World Religion
- The Celestial State
- The Seven Temples of Life
- Invitation
- Activities

- The Avatar of Synthesis
- The Messianic Plan
- The Initiation of the Holy Spirit
- Movement for Realisation of the Testament of Truth

- Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem
- The Lord Krishna
- The Enlightened One - Gautama Buddha
- The Lord Jesus Christ
- The World Teacher Beinsa Douno
- The Initiation of the Holy Spirit
- Mandala Meditation

- The Messianic Plan
- Life in the Garden of Paradise and the Fall
- The First Coming
- The Work in Heaven
- The End of Time
- The Judgment
- The Second Coming
- The Divine Wedding
- The Return to the Kingdom of God

- Spiritual "Supernova"
- The Second Coming of Christ
- The Coming of Maitreya Buddha
- The Coming of the Messiah
- The Second Coming of Zoroaster
- The Reappearance of Imam Mahdi
- The New Coming of Rama-Krishna
- The New Manifestation of the World Teacher Beinsa Douno

- Glorification of the Divine Feminine
- The Co-redemptive Mission of the Virgin Mary
- The Divine Work of Mataji
- The Heavenly Guidance of Kuan Yin
- The Mission of the New Eve
- The Celestial Blessings of Zventa Sventana

- The Nine-Fold Rainbow Path
- Step ONE: Exodus
- Step TWO: The Garden of Paradise
- Step THREE: The Sacred Mountain
- Step FOUR: The Holy City
- Step FIVE: The Gospel of Christ-Maitreya
- Step SIX: The Gospel of the Divine Mother
- Step SEVEN: The Transfiguration of the Earth
- Step EIGHT:The Heavenly Culture
- Step NINE: The New Golden Age

- Bibliography
- The Book - The Second Coming
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- Lectures 1998 to 2005
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